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ILO Staff Union Rules

Understand the structure and functions of the Staff Union, its background, General Meetings, Committee roles, and financial rules. Learn how members can participate and contribute to decision-making processes.

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ILO Staff Union Rules

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  1. ILO Staff Union Rules SUC Retreat, 17 January 2002 F.Peral

  2. Introduction • What is the structure of our Staff Union? • How does it function? • What do we need to know for our everyday work? • Do we serve the Rules, or do the Rules serve us? F.Peral

  3. Present structure of the Union

  4. Agenda Items covered: • The General Meeting • The Staff Union Committee • Financial rules • Field Offices F.Peral

  5. Overview • Structure of the Union: Does it suit the Union’s needs? • A common background: democracy, transparency, effectiveness and accountability F.Peral

  6. Our background • Democracy is to give our members a voice AND a choice • Transparencymeans that every action is done according to common principles, to mandates given and to a strategy made public every year • Accountability entails that every SUC member is responsible for each and every SUC action before the membership F.Peral

  7. The General Meeting (Chapter II of the Rules) • The General Meeting defines the policy and takes decisions to promote the interests of the Union (Art. 24) • Two ordinary sessions every year • Extraordinary General Meetings at SUC’s request or at the written request of at least 50 members (EGM to take place within 4 weeks after receipt of the request) F.Peral

  8. First session (no later than 31 January) Draft programme Future strategy Second session (no later than 31 October) Annual report on activities Report of the Staff Union Assistance Fund Accounts for the previous year Report of the Auditing Commission Budget for the coming year Date for elections to the SUC Election of Auditing Commission and Returning Officers Agenda of the General MeetingStatutory topics (Art. 13) F.Peral

  9. AGM: Convocation and documents(Arts.15 & 16) • All reports and proposals by the SUC shall be distributed 6 days before the AGM. • Apart from regular items, the agenda of all General Meetings is determined by the SUC. • A question may be included at the written request of at least 50 members. • Decisions can only be taken on subjects included in the agenda. • All draft resolutions shall reach the Union Secretariat in time for distribution at least 48 hours before the Meeting. F.Peral

  10. The Staff Union Committee(Chapter IV) • 20 titular members and 4 substitute members: • 16 members employed at HQ, 8 members elected each year • 4 titular members employed outside HQ representing the regions, and 4 substitutes employed at HQ, elected every two years • 6 Officers : • Chairperson and 2 Vice-Chairpersons • General Secretary and Assistant General Secretary • Treasurer. • Other statutory functions: • Communications Officer, Stewards Coordinator and Field Staff Coordinator F.Peral

  11. Functions of the Staff Union Committee(Art. 24 of the Rules) • Executive Body of the Union, shall act on its behalf both within the Office and outside • Promote the interests of the Union in the light of the policy defined by the AGM • Reports to the AGM • Keeps ALL staff informed of its work and of any matter which concerns the life of the Union or the interests of staff F.Peral

  12. One year, possible re-election. Propose agenda of SUC meetings Give effect to the decisions of the Committee. Propose any step they consider appropriate Obligation to report on all expenses to the SUC Practice: expenditure by the Officers without previous SUC approval: up to 1,000 Sfrs. Officers of the SUC(Article 22 and Appendix II, para. 8) F.Peral

  13. Chairperson • Rules: Functions are not defined in the Rules « Primus inter pares » • Practice • Chairs meetings of the Officers and of the SUC. • Assumes political leadership of the Committee • Voices Committee’s positions before the Administration and in public. F.Peral

  14. General Secretary • Rules: Shall be responsible for keeping the Staff Union files (Appendix III, para.11). • Practice: • Administrative head of the Secretariat • Produce records of SUC meetings and, when appropriate, of Officers meetings. • Assists the Chair of the AGMin procedural matters and drafts the Record of Decisions of the AGM. F.Peral

  15. Treasurer (Appendix III, para. 12) • Keep up to date a list of the members of the Union • Makes payments subject to the authorization of the SUC or, in urgent cases, of the General Secretary or the Chairperson (subject to subsequent endorsement by the SUC) • Submits quarterly reports to the SUC showing the number of admissions and resignations and the state of accounts • Ensures observance of the Rules for the management of Staff Union funds F.Peral

  16. The monies of the Union shall be devoted to: Administrative expenses Constitution of a Reserve Fund Constitution of an Assistance Fund Constitution of an Action Fund Other expenses The SUC shall also administer: A Reserve Fund An Action Fund A Legal Defence Fund. Any expenditure entailing a reduction of reserves must be previously approved by the AGM Financial Provisions (Chapter V) F.Peral

  17. Union Stewards(Art. 23) • Rules: • Elected by Union members of their respective branches, field offices or other units, for a mandate of TWO years. • Assist the Committee in its work • Are informed and consulted by the SUC on matters of particular concern for their respective constituents • Practice: • Are called upon for the constitution of Union Working Groups • Are briefed by the Officers on issues of special relevance to the Union as a whole (collective agreements) and, in general, before each General Meeting. F.Peral

  18. Staff representation in external offices • Staff Union Rules should apply to external offices, mutatis mutandi, (Article 21 (b)) • Minimum desirable staff representation in external offices should include at least: • A Local Titular Staff Union Representative,. • A Local Treasurer • Any other elected structure subordinate to the above • A substantial proportion of dues paid by the members at the duty station is reserved for Union activities in the field (presently 75% of local dues) F.Peral

  19. Other issues of importance for individual staff representatives • To show at all times and in all circumstances a personal commitment to the principles of democracy, transparency and accountability • State clearly what is their availability for Union work • Focus on effectiveness • Focus on communication F.Peral

  20. Conflict of interest • Rules: No statutory provision on this issue. • If rules applicable to the JP were to be retained, SUC members could be required: • to always act in the best interests of the Union and its members. • refrain from any declaration or action that may adversely affect the standing of the Staff Union or the dignity of parties to cases brought to their attention. • respect confidentiality of debates at SUC meetings. • Not to participate in deliberations in which s/he may have an interest or is perceived to have an interest. F.Peral

  21. What lies ahead (I) • Ongoing revision of the Union Rules with a view to: • reflect the new collective bargaining arrangements, • review SUC functions, • improve representation and voting rights of all members (especially from the field), and • promote effective communication with members, both in the field and at headquarters. • A questionnaire has been sent to all Union members in 2001. Deadline for response: 31 January 2002 F.Peral

  22. What lies ahead (II) • The 2001 Global Meeting requested the review by the Working Group to include improvementsin the following areas: • Limited participation and voting rights for field staff at general meetings. • Lack of an institutional role for regional and local staff representatives within the definition of union policies in the field. • Specific responsibilities of Union stewards. F.Peral

  23. For the Committee Fernando Peral Satoru Tabusa, later replaced by Mary Hamouda For the members: Cicely Wulf Bill Ratteree John Myers Working Group on the Revision of the Union Rules (2000-2001) F.Peral

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