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WP2 Nutrient Management in Farming Systems. FP7 - INEM A D project kick - of f meeting Ghent, 12.04.2012. Preface. Why this project, what is the problem? the problem of nutrient cycling partly originates from the specialisation in the primary production sector,
WP2 Nutrient Management in Farming Systems FP7 - INEMAD project kick-off meeting Ghent, 12.04.2012
Preface Why this project, what is the problem? • the problem of nutrient cycling partly originates from the specialisation in the primary production sector, • specialisation happens because the economic aspects dominate the ecological and social aspects and gaining benefits by the production of large volume of a product is/was more important that gaining benefits by producing a wide variety of products, • mass production of a limited number of commodities at the farm has been a more successful business strategy than mixed farming where a wide range of complementary products were produced, • lack of FP6 and FP7 projects, FP7 INEMAD
INEMAD is focusing on innovative strategies (1) • to reconnect crop production and livestock husbandry farming systems, • to integrate the new flows of energy and materials inside and outside the agricultural sector creating options with biomaterial recycling, greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation, • to develop new business models where material and energy flows in the system are reconsidered e.g. recycling, • holistic, system approach in nutrient management, FP7 INEMAD
INEMAD is focusing on innovative strategies (2) • the result is a triangular enlargement of the traditional farming systems with a processing system. Processing as a third pillar linked with crop production and animal husbandry will reduce the external energy input and will close the nutrient cycle (carbon cycle). • nutrient recycling can be done by bio- processing and the use of digestate as fertilizer, Why to include processing as the 3rd pillar? • to restore the nutrient cycle, • to decrease the energy input, • to connect the flows of nutrients outside the agriculture with the inside flows in agriculture, • indirectly to reduce the GHG emission, FP7 INEMAD
Driving principles in nutrient management • assuring the nutrient balance in the system by nutrient flows and nutrient cycles, • concern to the environmental impact due to the unwanted side effects offertilization (on soils, weed growth, crop diseases water and air pollution), • assuring productivity and sustainability, • beside the quantitative nutrient management assuring both quantitative and qualitative aspects + efficiency in the nutrient management+ economy, FP7 INEMAD
The NITROGEN cycle and balance in a mixed farming system INPUTS Outputs Feeding65% Fertilizer and manure25% Nitrogen fixing plants7% Nitrogen rainfall 2% Plant + Animal 26% nitrogen recycled or lost in the environment Sold products 44% Sold animals25% Manure4% FP7 INEMAD
The PHOSPHOR cycle and balance in a mixed farming system INPUTS Outputs Feeding78% Fertilizer and manure22% Plant + Animal 13% phosphor recycled or lost in the environment Sold products 37% Sold animals37% Manure12% FP7 INEMAD 12.04.2012
The POTASSIUM cycle and balance in a mixed farming system INPUTS Outputs Feeding74% Fertilizer and manure26% Plant + Animal 36% potassium recycled or lost in the environment Sold products 43% Sold animals8% Manure12% FP7 INEMAD 12.04.2012
Schematic carbon cycle FP7 INEMAD
Carbon cycle (2) • soil organic material content: • < 5% living organisms, • < 10% fresh residues, • 30-50% stabilised organic material, • 30-50% decomposing organic material, • the source of organic material are from photosynthesis and chemosynthesis, • the transformation of carbon trough anaerobe (fermentation) and aerobe (respiration) processes due to macro and macro- organisms, • the main organic resources are the cellulose, lignins, pectins, proteins other materials, FP7 INEMAD
WP2 Objectives • to analyse the options (strategies) for efficient nutrient management in different farming systems, • to analyse the optimal use of new fertilisation alternatives from bio-processing, • evaluation of the possibilities to replace the traditional fertilizers ( e.g. by green fertilizers), The WP2 is divided in 3 subtasks: Task 2.1: identification and ranking the nutrient management strategies (practices), Task 2.2: technical and ecological evaluation of the strategies (practices), Task. 2.3: economical and ecological evaluation (trade offs or impact) of the strategies + social acceptance, FP7 INEMAD 12.04.2012
Links with other deliverables D.2.1 Report with the list of the existing and innovative strategies for nutrient recycling (month 12), • Receive inputs from: D.1.2, D. 1.3, D 4.1 • Working in parallel: D.3.2, D.3.2, D.6.5 D.2.2 Report with technical and ecological evaluation of the ranked management strategies (month 36), • Receive inputs from: D.1.4, D.4.1, D.4.3, D.4.4, D.5.1 • Working in parallel: D.3.3, D.3.4, D.3.5, D.4.5, D.4.7 D.2.3 Report with economic and ecologic trade offs (impacts)and social acceptance of the innovative management strategies (month 44), • Receive inputs from: as the D.2.2 + D.4.6, D.4.8, D.5.2, • Working in parallel: D.3.7, D.6.4 FP7 INEMAD 12.04.2012
Inputs from the WP1 • MFA (material flow analysis- an analytical method of quantifying flows and stocks of materials or nutrients in the selected agro-systems) having the aim to describe the existing nutrient strategies, identify the knowledge gaps in the system, establish the system boundaries for comparing the different systems, • indicator toolbox (based on SMART principles) concerning the assessment of the nutrient and energy efficiency in different farming systems e.g. carbon balance, NO2 emission, • the toolbox serve the WP2 and WP3, FP7 INEMAD 12.04.2012
Outputs to WP3, WP4, WP5, WP6 • give inputs to the WP4 (exchange of nutrients between farms and processing units) and WP5 (institutional framework: stakeholder consultation, elaborating the white paper for recycling policies), Task 3.1 Inventory of processing strategies, Task 4.1 Stakeholder consultation (focus group), Task 4.2 Evaluation of different types of collaboration, Task 4.4 Optimisation models for blending organic fertilizers, Task 4.5 Report on the economic and ecologic impact (trade offs), Task 5.1 Stakeholder workshop, FP7 INEMAD 12.04.2012
Selecting the 6 (7) regions for case studies Task 2.1 Nutrient management strategies (6country X 5 strategy), Task 2.3 Economic and ecologic impact + social acceptability of the nutrient management strategies (focus groups) (6 countries), Task 3.1 Inventory of processing strategies (6 countries), Task 4.1 Focus group meetings (7 countries), Task 5.1 Stakeholder workshop (7 countries), FP7 INEMAD 12.04.2012
Proposed methodology for selecting the regions and sites • select the target area, • categorize the main production practices and identify the limiting factors (boundary analysis), • select the representative sites (farms), • consultation with the farmers in the selected sites, • choose the applicability of MFA toolbox indicators, • prepare a farm level nutrient management plan with existing practices, • identify the innovative management practices, • prepare a farm level nutrient management plan with innovative practices, • identify the economic- ecologic and social sustainability indicators, • apply the economic- ecologic and social sustainability indicators, • evaluate farmers acceptance by focus groups and stakeholder meetings, • extend the innovative nutrient management practices, FP7 INEMAD 12.04.2012
Task 2.1 planned activities (1) Subtask 2.1.1: Inventory of existing management strategies for nutrient cycling establish the selection criteria ofEuropean regions e.g high number of animals in the North and a low number of animals in Central and South, select the 6 regions in Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, The Netherlands, prepare questionnaire on the present and innovative nutrient practices, perform the interviews withstakeholders in the 6 countries + summarizing the results to be used in subtask 2.1.2, Q: one region /country is representative or 5 regions with different practices? FP7 INEMAD 12.04.2012
Task 2.1 planned activities (2) establish the criteria for innovative nutrient management practices, proceed identification: based on the results from Subtask 2.1.1 the innovative practices are identified in the 6 PP countries, establish the ranking criteria, proceed the ranking: based on the results from Subtask 2.1.2 the innovative practices are ranked (prioritised) Results: 30 strategies Responsible partner: AUP Subtask 2.1.2 Identifying innovative management strategies for nutrient cycling Subtask 2.1.3 Ranking the innovative management strategies for nutrient cycling FP7 INEMAD 12.04.2012
Task 2.2 planned activities (1) evaluate: based on the Task 1.1.1,MFA and Task 2.1.3 the ranked (prioritised) strategies (practices) are evaluated according to the nutrient managementpractices and farming system, Subtask 2.2.1 Technical evaluation of the ranked strategies FP7 INEMAD 12.04.2012
Subtask 2.2.1 nutrient management practices FARM BOUNDARIES • from inside sources (nutrient self sustained), • from outside sources (nutrient dependent), MATERIAL INPUTS AND OUTPUTS • inputs in the plant cropping farms, • outputs in the plant cropping farms (flowchart and balance), • inputs in livestock farms, • outputs in the livestock farms (flowchart and balance), • inputs in the mixed farms, • outputs in the mixed farms (flowchart and balance), NUTRIENT SOURCES • agricultural, • non agricultural e.g. industrial and /or rural, NUTRIENT LOSSES • economic: reduced profit, • ecologic: leaching, nitrification, pest and disease, GHG emission, FP7 INEMAD 12.04.2012
Subtask 2.2.1 farming systems PLANT CROPPING FARMS • conventional, integrated, • organic, • with low input energy crops, • no energy crops, • location e.g. nitrate sensitive zone, • size, LIVESTOCK FARMS • animal species as dairy cow, beef, pig, poultry e.g. P/N ratio, • location e.g. close to bio- processing units, • size, MIXED FARMS • plant species for cropping, • animal species for breeding, • size, • location e.g. nitrate sensitive zone, FP7 INEMAD 12.04.2012
Notes to subtask 2.2.1 • in the FSS (Farm Structure Survey) 72 types of farming are identified, having 9 economic sizes in the 140 FADN regions, • on CORDIS 51 results in farming systems and 15 projects for nutrient management, • farm selection according to the closeness to the biomass processing units and farms having GAP or quality assurance schemes, • evaluation of the GHG contribution of different nutrient cycling options, • establishing the quality performance of the organic input sources e.g. microbiology, • beside the material input and output analysis in some cases the energy input and outputs can be studied e.g. energy used/ha, energy used /kg product, FP7 INEMAD 12.04.2012
Subtask 2.2.1 analysis of the farming systems PLANT CROPPING FARMS use of cover crops, use of energy crops in non food plots, using GAP practices, precision farming, using crop rotation, using green fertilizers e.g. bio-char, compost, manure spreading practices and techniques e.g. injections, LIVESTOCK FARMS feed optimisation, e.g. low phosphor content feeds, housing condition e.g. solid manure or liquid manure, animal health aspects, manure treatment (+ additives) and storage, grazing species/in house species, FP7 INEMAD 12.04.2012
Notes to subtask 2.2.1 (2) • using bio char produced from agricultural and food wastes could reduce plants need for nitrogen by 20 –30% while sequestering carbon that would otherwise end up in the atmosphere, • carbon binding potential of composting and the use of bio-char to mitigate the climate changecontribute to 1% increase of soil organic matter in the top 30 cm which is equivalent to 0,968 tons of atmospheric CO2/ hacaptureand storage FP7 INEMAD 12.04.2012
Task 2.2 planned activities (2) proceed identification: based on the indicator toolbox from Subtask 1.1.3 and 2.2.1 with link to Subtask 2.3.2 the technical feasible practices are identified. This can be different in the selected regions. Results: different nutrient management strategies for plant cropping, livestock farming and mixed farms having in focus the possibility of using the green fertilizers which are performed in WP3 and WP4 Responsible: SOLTUB Ltd. Subtask 2.2.2 Technical feasible strategies FP7 INEMAD 12.04.2012
Task 2.2 planned activities (3) fill the knowledge gap in the national and international literature and improve the Subtask 1.1.3 (toolbox): the evaluation can be extended with the PP countries programmes in nutrient management which can be linked with INEMAD as in Denmark: Ethical Account for Livestock Farms, Green accounts, in The Netherlands: Agro-ecological Indicators, Agricultural Environmental Label, in France: Agro –ecological Indicators, in Germany: Regno studying the fertilisation guidelines inPP countries, fertilisation maps + nitrate sensitive zones and buffer zones+ soil classification+ aquifer classification, link with other FP6 and FP7 project results, Subtask 2.2.3Ecological evaluation of the nutrient system FP7 INEMAD 12.04.2012
Task 2.3 planned activities (1) Subtask 2.3.1 Economies of scale and scope Subtask 2.3.2 Analysis of economic-ecologic trade offs(impact) evaluate: costs, yields, prices, inputs in the selected regions (case studies in Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, The Netherlands), perform the analysis: the economical and ecological impact of the innovative management practices e.g. using green fertilizers in the plant cropping farms and mixed farms, pest management, water quality FP7 INEMAD 12.04.2012
Task 2.3 planned activities (2) Subtask 2.3.3 Social acceptability of management strategies by farmers interviews: preparing the questions for the interviews, organizing the focus groups in the 6 countries, (Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, The Netherlands), performing the interviews + summarizing the results Results: feasibility study on the economic aspects of the different nutrition strategies (possibility to include the green fertilizers and biomass processed products) and ecologic aspects of usingbio- processed products Responsible: ILVO FP7 INEMAD 12.04.2012
WP2 RTD background • PP project background e.g. Interreg project DAIRYMAN, • FP6 projects: 22 projects in farming system e.g. livestock farming BAT SUPPORT, and 21 projects in nutrient management e.g. fertigation NAGREF, • FP7 projects: using farm waste: REFERTIL, FERTIPLUS, CANTOGETHER, RECOPHOS, farm management: FUTURE FARMS, NUE CROPS, crops:4FCROPS, OSCAR, dairy farms: SOLID • Technology platforms: BIOFUELS, FABRE, GAH, PLANTS, SUSCHEM, ORGANIC, Other: International Fertilisation Organisation FP7 INEMAD 12.04.2012
Conformance to EU rules • water management: Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for the Community action in the field of water policy, • soil management: Commission Report on the Thematic Strategy for Soil Protection COM(2006)231 final and Commission report on The implementation of the Soil Thematic Strategy and ongoing activities COM(2012)46 final, • waste management: Commission Communication on the Thematic Strategy on the Prevention and Recycling of Waste COM(2011)13 final, • natural resources: Commission Communication on the Thematic Strategy on the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources COM(2005) 670 final, • sustainability: EUROPE 2020: A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth COM(2010) 2020 final, Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe COM(2011)571 final • bio-economy: Bio-economy for Europe COM(2012)60 FP7 INEMAD 12.04.2012