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Targeted road safety enhancing developments – A complex development of police activity in the field of road safety

Targeted road safety enhancing developments – A complex development of police activity in the field of road safety. Mihály Terjék National Police Headquarters (ORFK) Project leader. József Óberling National Police Headquarters (ORFK) Department of traffic safety Head of department.

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Targeted road safety enhancing developments – A complex development of police activity in the field of road safety

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  1. Targeted road safety enhancing developments – A complex development of police activity in the field of road safety Mihály Terjék National Police Headquarters (ORFK) Project leader József Óberling National Police Headquarters (ORFK) Department of traffic safety Head of department
  2. Affect of road traffic accidents “Road traffic accidents affect negatively the countries economy as well, according to guesses 2% loss of the Gross Domestic Product is due to this cause. Possible solutions: 1, Legal modifications 2, Improvement of technical capabilities 3, Raise public awareness by media
  3. EU and Hungarian Targets Decrease the number of fatal road traffic accidents Improve traffic moral Improve regional accessibility Faster, safer, more continous traffic Decrease the number of fatalities due to road traffic accidents
  4. Progress of traffic safety2001-2012 Number of accidents2001 – 2012 Number of fatalities2001 – 2012
  5. Improving traffic safety resultsstatistics of 2011-2012 In only 2012 , 40 lives were saved compared to 2011! From the level 638 fatalities in 2011, the number went down to 598 by 2012, this is a 6,26% percent decrease in only one year.
  6. Improving traffic safety resultsstatistics of 2011-2012 In 2011 there was 90 days when there was no traffic accident, in 2012 this number of accident free days rose to 103.
  7. Investigating the types of vehicles affected in traffic accidents, we can conclude: 58% ofthem are auto drivers, 13% of them are bicycles, 9% of them are truck drivers, 6% of them aresegéd-motorkerékpár, 6% of them arepedestrians, 5% of them are motor drivers, 1% of them arebus drivers, 2% are other members of road traffic Types of vehicles affected According to the above listed investigation it can be concluded that 80% of the road traffic accidents (without pedestrians, bicycle riders) CTCP points will have an affect. The bare existence of the CTCP-s will result a positive affect on road traffic morale.
  8. Law for objective responsibility Last years effective police work resulted a decrease in the number of road traffic accidents Significant decrease was meant to be the result of the activation of the objective responsibility rule in 2008.
  9. Road traffic accident statistics 2008-2011
  10. Area covered by the 365 fix CTCP points + 160 pieces of mobile CTCP points Within urban areas - 215 pieces,Within non-urban areas - 150 pieces,
  11. Number of CTCP points and their in-between average distances
  12. Connection to european union guidelines Which direction to go forward? – white book The hunagrian road traffic safety action program combines Eu and Hungarian guidelines for direction and possibility of intervenetions The European Union committee has approved the road traffic safety program on 22th July 2010 with the strategic target to raise the efficiency of road traffic inspections.
  13. Infrastructural experiences Infrastructural necessity to reach these targets are the automatic systems successfully used in the past years, the change of these devices to modern systems, and the placement of them to more road sections, will result saved human lives, and improving statistics. Solution: Start a road traffic safetyimprovement project
  14. Road traffic safety development project Mihály Terjék National Police Headquarters (ORFK) Project leader
  15. Project beginnings During the preparation phase of the project many important steps had to be made, from which the followings should be highlighted: The basic concept was presented to the representatives of Jaspers. Their oppinions and recommendations were later built in to the detailed design document. Co-operation was continous with partner institutions who had projects closely related to the project’s concept. Other projects progress was closely monitored, discussions were continous. To gain ministerial approval for the project was complex due to the fact that the project had to be approved by not only the minister of interior but by the minister of development as well.
  16. Project progress During the preparation phase of the project many important steps had to be made, from which the followings should be highlighted: The basic concept was presented to the representatives of Jaspers. Their oppinions and recommendations were later built in to the detailed design document. Co-operation was continous with partner institutions who had projects closely related to the project’s concept. Other projects progress was closely monitored, discussions were continous. To gain ministerial approval for the project was complex due to the fact that the project had to be approved by not only the minister of interior but by the minister of development as well.
  17. Project concept handing in Consortium of 3 organizations 3 priorities of the operative program Whole budget 12,5 billion forint ( 1. priority: 1,9 billion Ft, 3. priority: 9.9 billion Ft, 5. priority: 730 million Ft) Dedicated management organization element Detailed design document was completed with no budget spent on consulting company Approval organization found minor, few missing elements only when observing the detailed design document
  18. Fundamental elements of the project The „Targeted road safety enhancing developments – A complex development of police activity in the field of road safety” project is carried out by a consortium formed by the Ministry of Interior (MI), the National Police Headquarters (NPH) and the Central Office for Administrative and Electronic Public Services (COAEPS). The approval agreements were signed at 5th october 2012 with KIKSZ (traffic development organization and members of the consortium. The priority project is realised according to the government decision No. 1424/2012 (X.4.) with 100% grant by national and European Union resources with co-financing from the Cohesion Fund and European Regional Development Fund in the 2012-2015 period.
  19. 1424 Government approval decision Approves a) KÖZOP-1.5.0-09-11-2012-0008 identification number (Targeted road safety enhancing developments – A complex development of police activity in the field of road safety on motorways b) KÖZOP-3.5.0-09-11-2012-0017 identification number (Targeted road safety enhancing developments – A complex development of police activity in the field of road safety on main roads a KÖZOP-5.5.0-09-11-2012-0018 identification number (Targeted road safety enhancing developments – A complex development of police activity in the field of road safety on road sections within cities Project concept to be a priority project.
  20. Key elements of the government decision The priority project is realised according to the government decision No. 1424/2012 (X.4.) with 100% grant by national and European Union resources with co-financing from the Cohesion Fund and European Regional Development Fund in the 2012-2015 period. Terms of the approval: Avoid double financing Create a cost calculation rule Rapid (30 days) for the signing of the Grant agreement Rapid start of the public procurement procedures Wide accessibility of the data collected by the system
  21. Project elements and their tasks
  22. Fix stationed CTCP points Modular: Sensors Cameras Divided intelligence detects analysis stores Data transmission module Receives signals and forwards it to IS Operation based on two-way communication Pre-defined rules let the system to analyse By rules: Primary functions Control speeding Detect traffic barrier Recognize licence plate Traffic counting Make photos and video streams
  23. Moveable CTCP points In functionality identical to the FIX stationed points Modular Two-way communication with IS Flexiblereaction (moveability) Places Events Position data Equiped with built in GPS
  24. Handheld devices Immediate, accurate intervention Two-way communication with IS Informations from key police databases Receives information from CTCP points Immediate stop of violator is possible Make accurate pictures Document violation of the traffic lawsHelps Police work at accidents GPS Document accident data, provides info for positions
  25. The Information System
  26. Services & Opportunities Less useless stop of vehicles Continuous road traffic, less traffic barriers Provide key traffic data to partner organizations Accurate data on traffic volume Large amount of valuable traffic data for planning of future developments
  27. Partner organizations Hungarian Public Road nonprofit co. – TrafficNAV Kft. Provide data for RoadInfo service For navigation system operators Highway maintenance organizations: Accurate road traffic information Hungarian State Railway co. Installing moveable CTCP points in railway crossings Center for transportation planning Data for analysis and statistics Hungarian National Transport Authority: Hazardous material transport (HAZMAT) Transfer vehicle data to inspect weight restrictions more efficiently Compulsory resting times of truck and bus drivers – more efficient inspection of tahographs Organizations controlling tolls for road use Better control of tolls for roads (more inspection points) Other organizations: Access to the road traffic database
  28. Thank you for your attention! József Óberling National Police Headquarters (ORFK) Department of traffic safety Head of department
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