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Fiqh of Tahara-4. Taught by: Hacene Chebbani. Fiqh of Wudu’(Ablution). Merits of Wudu ’: Being distinguished on the Day of Judgment. “My Ummah will be distinguished with glow on their forehead and white feet because of the Wudu ” ( Bukhari /Muslim)
Fiqh of Tahara-4 Taught by: HaceneChebbani
Fiqh of Wudu’(Ablution) • Merits of Wudu’: • Being distinguished on the Day of Judgment. “My Ummah will be distinguished with glow on their forehead and white feet because of the Wudu” (Bukhari/Muslim) • Being Eligible to enter Paradise. “Any Muslim, who makes perfect ablution, then gets to perform two raka’s with full attention and humility, will be eligible to enter paradise” (Muslim)
Fiqh of Wudu’ (Ablution) • Erasing Sins and UpgradingRanks. “ May I show you the things with which Allah (SWT) erases sins and upgrades ranks? They said: Yes, O Prophet of Allah. He said: “ Making perfect ablution despite difficulties, frequenting the Masajid (Increasing steps towards the Masajid), and awaiting salah after salah, that is Keeping guard (Ribaat)” (Muslim)
What Do We Make Wudu’ For? • To perform Salah both obligatory and voluntary (Janaza Prayer is included). Proofs: -“O you who believe! When you prepare for salah, wash your faces, and your hands to the elbows, rub your head with water and wash your feet to the ankles...” (5/6). - Hadith: “ Allah does not accept the prayers of someone with a ritual impurity unless he makes ablution” (Bukhari/Muslim).
What Do We Make Wudu’ For? 2. Going around the ka’bah (Tawaaf). Proofs: - Hadith: The prophet (pbuh) said: “ Tawaaf around the Ka’bah is a prayer ...” (Nasai’, Tirmithi and others) 3. Touching the Quran. Proofs: In the Book of AmrIbnHazm that Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) wrote to the people of Yemen, is the following statement “ No one is allowed to touch the Quran unless he is in state of Tahara.” (Malik in Al-Muwatta’/Dara-Qutni and others)
Obligatory Acts of Wudu’(Essentials of Wudu’) • There are six obligatory acts of Wudu’: • Washing the face.(Once) This washing includes Madmadah and Istinshaaq. Allah (SWT) commanded in the Quran: “O You who believe! When you intend to offer prayer, wash your faces ...” This is a general statement. Prophet Muhamed (pbuh) showed us how to apply this command. It is firmly established that Allah’s Messenger included Madmadah and Istinshaaq in every Wudu’. The obligation applies to the entire face from the hair line (upper forehead) and down to the chin. And from ear to ear. If someone has a beard, and his skin is showing, then he has to let water reach the inner side of the beard. If his beard is full and complete, then he needs to pass water on the outside of the beard. Running the fingers through the full beard is sunnah.
Obligatory Acts of Wudu’ • Washing the Hands up to the Elbows.(Once) Proof: Allah (SWT) commanded “...and your hands to the elbows,...” (5/6) Allah’s Messenger confirmed this command with his actions and used to reach the upper arm with water. He used to start washing the right arm first. • Wiping over the whole head. (Once) Ears are part of the head. Allah (SWT) commanded “ ...wipe over your heads...” (5/6) Allah’s Messenger showed us how to fulfill this obligation. The whole head or part of it? What is the implication of “Bi” in the ayah? Two opinions: 1- We have to wipe over the whole head. 2- We don’t have to cover the whole head.
Obligatory Acts of Wudu’ • What is the solution? • Answer: Look at the practise of Allah’s Messenger. • It is reported that Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) wiped over his head with his two hands from its front to its back and vice versa. He started from the front and took his hands to the back of his head up to the nape of the neck and then brought them to the front again where he started. (Bukhari/Muslim) • After doing the head, we have to rub the ears. It is confirmed that the prophet (pbuh) said: “Ears are part of the head” (Sahih Al-Jami’ 2762) • Put the indexes of the two wet hands into the ears and rub the outer bottom side up to the upper side of the ear with the thumbs.
Obligatory Acts of Wudu’ 4. Washing the feet up to the ankles. (Once) He should start with the right foot, and pay extra attention to the heels, because of the saying of Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) : “Woe unto the heels from fire.” (Bukhari/Muslim) 5. Following the prescribed sequence Allah mentioned ablution in sequence and mentioned what is to be rubbed in the middle of a couple of things to be washed. The only advantage of this specific order is to prescribe a particular sequence. - Allah’s Messenger followed this sequence whenever he would perform wudu’. _ He (pbuh) would say: “ I start with what Allah(SWT) has started with” (Muslim).
Obligatory Acts of Wudu’ 6. Al-Muwalaat (Continuing Wudu’ without interruption) It means to perform wudu’ in a continued manner, and wash the limb before the previous one gets dry. - Proof: It is reported that Allah’s Messenger saw a man who performed Salah and on his foot was a small place with the size of a corn which the water did not reach. He ordered him to repeat ablution and Salah. (Abu Dawood). Analysis of this matter: If Al-Muwalaat was not obligatory, he would have commanded him to wash that place only. Note: 1) - IbnTaymiya (r) agreed with the Maliki school of thought that Al-Muwalaat is an obligation which could be removed if there is a good excuse that prevented the Muslim from doing Al-Muwalaat.
Notes On Obligatory Acts. 2) Note: The definition of Al-Muwalaat is based on the criteria of someone who makes Wudu’ in a mild weather. 3) Note: Following the prescribed sequence is an obligation which can not be neglected based on ignorance or forgetfulness, except for a new Muslim or for someone who lives in the countryside and does not have access to knowledgeable people.
Sunan of Wudu’ Definition of Sunnah in Fiqh: Any act of Ibada, whoever does it is to be rewarded, and whoever leaves it is not to be blamed. • Using the Siwak/Cleaning one’s teeth. “were it not that I fear to burden my Ummah, I would have commanded them to use the siwak every time they make ablution” (Ahmed)
Sunan of Wudu’ 2. To say “Bismillah” (In the name of Allah). Abu Huraira (r) reported that the Prophet (pbuh) said: “There is no ablution for the person who does not mention the name of Allah” (Abu Dawood, IbnMajah, Ahmed and others) 3. Washing the hands three times, when we start doing wudu’. -Proof: when Uthman (r) demonstrated how the Prophet (pbuh) used to make ablution, he washed his hands three times. (Bukhari/Muslim).
Sunan of Wudu’ 4. To start washing the face with Madmadah and Istinshaaq. It is permissible to do them after washing the face, but it is better to start with them. 5. To do the Madmadah and Ishtinshaaq in one handful for three times. The total would be three handfuls of water instead of six.
Sunan of Wudu’ 6. Running the fingers through the beard. Uthman (r) said that Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) used to run his fingers through his beard. (Tirmithi, Ibn Majah, and others ). It is a hassan hadith. However, Imam Ibn Alqayim said that Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) was not consistent with this sunna. (Zaad Almaa’d).
Sunan of Wudu’ 7. Cleaning in between the fingers and toes. Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) advised one of his companions: “ Perform the ablution, clean in between the fingers (and toes), and sniff water up high during istinshaaq unless you are fasting” (Abu Dawood). Ibn Alqayim also said that Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) was not consistent with this sunna.
Sunan of Wudu’ 8. To begin with the right side. “ Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) used to love starting with the right side when wearing his shoes, combing his hair, making ablution, and in all of his affairs” (Bukhari/Muslim) 9. To repeat each washing three times as it is narrated in the description of Uthman for his wudu’ (pbuh).
Sunan of Wudu’. 10. Rubbing the limbs with water. Abdullah ibnZaid (R) that the prophet (pbuh) was brought a pot two thirds full of water with which he made ablution, rubbing his arms...” (Ibnkhuzaymah) 11. Supplication after ablution. “There is none of you who completes the ablution and then says: أشهد أن لا إله إلاّ الله وحده لا شريك له و أشهد أنّ محمّدا عبده و رسوله ‘I testify that there is no god except Allah, Alone, without any partner, and I testify that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger’, except that the eight gates of Paradise will be opened for him and he will enter Paradise by any of them that he wishes” (Muslim/Tirmithi). Tirmithi added: اللهم اجعلني من التّوابين و اجعلني من المتطهرين “O Allah ! Make me among the repentant ones and make me among the pure ones”. To be Continued- Insha’Allah