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Motivation Presentation. Kelsey Regina EDPSY 390 Section 1. The Self-Determination Theory. The self-determination theory states that people get their motivation from the need to control their environment. The self-determination theory is based on three psychological needs:
Motivation Presentation Kelsey Regina EDPSY 390 Section 1
The Self-Determination Theory • The self-determination theory states that people get their motivation from the need to control their environment. • The self-determination theory is based on three psychological needs: • Competence: the ability to function successfully in their environment • Autonomy: the ability to make an independent decision • Relatedness: the sense of belongingness • People who show signs of this theory tend to want to stick to the status quo, kind of like High School Musical….
Expectancy-value Theory • This theory was originally created in order to predict an individual’s attitudes in relation to a person’s actions. • People or students who show signs of the expectancy-value theory are motivated by their beliefs, values, and attitudes. • Self-Efficacy is a big factor in this theory because a person has to believe that they are cable of accomplishing a certain task.
Growth/Fixed Mindset • The growth/fixed mindset theory is based more on the ability to be successful in what they do and is less focused on beliefs and attitudes that motivate a person • People who have a fixed mindset believe that their intelligence, talents and abilities come naturally to them and that no work is required. • People who have a growth mindset understand that their intelligence, talents and their abilities are developed by working hard.
The Subject: Marie* • Junior Double Major in Speech Pathology and Stage Management • Last seen as the Assistant Stage Manager for Major Barbara • One of the RA’s in LaFollette • Slight Procrastinator • Loves Cats and Doctor Who • Future Plans: To get a Grad Degree in Speech Pathology and get a job as a Speech Pathologist and help little children!
What We Talked About • Marie is the definition of a student with high motivation. • We talked a lot about working hard in classes and the shows that she stage manages. • She understands that succeeding in her classes will benefit her when she applies for graduate school and eventually assist in her obtaining her dream job of being a speech pathologist. • She works hard at learning the material that is needed for each test and for the future. • When difficulties arise, she works through them to get the grade. • Marie also understands that by working hard in the theatre and her theatre related classes, it will make networking to get a job that much easier.
Conclusion • Marie shows signs of all three motivation theories. • Self-determination theory: Marie is able to function successfully in her academic environment. • Hence the good grades, she is able to make independent decisions and she has control over her work ethic, and she has a sense of belongingness in her classes because she works hard and knows the material. • Marie also shows signs of the expectancy-value theory. • She is motivated by her belief that if you work hard and have a good attitude you will get far in life. • Marie is motivated by her hard work and talent that is motivated and developed by her effort and persistence in classes thus the growth/fixed mindset theory.