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EM3DS 2007

EM3DS 2007. www.memresearch.com. What is EM3DS. It implements a set of unique features (not found in any other software in the EM modeling area, to the best of our knowledge): coupled EM/acoustic modeling for FBAR/BAW controlled current sources for modeling active linear FETs

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EM3DS 2007

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  1. EM3DS 2007 www.memresearch.com

  2. What is EM3DS • It implements a set of unique features (not found in any other software in the EM modeling area, to the best of our knowledge): • coupled EM/acoustic modeling for FBAR/BAW • controlled current sources for modeling active linear FETs • seamless 3D/2.5D switch to reduce numerical burden • extraction of parameters for transmission lines with any number of conductors • unique calibration techniques: e.g. a generalized SOC method for standard ports, a new method for Generalized Admittance Matrices for waveguides • EM3DS is a very efficient 3D High Frequency Electromagnetic simulator for structures involving multilayer substrates (e.g. semiconductor and integrated circuits [MMICs], MEMs, printed circuits etc)

  3. What about its solver • Frequency domain (FrD) vs Time domain (TD) • frequency domain is needed for high Q devices • FrD is generally known to be more accurate, especially for resonant circuits (e.g. filters) • simpler definition of the material parameters (e.g. losses: dielectric are usually characterized in frequency) • TD is generally faster for broad-band calculation (FrD recovered by FFT) • TD is needed for non-linear simulation • EM3DS is in the class of frequency domain, method of moments (MoM) solvers, boxed formulation

  4. What about its solver • Method of Moments Vs Finite Elements (FEM), Finite Differences (FD), Transmission Line Matrix (TLM) • MoM is generally faster, in particular much faster when dealing with multilayer where different layers have very different thicknesses • MoM is not generally bound to iterative schemes (it is basically an integral equation): no convergence issues • MoM of EM3DS is applied to structures with metal boundaries (boxed formulation): in this case there is a regular monotone increase of accuracy increasing meshing • MoM is not as general as FEM/FD/TLM: it is generally bound to a class of devices

  5. What about its solver • Boxed Vs Open Formulations of MoM • Boxed MoM has generally a much larger dynamic range: unpaired accuracy • easy definition of ground in a boxed MoM • useful to model interaction with the box in a shieleded environment • Open MoM suitable for antenna problems; some class of antennas can be handled by boxed MoM by using absorbing boundaries, but with restrictions • in Open MoM planar aspect ratio is less critical in determining the computational time Unlike other Boxed MoMs, EM3DS does not impose any grid to be used when entering a geometry

  6. A summary about other popular solvers EM3DS is the only MoM using volume currents (A/m2) to define conductors in 3D mode; the other MoM use surface currents (A/m)

  7. EM3DS 2007 EM3DS 2007 • Parametric geometries and materials (the latter also frequency-dependent) • Full-wave optimizer • tuner • Specialized for planar and quasi-planar layered structures, is also able to model Dielectric Resonators, dielectric discontinuities, thick metals, and active FET devices by using volume currents • Includes 2.5D and 3D EM solvers with one click mode of operation change • First EM software to include modeling of piezo-electric bulk acoustic wave resonators (FBAR; coupled EM/acoustic modeling) • Includes a broad-band Spice-model extractor • Antenna charts (polar plots, far field 2D and 3D view) EM3DS main features

  8. EM3DS 2007 EM3DS 2007 EM3DS 2007 • Metal enclosure (shielded structures), absorbing boundaries (antennas) and magnetic walls (symmetry problems) • Script Engine (Pascal) for full customization of EM3DS • Internal ports (both planar and via): suitable for package modeling • Differential Ports • Several new calibration techniques • SmartFIT, an adaptive frequency selection algorithm: response on 50-500 frequency points available from the analysis of 5-10 frequencies • Asymptotic Evaluation: fast wide-band analysis • Import/Export geometry in GDSII/DXF/BMP formats • Seamlessly integrated in the AWR’ MW Office EM3DS main features

  9. EM3DS 2007 • Handles external files in Touchstone format • Includes a set of powerful pre- and post-processing tools in order to edit, visualize geometry and current distributions in 2D and in 3D, to animate, to create AVI and GIF movies, plot S/Z/Y/Antenna parameters in rectangular and Smith’ charts, and much more • Also included is a linear circuit solver to connect lumped elements to the full-wave analysis • Floating and node-locked licenses EM3DS main features + Many existing features improved in EM3DS 2007

  10. RF MEMS Applications Electrostatic switches (parallel/series/capacitive) Resistive switches EM MEMS switches Tunable MEMS capacitors Pacheco switch Phase shifters Inductors FBARS Applications supported • Microwave/Millimeter/THz wave Applications • Multilayer Microstrip, Stripline and Slotline circuits • Coplanar Waveguides (CPW) • RF and Microwave Packages • Thick lossy conductors • Dielectric discontinuities (Bricks) • 2-port (multimode) waveguide components • Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits • Linear active devices • BAW Filters • Electro optical modulators • Planar Antennas • Thick/Thin film, LTCC

  11. Packaging Interaction circuit/packaging Model extraction Internal ports Applications supported • RF Circuits • components in RFID • components in Remote controls • components in Security/Safety systems • components in Health Systems

  12. Software Highlights • Geometry Creation and Meshing • Powerful, easy-to-use builder (group selection, editing, mirroring etc) • Seamlessly integrated with AWR Microwave Office – (RF circuit and system simulator): AWR’ customers see EM3DS as an alternative engine • Powerful GDS II (Data exchange with Coventorware), AutoCAD DXF and BMP import filters • User defined arbitrary dielectric stacks • Supports lossy conductors and finite thickness geometries • Very efficient Dielectric discontinuities (bricks) handling – no much comp overhead • Frequency dependent material parameters, entered as equations • Geometry and materials are parametric • Parameters can be tuned and optimized • Topographic view and many 3D views updated in real-time

  13. Software Highlights • Electromagnetic Solver Features • Fully 3D Method of Moments; works also in 2.5D mode • Proprietary Asymptotic estimator for reduced computation time (most info deduced from the 1th freq. Of analysis) • SmartFit: adaptive selection of frequencies for resonant structures • Volume currents used for modeling as opposed to surface currents approximation • S-, Z-, & Y-parameter computation; group delay; Losses; Q; phase difference; antenna measurements • Edge, internal, Via Port and differential ports • Full multi-port, multiple coupled line calibration and de-embedding to edge ports. • Feed port lines parameters (even for multiple asymmetric lines) • handles coupled acoustic/electromagnetic modeling • implements controlled currents (transconductive sources): useful for active non reciprocal devices • electric and magnetic walls; absorbing boundaries

  14. Software Highlights • Post-Processing and Tools • Rectangular and polar charts (Smith’s chart, radiation diagrams) • Several charts to plot volume currents and E-fields: standard surface plot, surface plot with rendering, contour plot, vector and pseudocolor plot in 3D view • Calculation and plot of body force as response to magnetostatic field • Animate over time or frequency, and save animation as GIF and AVI • Automatic optimizer (modifies parameters and structure to reach a set of goals) • Linear circuit solver: connect em solution to other circuits, to lumped elements etc; implements negative subcircuits for manual calibration • Wide-Band Spice model extractor: if SmartFit was used, it produces an equivalent circuit perfectly reproducing the em response in the needed frequency band • Import/export circuit response as Touchstone file (S?P, Z?P, Y?P). • Batch Planner: to run a list of simulations • Symmetry Wizard: to evaluate the response of a symmetric 2N ports from 2 N-port simulations

  15. Software Highlights • Post-Processing and Tools • Pascal Script: customize EM3DS (modify also its menu!), accessing internal features to handle calculated response, perform analysis and optimization, access variables etc. • Waveguide calibration tool: to use EM3DS in a class of 2-Port waveguide components • Multimode-waveguide calibration tool: experimental tool to recover the Generalized Admittance Matrix (GAM) of a waveguide structure, possibly involving planar circuit. • Differential ports: they can be defined in post-processing, also to existing results or imported data.

  16. Software Highlights • Licensing • Node-locked and floating • multiple license: a license server handles requests in a LAN • License server can also run as a transparent service • Direct check for available updates in the MEM Research website

  17. Some features in detail • SmartFIT • Adaptively selects a set of frequency points -in a user-desired band- where actually the EM simulation is performed • Builds an optimal interpolation, providing the full-band response within the prescribed accuracy • In this filter the full band response over 300 frequency points (green curve) is predicted after adaptively evaluating only 8 points (red curve)

  18. Some features in detail • SmartFIT • Here an example of a High Q Fbar resonator: 200 frequency points obtained from a mere 7 point calculation • Dielectric resonators also strongly take advantage from this approach (easier to find the in-band peak)

  19. Some features in detail • Select which parameter • Optimizer • Select goal(s) • Select @ frequencies • Then RUN

  20. Some features in detail • Optimizer • Example: An interdigital microstrip filter, initially de-tuned, is automatically tuned by the optimizer

  21. Some features in detail • Tuner • or Tune it!

  22. Some features in detail • Spice model extractor • Extracts a lumped equivalent circuit, that mimics the EM response all over the band, regardless the electrical length of the circuit • This example shows an FBAR resonator: the graph compares the full-wave and the spice model responses

  23. Some features in detail Enter Mechanical Specifications for the dielectric/metal Stack • Coupled Acoustic modeling Create a variable to link EM and acoustic models

  24. Some features in detail • Coupled Acoustic modeling • Example: filter in Agilent duplexer; comparison with measured data

  25. Some features in detail • Pascal Script • Powerful OOP compiler to customize EM3DS

  26. Some features in detail In EM3DS, 3D mode, any conductor has all current components at the same time; conductors may be sliced with slices having finite thickness A number of “sheets” with only horizontal currents and a number of vias with only vertical currents How 2.5D tools does handle thick metals? • Thick Metals 2.5D Model EM3DS Model

  27. Some features in detail • Thick Metals • Benchmark: thick stripline, whose analytical solution is known (Zo=30.887); neglecting thickness induces 25% error! 0.5 mm 1 mm EM3DS achieves<0.8% with only 3 “slices” (mesh over thickness)!

  28. Some features in detail • Thick Dielectric discontinuities • Ability to model dielectric resonators • e.g.: 1 slice (very quick!) gave 5% difference in resonant frequency with respect to HFSS; 3 slices provided 3% • Excellent trade-off speed/accuracy to simulate planar structures with DR (typical application: tunable DRO)

  29. Some features in detail • Antennas • Far field charts and plots (below a circular polarized patch) fields radiation pattern currents

  30. Some features in detail “control plane”: where the control voltage is calculated • Controlled sources • Modeling of a pHEMT Litton Lp7512 gate Depleted layer=“Control layer” Channel Controlled source…Id • they can model the channel current in a FET: see the example

  31. Some features in detail • Internal ports • can be used to model e.g. packaging or to excite antennas (e.g dipole) SC70 Printed Yagi Uda

  32. Some features in detail • PMC for symmetric structure • Magnetic walls/symmetry planes • Enclosure walls can be perfect electric conductor (PEC), magnetic conductor (PMC) and absorbing boundaries. PMC useful for symmetric structures. Absorbing boundaries for antennas

  33. Some features in detail • MEMS applications Pacheco switch Mumps capacitor Inductor

  34. At a Glance • Editor view

  35. Concluding • Pricing: • lowest in the EM market • affordable also for small companies and institutions • discounted prices for Universities and qualified no-profit organizations • discount for numbers • Testing: • download the full version; trial time of 30 days; www.memresearch.com • download the free limited versions • for additional information contact info@memresearch.com

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