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Adoption of Farming Systems Approach in Rain fed area

Adoption of Farming Systems Approach in Rain fed area. Participating States. Karnataka Chhattishgarh Uttar Pradesh Kerala Meghalaya Arunachal Pradesh Nagaland. National Rainfall Pattern. Source: IMD Pune. Rain fed Agriculture- Status.

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Adoption of Farming Systems Approach in Rain fed area

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  1. Adoption of Farming Systems Approach in Rain fed area

  2. Participating States Karnataka Chhattishgarh Uttar Pradesh Kerala Meghalaya Arunachal Pradesh Nagaland

  3. National Rainfall Pattern Source: IMD Pune

  4. Rain fed Agriculture- Status

  5. Four categories of rain fed farming systems • High-latitude rain fed systems with cold winters; • Mid-latitude rain fed systems with mild winters; • Subtropical and tropical rain fed highland farm systems; • Semi-arid tropical and subtropical farming systems. • Factors that influence the intensity and productivity of rain fed farming systems are- • Ratio of precipitation to potential evapo-transpiration, • Water availability, • Drought risk, • Temperature regimes, • Soil quality, • External input use, • Marketing margins & market access

  6. Priority to Integrated Farming Feed Irrigation Fishing Effluent Manure

  7. 40 Meters Agave, Silver Oak, Bamboo, Champak, Neem etc .trees alternatively as border tress Integrated Farming System Trees Farm hut Poultry 100 Meters Kitchen Garden Farm Pond Compost Pit Cattle Shed Fodder Grass Region/ Location specific cropping pattern can be adopted Agave, Silver Oak, Bamboo, Champak, Neem etc .trees alternatively as border tress Ragi : Avare 4:1 Fodder Grass Ragi : Niger Seed 4:1 Fodder Grass Groundnut : Red gram 8:2 Fodder Grass Fruit Tree Crops Mango, Jackfruit, Sapota, Amla etc 7 Fs = Food, Fruits, Fuel, Fodder, Fiber, Flowers & Fish Tress

  8. ADOPTION OF STATE SPECIFIC MODEL • Region / location specific IFS models to be tested in every State by integrating the following activities: • Agriculture • Horticulture • Animal Husbandry, Piggery, • Apiculture • Forestry • Fishery • Sericulture • Insitu soil moisture conservation • Micro-irrigation

  9. Crop Diversification- Income Security In order to create Multiple Sources of Farm Income – Crop diversification and mixed cropping system. ‘No field with one crop and no farmer with one income’.

  10. Up scaling Animal Husbandry Component in the farming systems • Linking Livestock to Crop Production System- • Production of Maize -- Poultry Industry • Fodder Production-- Dairy • Silage & Fortification of dry fodder-- Cattle feed • Comprehensive development of all the systems viz. production, storage, • processing and marketing. • Promotion of livestock activities for landless labourers. • Promotion of FPOs • Empowering of farmers / farmers organizations, to bring in change from subsistence rearing of livestock to a production oriented business system • Public private partnership models to be evolved and adopted. • Providing horizontal linkages between the components of livestock, agri, horti. Silvi-pasture Systems.

  11. Fodder Production

  12. Promotion of Dry land Horticulture • For sustainable productivity introduction of horticulture component in dry land systems is necessary. • To utilize the soil moisture effectively from the soil profile. • To secure assured income. • To mitigate the risk and to achieve nutrition security. • Promoting processing for value addition. Agri-Horti System with Mango/Sapota- Finger millet for sustainable income

  13. Watershed Development • Exclusive Watershed Development Department for Natural Resources Management. • Integration of land based activities- • Soil & Water Conservation, • Crop-husbandry, • Dry land Horticulture, • Social Forestry, • Animal Husbandry, • Fisheries, • Social Mobilization, • Livelihood improvement for landless (IG activities) • Implementation of Watershed activities through of SHGs, UGs and Watershed Committees • Convergence of MNREGA & JALASIRI

  14. Success story of SUJALA PROJECT in Karnataka Source: ISRO – ANTRIX Corporation

  15. Watershed based interventions

  16. Glimpse of Activities

  17. Dry Land Development TechnologyAgronomical Practices Contour Cultivation with Vegetative Hedges Mixed Cropping Paired Row Technology

  18. Afforestation – Common Land

  19. Integrated Extension Delivery System • Single window system to provide technical advises of all farm related activities through Raitha Samparka Kendra / Raitha Mithra Kendra and reduce the gap between LAB TO LAND. • All inputs supply through Raitha Samparka Kendras. • Encouraging Private Extension System. • Integration of ATMA & Convergence of different schemes. • Promoting “Swabeejabhivridhi” to reduce the dependency on outside seeds. • Use of ICT in extension services.

  20. Credit, Value addition, Market & Crop Insurance Formation of Joint Liability Groups (JLG) for improved credit flow & recovery. Infrastructure for – Storage Facility On farm value addition Processing, grading, branding and packing Custom Hire Service Centers Marketing- Market rate information. Unified licensing Electronic trading Spot exchanges Insurance- Safety-net for farmers through Weather based crop Insurance

  21. Co-operative/ Group farming/FPO • MARKET LINKED SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT UTILIZING SFAC • 3 Agencies identified by Government of India • a. Vrutti Livelihood Resource Centre- Bijpaur • b. Indian Society Agri-business Professionals- Gulbarga • c. Access Livelihood Consulting India - Bidar and Yadgiri • Interaction meeting between the Agencies, district level, Implementing Officers. • Formation of groups and federations. • Capacity building of groups, linkages with markets; storage • Creation of marketing support and Marketing, processing and value addition activities.

  22. Organic Farming • Organic farming aims at production of quality and safe agriculture produce. • Organic farming system helps to restore and maintain soil fertility. • Involvement of NGOs, SHGs, co-operatives for promotion of organic farming. • More Certification Agencies for certification of organic produces.

  23. Recommendations Reducing wastages

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