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Staff Union Web Site

Staff Union Web Site. Definitions Introduction Structure of Web Site Mirror Site vs Public Site Intranet & Extranet Information Available tools. Topics.

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Staff Union Web Site

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  1. Staff Union Web Site

  2. Definitions Introduction Structure of Web Site Mirror Site vs Public Site Intranet & Extranet Information Available tools Topics

  3. Web - The World Wide Web. An Internet system to distribute graphical, hyper-linked information, based on the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP). The World Wide Web is also known as WWW or W3. The Web is not synonymous with the Internet; rather, it is just one service on the Internet. Other services on the Internet include Internet Relay Chat and Newsgroups. The Web is accessed through use of a browser. Web site - A collection of "pages" or files linked together and available on the World Wide Web. Webmaster - The person responsible for administering a Web site. Internet - A global connection of computer networks, also referred to as the "Net," which share a common addressing scheme. Definitions

  4. Intranet - A private network inside a company or organization, which uses software like that used on the Internet, but is for internal use only, and is not accessible to the public. URL - (Uniform Resource Locator) - The World Wide Web address of a site on the Internet. HTML(Hypertext Markup Language) - The coded format language used for creating hypertext documents on the World Wide Web and controlling how Web pages appear. FTP - (File Transfer Protocol) - A way of transferring files over the Internet from one computer to another. Definitions

  5. Public Site available in the 3 official languages. Around 900 information pages currently available. One of the most visited sites of the ILO. (Source: ILO stats) Introduction Successful requests: 34,868 Average successful requests per day: 1,162 Successful requests for pages: 7,097 Average successful requests for pages per day: 236 Failed requests: 198 Redirected requests: 12 Distinct files requested: 803 Data transferred: 349.529 megabytes Average data transferred per day: 11.655 megabytes Access Stats September 2003

  6. Mirror Site vs Public Site http://www.ilo.org/public/ http://mirror/public/ Intranet & Extranet http://mirror/intranet/ http://mirror/public/ 98% of documents are available at the public site. 2% available at Intranet site (Committee meetings - Forum information - Work flow) Structure

  7. Classification of SU Web Site information Structure HQ Field Former Officials Basic Information Bulletins Communiqués Meetings News and Events Regional News Union Magazine Work Flow Union Rules Why join the Union How to join the Union Courses Presentations Videos History Union Rules Collective bargaining Union Forum ILOAT Reform Useful Links Committee meeting General Meetings Documents Americas Africa Asia & Pacific Europe & Middle East

  8. Available tools Search engine Hint: Ex. Internal SU search: public/english/staffun: Johanna

  9. Available tools Discussion Group Currently in experimental stage

  10. END If technology could help us to ...

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