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New Achievements and Developments in Research for Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENRs) as Green and Sustainable Energy 无污染可持续发展低能核反应能源研究的 新成果和新进展 (曾于2012年元月在清华大学郑裕彤讲堂报告) Dazhuang Zhou (PhD, Senior Research Scientist, NSSC Visiting Professor) NASA-Johnson Space Center (JSC), Houston, USA
New Achievements and Developments in Research for Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENRs) as Green and Sustainable Energy 无污染可持续发展低能核反应能源研究的 新成果和新进展 (曾于2012年元月在清华大学郑裕彤讲堂报告) Dazhuang Zhou (PhD, Senior Research Scientist, NSSC Visiting Professor) NASA-Johnson Space Center (JSC), Houston, USA Universities Space Research Association (USRA), Houston, USA National Space Science Center (NSSC), Beijing, China Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS), Dublin, Ireland NASA-JSC/USRA/NSSC/DIAS
Outlines • CR-39 Plastic Nuclear Track Detectors (PNTDs) • LET (Linear Energy Transfer) spectrum method. • Applications of CR-39 PNTDs & LET spectrum method*: Radiation in space and at aviation altitudes; Life and medical sciences: radiation risk for humans; Radiation effects: SEEs (single events effects); Radiation seeds breed; Radiation of ground environmental radon; Earthquake precursor: water well radon variation; Search for the magnetic monopoles. Search for the sustainable, clean and cheap energy, this is the topic of my presentation. *Some research results of applications were collected in the invited book “CR-39 Plastic Nuclear Track Detectors in Physics Research”, Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York, March 2012. NASA-JSC/USRA/NSSC/DIAS
Part 1. CR-39 Plastic Nuclear Track Detectors 1.1 CR-39 Detectors The chemical components of the CR-39 material are C12H18O7’ CR-39 detectors are sensitive to particles with high LET (≥ 5 keV/μm water) or particles which can generate high LET particles. High LET particles are charged particles (primary and secondary – short range recoils and fragments produced in nuclear reactions between the incident charged-particles/neutrons and material around the CR-39 detectors and the CR-39 itself). Therefore, CR-39 detectors can measure high-LET charged particles directly and neutrons through secondary charged particles. CR-39 detector is light weight, small volume, electronics free, easy to process and very cheap. CR-39 detectors are widely used in the physics research, such as radiation research, search for magnetic monopoles and research for low energy nuclear reactions (LENRs) as well as the thermonuclear fusion reactions. NASA-JSC/USRA/NSSC/DIAS
1.2 Physical Principle of CR-39 Detectors CR-39 detectors are used to directly measure charged particles with high LET and indirectly measure neutrons which can produce secondary high LET charged particles. When charged particles pass through CR-39 detector, they break molecular bonds of CR-39 polymer to form high chemical reactive paths along their trajectories. The particle trajectories can be revealed as the etched cones on the surfaces of CR-39 PNTDs by chemical etching of CR-39 plates. Nuclear tracks form ellipse openings on the surfaces of CR-39. LET spectrum and radiation quantities can be determined with the LET spectrum method using CR-39 detectors, based on LET calibrations for the CR-39 detectors using accelerator-generated heavy ions and protons with high LET. The methods used to precisely analyze particles generated by LENRs can be derived from the LET spectrum method using CR-39 detectors which is widely/successfully used in radiation research. NASA-JSC/USRA/NSSC/DIAS
The LET threshold of the CR-39 detectors is about 5 keV/µm water, enabling protons of energy up to ~ 10 MeV as well as the high charge and high energy particles (HZEs) to be detected directly. Secondary charged particles from nuclear interactions of higher energy protons and of neutrons, in the detector material and/or the surrounding material, are also detectable. To decrease the radiation influence from natural radon α particles and to protect the surface of CR-39 material, a thin polyethylene film with a thickness of ~ 60 µm is covered on the surface of CR-39 when the manufacturing of CR-39 material. This film should be removed when preparing CR-39 detectors for experiments. CR-39 detectors for measuring background radiation are stored in ground laboratories near the site for LENRs experiments. For the LENRs research, the fundamental physical quantity is the fluence of particles produced in LENRs. The LET spectrum of fluence spectrum can be measured using CR-39 detectors with LET spectrum method based on the LET calibrations for CR-39 detectors. NASA-JSC/USRA/NSSC/DIAS
1.3 Nuclear Tracks in CR-39 Detectors Figure right: A coincident nuclear track cones in CR-39 detector. Figures below: Top, bottom cone surfaces and side view for a huge nuclear track Figures: Top, bottom surfaces (x1000) and side view (x100) of nuclear track in CR-39 NASA-JSC/USRA/NSSC/DIAS
Part 2. LET Spectrum Method Using CR-39 2.1 Linear Energy Transfer CR-39 detector measures linear energy transfer (LET). The Benton model of energy loss in the CR-39 detector takes into account secondary ionizations produced by low energy delta rays. The restricted energy loss is the portion of the total energy loss that produces delta rays of energy less than specified value, Eo and only this part of energy loss is relevant to track formation. The restricted energy loss is given by where, C2 & U are detector constants, Eo is chosen by calibration for different detector materials. Eo is taken to be 200 eV for CR-39. Quantity (dE/dx)E<Eo is called Linear Energy Transfer (LET). Studies have shown, a critical LET exists below that etchable tracks are not formed. LET spectrum method will adopt the REL model to generate LET calibration. The REL is often written as LET∆ and the unrestricted energy loss as LET∞. NASA-JSC/USRA/NSSC/DIAS
2.2 Brief of LET Spectrum Method (1) CR-39 Exposure and Chemical Etch (a) Preparation of CR-39 detectors for radiation/particle detection; (b) Radiation/particle detections with CR-39 => re-found of CR-39; (c) Chemical etch of CR-39 detectors; (d) Measurement of bulk etch – thickness etched off on one surface of the CR-39 detector: where, m1 & m2 are detector mass before and after etch; T2, detector thickness after etch; p, the detector perimeter and Ad, detector area. (2) Data Scan and Acquisition Events were identified and the major and minor axes of the etched track cones on the CR-39 surface were measured. (3) Data Analysis and LET Spectra Generating Scanned data were then analyzed, the LET spectra are generated and the radiation/physical quantities were obtained. NASA-JSC/USRA/NSSC/DIAS 8
Define track etch rate as VT = Lo/t, where Lo is the length from pre-etch surface to the cone tip measured along the particle’s trajectory, t is the etch time. Similarly, bulk etch rate is defined as VB = B/t and the etch rate ratio is S = VT/VB. For each event collected, the etch rate ratio was calculated by Somogyi formula: where D and d are the ellipse major and minor axes of the etched cone opening on the CR-39 surface respectively. The LET value was calculated using LET calibration as function of the etch rate ratio, then LET was binned, LET spectrum was generated and the radiation quantities were obtained. In physics research LET spectrum method using CR-39 is a very powerful method. The method can provide LET spectra (differential and integral fluence, dose & dose equivalent) for radiation research and, energy loss, energy and charge for particles from LENRs. NASA-JSC/USRA/NSSC/DIAS
2.3 LET Spectrum Generating As an example, the differential fluence of particles in space – near isotropically distributed, is given as below: where, A is the scanned area of CR-39 detector, δcut is the cut off dip angle, above that detection efficiency is 100%. To ensure 100% efficiency, the diff. spectrum needs to be corrected with δcut, which can be derived from data scanned. The differential fluence for LENR experiments is different from that for space radiation. Figure: Geometry for fluence calculation NASA-JSC/USRA/NSSC/DIAS 10
For LENR research,data scan, event recognition and selection can be completed with the computer-driven automatic scan. The major and minor axes for the track openings were collected. For each scanned event, the etch rate ratio was calculated and the LET value was determined and binned, then differential spectrum of fluence was generated. The differential fluence for particles recorded can be expressed as F = dN(i) / [A×dLET(i)] where F is in units of 1/(cm2.keV/µm CR-39), A is the scanned area of CR-39 detector, dN(i) is the number of particles in the ith LET bin LET(i) with a bin width of dLET(i). The net differential fluence for the LENR particles is obtained by subtracting the background from the total differential fluence. Comparing to the contribution of the LENR particles, usually the background events is low and can be ignored. The data scan work for US Navy group’s CR-39 was completed by the experienced Russian scientists and then quality of the scanned data is high. NASA-JSC/USRA/NSSC/DIAS
2.4 LET Calibration for CR-39 Detectors The relationship between LET200 in CR-39 and etch rate ratio S was determined by calibrating the CR-39 detectors with heavy ions and protons generated by accelerators (BNL, HIMAC, TAMU, GSI etc.) The LET200 CR-39 values of the particles are calculated either with web codes or with the Benton table (Benton E.V., 1969) and the etch rate ratio S can be calculated with Somogyi formula. The relationship of the LET∞ in water and the LET200 in CR-39 can be expressed as: log (LET∞ water) = 0.1689 + 0.984 log (LET200 CR-39) Figure below shows LET calibration of CR-39 detectors obtained by JSC. The LET200 in CR-39 is from ~ 3.4 to ~ 745 keV/µm, satisfy the requirements of space radiation research and LENRs research. CR-39 material used by NASA - JSC was manufactured by the American Technical Plastics Inc. The LET calibrations are similar for the different CR-39 material manufactured by different companies. If the difference of CR-39 used for US Navy LENRs and used for space radiation is ignored, the JSC LETcalibration can be used. NASA-JSC/USRA/NSSC/DIAS 12
Figure 14:LET calibration of CR-39 detectors. NASA-JSC/USRA/NSSC/DIAS 13
Part 3. Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (CMNS) 3.1 Introduction Nuclear energy is the energy solution for the future. All of the known oil reserves are inadequate to meet the growing worldwide demand for energy. Burning fuels produces harmful greenhouse gasses and solar, wind, and other alternative sources will not keep up with demand. Nuclear reactions produce millions of times more energy per atom than combustion and they do not produce greenhouse gasses. CMNS investigates nuclear effects in and/or on the condensed matter and targets its applications for clean nuclear energy sources. CMNS is an inter- and multi-disciplinary academic field encompassing nuclear physics and condensed matter physics. CMNS includes multiple subjects, including low energy nuclear reactions (LENRs). The word “low” refers to the input energies to the reactions, the output energies may be low or high. LENRs were found to produce clean energy at potentially useful levels without harmful byproducts normally associated with a nuclear process. Research has indicated that a great variety of charged particles and neutral particles can be generated in LENRs at room temperature. For Pd/D co-deposition experiments, in addition to the primary charged particles - protons, tritons, 3He and α particles, secondary charged particles with high LET can be produced by the energetic neutrons and protons in CR-39 detectors and can make an important contribution for detected charged particles. NASA-JSC/USRA/NSSC/DIAS
All the primary protons and α particles with high LET produced by LENRs and the secondary high LET particles produced in CR-39 detectors can be measured with CR-39 detectors [Li et al., 1990, 1993; Qiao et al., 1998; Lipson et al., 2002, 2003; Mosier-Boss et al., 2007, 2009a,b, 2010; Dong et al., 2010; Zhou, 2011, 2012]. Previous research indicated that, the energetic particles from LENRs had been observed with CR-39 detectors. Research on the properties of LENR particles is of great significance for understanding mechanisms of LENRs and guiding future experiments. However, so far research on LENRs using CR-39 detectors is mainly limited in track photo exhibition, comparison for etched track cones and statistics for the cone major and minor distribution. The LET spectrum using CR-39 detectors are widely used in some areas for physics research which needs LET information. For application of method in the CMNS-LENR research, the LET spectrum and energy distribution of the LENR particles can be obtained. These results are strong direct evidences for the generation of energetic particles in LENRs. Now more and more researchers believe that the LENRs is the best candidate of energy source for the future era after the fossil-fuel and the LENR energy generated at room temperature will be strong, no pollution, high efficiency and sustainable. NASA-JSC/USRA/NSSC/DIAS
3.2 LENRs Experiments of Pd/D Deposition System 3.2.1 Experiments Conducted by Tsinghua University LENRs were observed about twenty years ago. Tsinghua group’s work is probably the pioneer one to use radiation detectors TLD and CR-39. Nuclear tracks produced in CR-39 detectors by the particles generated in the Pd/D system were clearly observed. The group’s experimental results were published: Fusion Technology, 20 (1991) 330-333, as indicated below: NASA-JSC/USRA/NSSC/DIAS
Photos of Particles Measured with CR-39 Detectors for Tsinghua Pd/D Experiments: Figure: Photo of the background particles for all time period from CR-39 material manufacture to chemical etch of the detector. Figure: Photo of particles produced in Pd/D experiments. As a recognition of the contribution of Tsinghua University to the LENRs research, the 9th ICCF (International Conference for Cold Fusion, 2002) was hosted here. The web site of the ICCF is http://iccf9.global.tsinghua.edu.cn NASA-JSC/USRA/NSSC/DIAS
3.2.2 Experiments Conducted by US Navy Group Figure below shows the experimental apparatus to generate LENRs using the Pd/D co-deposition system. The experiments were conducted in US Navy SPA-WAR group and lead by Dr. Mosier-Boss. The group has accumulated huge amount of reliable original data from CR-39 detectors. The figure shows the schematics of electrochemical cells that are used to generate the energetic particles. The rectangular cells were made of butyrate. The anode consisted of platinum wire mounted on a base of polyethylene. In the simplest case, the cathode is comprised of a single wire (Au or Ag). A wire is in contact with a CR-39 detector of 1 cm × 2 cm × 1 mm. A thin polyethylene film of ~ 60 µm in thickness separated cathode from CR-39 detector. The film is actually the protection film covering the CR-39 surface. The film can also shield effectively the background radon α particles. Another figure below indicates briefly the mechanisms of the LENR reactions and products, including the high energy neutrons which can generate triple alpha particles in the CR-39 detectors. NASA-JSC/USRA/NSSC/DIAS
→ Blue: H; Yellow: Pd The primary reactions that occur in DD fusion: D + D → T (1.01 MeV) + p (3.02 MeV) D + D → n (2.45 MeV) + 3He (0.82 MeV) The secondary reactions that occur in plasma fusion: D + T (≤ 1.01 MeV) → α (6.7 - 1.4 MeV) + n (11.9 - 17.2 MeV) D + 3He (≤ 0.82 MeV) → α (6.6 - 1.7 MeV) + p (12.6 - 17.5 MeV) In addition to the primary particles, secondary particles are also produced. NASA-JSC/USRA/NSSC/DIAS
3.3 LET Spectrum and Charge Distribution of Particles Produced in LENRs of Pd/D System The original data of Pd/D LENRs recorded with CR-39 detectors are from the US navy group. The data were analyzed using LET spectrum method of CR-39 by my work and LET spectrum and charge distribution of the LENR particles were obtained. For LET spectrum work presented in the presentation, data were scanned from CR-39 detectors employed for the 10-5-2007 and 10-6-2007 experiments, the scanned surfaces are “bottom” - facing the cathode or near the cathode and “top” - far from the cathode, the scanned area is 2.7×10-3 cm2 and the LET bin width is 0.25 keV/µm CR-39. The following two figures show LET spectra of differential fluence for the detected charged particles. In the figures, particles with LET ≤ 31.0 keV/µm CR-39 are protons and particles with LET ≥ 31.0 keV/µm CR-39 are α particles. The LET criterion - the maximum LET value for protons can be determined by the particles minimum range, i.e., the bulk etch value of CR-39. Figures indicate that the LET values of protons and α particles measured with CR-39 detectors is from ~ 3 to ~ 150 keV/µm CR-39; the LET spectrum for protons has several peaks, the major peak is at ~ 3.25 - 3.50 keV/µm CR-39. NASA-JSC/USRA/NSSC/DIAS
The LET spectra measured with CR-39 for the products of the Pd/D system show that the experiments were repeated excellently. The high fluence of particles indicates that there are real nuclear interactions, because the high fluence cannot be ground cosmic rays and environmental radon alphas. Table: Events observed for different experiments and detector surfaces Events number and particle’s charge collected in the table indicate that LENR experiments of Pd/D de-position system were repeated excellently. From the results presented above we know that the Pd/D LENR particles are mainly protons and α particles. The energy of particles can be calculated through its LET value. The high energy/energy density indicates again, particles measured are from LENR. NASA-JSC/USRA/NSSC/DIAS
There was a plastic film of ~ 60 µm between the cathode of Pd/D system and the surface of CR-39 detector, when protons & α particles produced in the LENRs pass through the film they will lose an energy of ~ 2 MeV/n - the minimum energy of protons which can pass through the film, and the minimum energy of alphas which can pass through the film is ~ 8 MeV. This fact indicates that α particles observed in CR-39 detectors are secondary particles produced by primary protons and neutrons. Therefore the total energy for the protons observed should be the energy observed plus the minimum energy and the total energy for α particles is the same as those observed. For data from CR-39 top surfaces, the energy absorption in the CR-39 should be considered. Corresponding to the ~ 500 µm thickness of CR-39 detectors, the minimum energy to pass through the detector is ~ 7 MeV for protons and 7 MeV/n for α particles. If particles observed at top surfaces of CR-39 are primary particles, the energy for both protons and α particles will be too high to have physics basis in LENRs research. Therefore, majority particles observed at top surfaces must be secondaries. The two figures below show that the energy distribution of particles produced by Pd/D system. In the figures, energy is primary energy for the bottom CR-39 surfaces and observed energy for the top CR-39 surfaces. There are some peaks for proton number, the major peak is at ~ 11.5 - 12 MeV for the bottom CR-39 surfaces and ~ 9.75 MeV for the top CR-39 surfaces, consistent with the theoretical predictions for the LENRs of Pd/D system. In the figures, the distribution of α particles is nearly uniform because they are mainly secondaries. NASA-JSC/USRA/NSSC/DIAS
Energy is the primary, i.e., energy absorbed by film is considered. NASA-JSC/USRA/NSSC/DIAS
Energy is the observed, i.e., energy absorption by film and CR-39 is not considered. Results of LET spectra and energy distributions indicate that LENRs are real. NASA-JSC/USRA/NSSC/DIAS
3.4 Events of Triple Alpha Particles Triple tracks originated from the same incident particle were observed with CR-39 detectors [Mosier - Boss et al.] for the particles produced in the Pd/D co-deposition experiments. In order to explain the triple track events, assumption was made: the triple tracks observed with CR-39 detectors were triple α particles. This assumption can be confirmed now based on the experimental results obtained with the LET spectrum method. 12C(n,n’)3α Triple alphas in CR-39 NASA-JSC/USRA/NSSC/DIAS
Triple α particles can be produced through the nuclear interaction between the high energy neutrons and carbon nuclei of the CR-39 material. For the triple track events reported, the physical quantities - LET and the energy calculated with the LET spectrum method are presented and discussed briefly as below. The LET values for the triple particles are from ~115 to ~ 135 keV/µm CR-39, too high to be generated by protons with range longer than the bulk etch value of ~ 9 µm and theonly reasonable explanation is that the triple tracks are α particles. The total energy of the three α particles are ~ 7.5 MeV, considering the threshold energyof 9.6 MeV for the nuclear reaction 12C(n, n')3α [Al-Najjar et al.], the total energy of the parent neutron incident on the CR-39 detector is ~ 17.1 MeV, consistent very well with the theoretical predictions made for LENRs of Pd/D system. The results obtained using LET spectrum method indicate that high energy neutrons are produced in the Pd/D system and these neutrons can shatter carbon nuclei in CR-39 to form triple α particles. NASA-JSC/USRA/NSSC/DIAS
Due to the fact that energy required for generating triple α particles is close to the highest energy for neutrons generated by Pd/D system and that the probability to produce triple alphas is low, therefore the triple track events are very few. Theoretically, tripleαparticles can also be generated from nuclear reaction 12C(p, p')3α[MacLeod et al.] with a threshold energy of ~ 3.1+9.6 = 12.7 MeV, in that 3.1 MeV is the Coulomb potential energy. Therefore, for the same triple tracks observed if generated by protons, the total proton energy must be (7.5+12.7)=20.2 MeV, higher than the maximum theoretical value 17.5 MeV for protons produced by Pd/D system. This is why the triple α particles are generated by the high energy neutrons with energies of ~ 17.1 MeV, not by protons with energies smaller than 17.5 MeV. The existence of high energy neutrons in LENRs is a very strong evidence to prove the LENR is real. NASA-JSC/USRA/NSSC/DIAS
3.5 A Theory for LENRs Widom-Larsen (W-L) [Widom et al., 2006] proposed a theory to explain the generation of neutrons with ultra low kinetic momentum (ULM) through collective processes. Unlike conventional neutron-triggered fission and hot fusion reactions, the W-L neutrons are generated within collective oscillating patches of protons or deuterons that can react directly with heavy-mass electrons created by the huge local nanoscale surface environments, neutrons are created collectively in a weak interaction process directly from electrons and the nuclei of hydrogen and/or deuterium, as below: e- + p+ → n + νe e- + d+ → 2n + νe This type of neutron production due to weak interactions in very high surface electric fields is well described by the electroweak theory. In contrast to the thermal neutrons, an ULM neutron is huge in size. It is directly determined by the spatial dimensions of the surface ‘patch’ of protons/deuterons in which they were created.In particular, their wave function must span the entire patch. So, on the surfaces of condensed matter, the wave functions of ULM neutrons can easily reach 20 - 30 µm, i.e., 10,000 to 15,000 times that of thermal neutrons. At a size of ~ 0.2 nanometer, a thermal neutron is only able to interact with only a few atoms. In contrast, the gigantic ULM neutrons can interact collectively with thousands of nearby target atoms all at once. This unique property increases the probability of their being absorbed by those nearby atoms to nearly 100 percent. Therefore, ULM neutrons are highly un-biological harmful particles. NASA-JSC/USRA/NSSC/DIAS
After being created, ULM neutrons are efficiently absorbed by nearbytarget atoms, resulting in nuclear transmutation into different elements or isotopes. The unstable transmutation products undergo subsequent weak interaction beta decays that depending upon exactly which nearby target elements were used as ‘fuel’, can then release large amount of nuclear binding energy. Figure: A diagram for the Widom-Larsen LENR theory NASA-JSC/USRA/NSSC/DIAS
Another reason why LENRs are green is that extremely neutron-rich, very unstable intermediate transmutation products will turn into the stable, non- radioactive elements very quickly via cascades of rapid beta decays. Such neutron-rich intermediate nuclear products have very short half-lives from seconds to at most several hours. It is why LENR systems do not produce large amount of long-lived radioactive isotopes like today’s commercial fission reactors. As a result, there are no known nuclear waste disposal issues for the ULM LENR system. The W-L theory can also explain why hard γ and x-rays are not released fromLENR system. This arises from the unique heavy-mass electrons created by the very strong nanoscale electric fields. Therefore, in the operating LENR system, hard γ rays with energies from 0.5 to 10 MeV created during the absorption of ULM neutrons by some atoms & isotopes, are locally absorbed by the heavy-mass electrons before neutrons’ escape. These electrons can then convert the absorbed γ ray energy into raw heat in the forms of infrared photons that are also locally absorbed. Contrary to common belief, weak interaction LENRs are not necessary weak energetically. Widom and Larsen show that the following net results can be achieved: 6Li + 2 n → 2 4He + e- + νe + 26.9 MeV NASA-JSC/USRA/NSSC/DIAS
This particular series can release about the same amount of energy as fusion reactions without creating any energetic neutrons, hard γ rays or hot radioactive isotopes. Local solid matter is heated-up by the impacts of the α and β particles; and heavy–mass electrons also convert locally produced hard γ or x-rays directly into infrared heat. The details of the nuclear reactions are as below: 6Li + n → 7Li + n → 8Be + e- + νe 8Be → 2 4He 4He + n → 5He + n → 6He 6He → 6Li +e- + νe The above series of nuclear reactions comprise a ‘reaction cycle’ in the 6Li is generated as the final reaction product. Lattice has also uncovered other reaction cycles that release varying amounts of energy. However, in spite of the bright future of LENR green energy, there is still a very long way to go from the present laboratory research to the real industrial product. Fortunately, as showed in the next section, NASA has embraced LENRs and researchers can bravely follow the new trend. On the way to the destination of LENR green energy, the LET spectrum method using CR-39 detectors will play a significant role for data analysis and precise determination of the key physical quantities for the particles generated in the LENRs. NASA-JSC/USRA/NSSC/DIAS
Part 4. New Developments for LENRs Research 4.1 Analysis of Navy Data with LET Spectrum Method In the spring of 2009, the US Navy group presented/published excellent LENRs data obtained with CR-39 detectors, ignited the research emotion of LENRs. Their experimental data indicate that the LENRs are real. However, the approaches to present their data are quite old, such as photos, statistics for the track size and parameters, comparisons with the radioactive α particles etc. All these approaches cannot provide us with the physical quantities for the particles produced in the LENRs: energy loss, energy and charge. In fact, the old data analysis approaches were used only in the very early research in space radiation. Advanced methods are needed for data analysis of LENRs. The best one is the LET spectrum method using CR-39 detectors, the method has been using to determine radiation for astronauts. Thus I made promise to analyze their data with LET spectrum method. They agreed and huge brand new physical results for LENRs were obtained. The main results obtained with the LET spectrum method were already presented earlier. NASA-JSC/USRA/NSSC/DIAS
4.2 Convince Top Researchers with New Results To let the top researchers on LENRs research know the important new results and convince them that the LENRs are real, I sent main results obtained through my data analysis – particles LET spectra, energy distribution, explanations using LET spectrum for events of triple alpha particles generated by high energy neutrons produced In the LENRs. The list of top researchers is: Professor Li Xingzhong, Tsinghua University; Professor Miley, University of Illinois; Drs. in US Navy SPA-WAR group; Drs. Gustave Fralick, Dennis Bushnell, Joseph Zawodny, NASA; Dr. Lewis Larsen, President and CEO at Lattice Energy LLC. Part of results from my work were/will be published in the invited books [Zhou et al., 2011; Zhou, 2012]. I hope, the brand new results (LET spectra & charge distributions) obtained by my data analysis can convince and encourage all the researchers world-wide in LENRs. NASA-JSC/USRA/NSSC/DIAS
4.3 NASA Seriously Believes in LENRs NASA researchers now (Dec. 2011) seriously believe in LENRs and through their recent presentations, they claim that LENRs are real and they should be investigated and developed for the use in NASA future deep space missions. There are some major highlights according to NASA researchers: LENR is a form of nuclear power, however it’s not cold fusion; LENR reactions are somewhere between 4,000 and 8,000,000 more energy dense than typical chemical reactions – that is, much less fuel required per energy generated compared to oil, coal and natural gas, etc.; LENR will totally replace fossil fuels; A cheap, abundant, clean, portable source of energy will impact everyone; The only solution to overcome oil crisis, climate change, fresh water and associated geopolitical instabilities; ….. So far, no other single technology even impacts humans like the LENRs. The two decades of LENR experiments and the theories of weak interactions have removed the existential risk for LENR research, what remains now is the ENGINEER for improved performance. NASA will complete basic testing of the LENRs technology, it is planned to be completed by the early 2012. Are NASA assertions on LENRs are inspired/encouraged by Zhou’s work? NASA-JSC/USRA/NSSC/DIAS
NASA Langley energy expert Joe Zawodny says experimental evidence indicates the low energy nuclear reaction (LENR) technology could be an extremely clean energy source. Zawodny says "a growing body of increasingly repeatable experimental evidence indicates the LENR effect is real and is likely not fusion, cold or otherwise." An LENR power source would have enormous energy density, but ionizing radiation produced would be extremely low. Nuclear propulsion could be either direct or indirect cycle. In direct cycle, air flows through the compressor, into the reactor where it is heated, and out through the turbine. The risk here is radiation in the exhaust gases. In an indirect cycle a heat exchanger transfers energy from the reactor to the airflow. Radiation risk is reduced, but so is thrust. This is where LENR could come in, providing high energy with low emissions. LENR represents such an enormous energy density (giga joules per gram of fuel), and fuel consumption would be so low - the energy from the hydrogen in 40 litres of water could power a 747 half way round the world - that aircraft could be thought of taking off and landing at the same weight, says Zawodny. 1 teaspoon of heavy water has the energy content of 300 gallons of gasoline. You could go 55 million miles on a gallon. There is enough deuterium fusion fuel in the top 1 foot of seawater in the SF Bay to supply all mankind’s Projected energy needs for the next 50-100 years. And you wonder why the Federal Reserve has been Suppressing it. Since their petro-dollars and their power is backed by oil. But before we get too excited, a huge amount remains to be done before LENR can become a reality. Current devices have extremely low efficiencies and, Zawodny says, "there has not been a demonstration of an LENR apparatus that can reliably be turned on and off at will...When LENR devices work they consume themselves." A novel propulsion system for deep space missions is LENRs … NASA-JSC/USRA/NSSC/DIAS
关于低能核反应新能源研究,近一年来有喜有忧。关于低能核反应新能源研究,近一年来有喜有忧。 喜的是NASA的态度很坚定,要将这种新能源用于美国的将来的航空航天飞行;CERN也已经涉足LENR研究,在今年3月举行过论证会;在NASA,美国已有几个专利授出;一个欧洲公司给了密苏里大学五百五十万美元供新能源研究;设在南非的一家石油开发工程师协会强烈呼吁业界投入新能源研究以便尽早从化石型能源转向新的核能源;丰田,三棱重工等日本公司已经恢复了这种新能源研究…… 忧的是美国海军的新能源研究组突然被解散,一个原因是该组有人私下与意大利开发商交易,该组的头已经加入MIT研究组;NASA有些只说不练的感觉,至今没有任何新的实验和结果;其余各大研究所和大学也没有任何新结果;意大利商人Rossi 在新的核反应器设计制造销售方面一再让公众失望,坏了新能源名声;几乎所有的研究组都没有好的反应生成粒子的探测方法和数据分析方法,无法实现严格的物理量定量分析,因而发表的结果没有说服力。 至于中国的研究,清华曾获得100万美元资助去购买一台LENR反应器,但由于Rossi公司很不靠谱,没有成交;清华又在推动高层,前能源研究所所长周大地正在组织高端论坛,推动中国的LENR研究。科大应在LENR研究方面有所作为。 总的看来,人们对新能源给予厚望,越来越多的研究者和高管看清了这一能源新方向,愿意投入研究/资金的公司肯定会多起来。中国有人力和资源优势,只要国家适度的投入,即可组成精干的研究队伍,获得开创性突破性的成果。 正如 CIA几年前的调研报告所说,低能核反应的反应产物必须有严格的定量物理分析,我的书中介绍的方法是目前唯一的精确定量方法。我曾许诺清华研究组,这里也许诺科大,我可以为你们的实验做数据分析。 4.4 Some Developments in 2012 NASA-JSC/USRA/NSSC/DIAS
Conclusions/Comments/Suggestions 1. LENRs are real, the sustainable, clean, cheap and flexible LENR energy will replace all the existing fossil fuels, the revolutionary technology will soon impact everybody and all aspects in the world. 2. LENRs research is ignited again and accelerated internationally, we should act quickly to catch up the international trend. 3. An urgent work for Tsinghua LENR group is to scan all the existed CR-39 detectors and analyze them using the LET spectrum method. The purpose of the work is: (1) to indicate again that Chinese are pioneers to use CR-39 detectors for LENRs; (2) to compare the new Tsinghua results with those obtained by my analysis for US navy group’s data; (3) to make plan for new LENRs experiments. 4. I truly believe in that a research team composed of Tsinghua-like researchers and D. Zhou will be a leading group in LENRs research. 5.中国科技大学和南方科大是否可以联和,组成LENR研究组,这个组的实 力和优势也许不久就可以和北方清华组相比。一个大中华拥有两个LENR研 究组并不多,美国,欧洲和日本就有多家类似研究机构,适当的竞争能够促 进研究。如果两个科大的LENR研究能够形成,我一定加盟,参加实验设计 和数据分析,为中国的LENR研究做贡献。 NASA-JSC/USRA/NSSC/DIAS
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