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TO: All Muslim Team Members!. Dearest Team Members
Dearest Team Members Happy RAMADAN to our Muslim team members! Time has passed, it’s another new month! We have gone on to the second half of the year! It’s exciting and our seminar is approaching! Have you started shopping for your evening gown yet? I hope to see all of you at our September 12 & 13 Seminar, more details in our APPLAUSE magazine. Last month Jun 2014, we have broke our own unit production record AGAIN! and I would like to congratulate each and every one of you for a strong and successful first half of the year and thank you for building your dreams with me. July is the last month for 2014 Seminar year and I know that we will finish strong for this seminar 2014! Last month, FSD Cindy’s team also ended very strong, I strongly believe she will be a very strong SALES DIRECTOR when she debut! FSD Cindy Lam, Team Builder Sherry Wong, Team Builder Kim Su Yeon are on track for Court of Sales & Court of Sharing! I am so proud of you all! For those who move up their career path, see you all on stage in Sept! Diamond Supreme International UnitJULY 2014 NEWSLETTERwritten by: SSD Juliana Aw, Hp: 9688 1798, Find me on Facebook or email: julianaaw@gmail.com
I am free for personal coaching on how to recruit and how to sell and how to move up the career path, call me at 96881798 to book 2 hours coaching with me! I love you all! I believe we will move up to another level really soon! I am focus on becoming the next ESSD by Mar 2015, what’s yours? Share with us on our facebook group! Team members, please call me when you want to move up your career path, I will hold your hands to move up together. New Consultants please remember to visit my blog: http://fromjulianadesk.wordpress.com. Password is diamond. Please download things you required to learn – skincare script, things you required for classes, etc. New consultants are advised to observe my class on every THURS of the month at 7pm at International Plaza. Programmes will be as advised in this newsletter and my facebook – JULES AW or julianaaw@gmail.com.
Our Unit’s Mission It is to greatly impact others to get what they want and to become who they have imagined. Our Vision To produce more leaders in our unit, and to help women around the world to be happy, to be stunning and sexy, earning good income, and having her makeup done!
Queen of Sales & Sharing (June 2014) FSD Cindy Lam (3410 PSP) So proud of you!
RECOGNITION BOARD QUEEN OF SALES 2) Kim Su Yeon (1809 PSP) 13) Coco Hao (641 PSP) 3) Julie Soo (1407 PSP) 14) Iris NG (620 PSP) 4) Sherry Wong (1035 PSP) 15) Michelle Lai (602 PSP) 5) Suhaila Yusoff (922 PSP) 16) Cassandra Tan (602 PSP) 6) Joanne Luo (912 PSP) 7) Alyssa Chong (893 PSP) 8) Ann Chen (866 PSP) 9) Jamie Tan (765 PSP) 10) Viola Lin (763 PSP) 12) Rachel Ko (777 PSP)
CONGRATS!!!! for LADDER OF SUCCESS ACHIEVERS (Apr to Jun 2014) • Kim Su Yeon, an Emerald Star Consultant (8702 PSP) • Cindy Lam, 7233 PSP, an Emerald Star Consultant • Alyssa Chong, 2596 PSP, a Sapphire Star Consultant • Michelle Lai, 2409 PSP, a Sapphire Star Consultant • Cassandra Tan, 2408 PSP, a Sapphire Star Consultant • Sherry Wong, 2405 PSP, a Sapphire Star Consultant
Exclusive Brooches Rewards • From today onwards till 31 July 2014, New bonus Exclusive Brooches rewards - 3 classes a week - 1 brooch5 classes a week - 2 brooches 3 recruit interviews a week - 1 brooch...5 recruits interviews a week - 2 brooches SMS me to inform me so I could prepare the brooches for you this 14 Aug 7pm recognition! Senior consultants and above pls inform your recruits too!
Achieve 600 PSP – Eyeshadow worth $13 *stone color Achieve 800 psp – Lipmask worth $24Achieve 1200 psp – Lipgloss worth $26Queen of Sales/ Queen of Sharing and Queen of Makeup/Skincare classes (the one with most faces or classes) will get a limited edition fragrances!Pls SMS me when you achieve. 1 to 31 JULY 2014 Rewards
DIAMOND SURPREME TEAM UNIT MEETING SCHEDULE Take note: Mainroom (if company is using the room we will do Room 1) JUL 2014 @ 7pm 3 Jul – basic skincare and day makeup 10 Jul – Recognition Nite /Smokey eyes and advanced anti aging workshop 17 Jul – how to move up/ recruit 24 Jul – learn latest colorful eyeliners trend/ lucky draw contest/ get recruit and get a gift from me on 24 Jul 7pm!/ Best Makeup Artist contest. 31 Jul – Styling Workshop – Bodyshape analysis, color analysis, style personality workshop. Hands-on $10 for consultant, $20 for customers. AUG 2014 @ 7pm 7 Aug – Nude makeup workshop and basic skincare 14 Aug – Recognition Nite/ Chanel inspired smokey eyes with blings with fake lashes application and advanced anti aging class 21 Aug – how to sell and recruit 28 Aug – D & D / Seminar Makeup Competition – Best “Makeup ARTIST” will get special gift from me!
Let’s aim for Hangzhou Trip together! If you achieve it, you will get a gift from me!
New Brushes replacement! More details in APPLAUSE! ON TRACK for LADDER OF SUCCESS (Apr to Jun 2014)
New Starter Kit for Generation Y!! Start having classes with women of 19 years old and above! Treat Mary Kay as beauty school!
Debrief for all Consultants while you attend my classes! • Every Thurs at 7pm it’s our skincare/makeup open class. You can bring your guests, however you are required to bring your own products for your guests. • After the whole skincare class, let’s sit down together and do debrief. • As you can see from the above flow of the class, there are 3 parts. To all New Consultants, please memorise the following when you attend my classes: • For first class, memorise what I did for part 1. • Then when you come for the second class, memorise what I did for part 2 • and then when you come for third class, memorise what I did for part 3. During the classes, you can record or video taped me during the classes. This business is all about duplicating . Just duplicate what I did. And treat all your guests with the “Make me Feel Important” attitude. Tell me also your learning key points and what can you improve from there.
“The Mary Kay organisation has been built on the go-give spirit. I sincerely believe that all you send into the lives of others does come back into your own. If you will give of yourself without thought of financial gain, then financial gain will come. Give, give enthusiastically, give willingly and be willing to give beyond that for which you are being paid, and watch the returns come in.” Mary Kay Ash