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24 February 2012

SABANCI HOLDİNG Annual Results Sharing. 24 February 2012. Agenda Economic Outlook Sabancı Holding Review. World economy ended 2011 with concerns for high public debt levels. Major headlines of the past year: Public debt and bank reserve requirements problems in Europe,

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24 February 2012

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  1. SABANCI HOLDİNG Annual Results Sharing 24 February 2012

  2. Agenda • Economic Outlook • Sabancı Holding Review

  3. World economy ended 2011 with concerns for high public debt levels • Major headlines of the pastyear: • Public debt and bank reserve requirements problems in Europe, • Liquidity measures of ECB • Fiscal union attempts of the European Union member states • Earthquake/tsunami disaster in Japan, • Socio-Political tension in MENA region, • Turkish economy was mildly effected by the slowed down growth and increasingly unstable environment. • Central Bank’s fiscal discipline and monetary policies, increase in domestic and international credit lines and vibrant domestic demand led to high growth. • Inflation increased at the last quarter of 2011, monetary policies were altered • TL devaluation was reversed as a result of the restored global risk appetite due to corrective measures EU took at the beginning of 2012

  4. Global economy slowed down in 2011; further slowing down is a risk for 2012 World GDP, real growth,% Developed Economies GDP, real growth,% Developing Economies GDP, real growth,% Source: IMF ( World Economic Outlook )

  5. 2012 Macro Outlook: Global • Growth momentum might slow down in developing economies • Euro zone will be stagnant. USA is doing better • Tighter budget discipline is a must in Europe, otherwise public debt is unsustainable • Loose monetary policies will be applied in developed economies • Liquidity measures delayed debt crisis in Euro zone; fiscal discipline is crucial • Credit notes of developing countries and banks might further be brought down • Markets may realize periodic gains due to increased liquidity, trend will be determined by the growth expectations • Demand will put upward pressure on commodity prices • Tension in the Middle East will prevent oil prices from dropping

  6. 2012 Macro Outlook: Turkey Unfortunately 8% growth is not sustainable • Domestic demand will not be as strong as the past two years • Exports will be adversely affected by the lowered demand in the first half • Credit growth will be slow • Stringent fiscal policies will continue. We foresee the continuation of successful budget management • The current deficit will shrink due to lower domestic demand • We expect TL to remain stable under a 4% growth projection, diminishing current account deficit and liquidity availability assumptions

  7. 2012 Expectations - Turkey 2011 2012t Real Growth,% CPI,% year end USD/YTL, year end EUR/USD parity Budget Deficit /GNP,% Bond Interest, year end,% Current Acc. Balance /GNP,%

  8. Agenda • Economic Outlook • Sabancı Holding Review

  9. 2011 has been a year of growth, profitability and investment for Sabancı Holding • Consolidated net sales 22.9 billion TL (+17% vs. 2010) • Consolidated operational profit (EBITDA) 4.3 billion TL • Non-bank EBITDA 1.1 billion TL (+70% vs. 2010) • 1.45 billion USD investments - 29% higher than last year • Shareholders’ equity 14.1 billion TL • 12 listedcompanies in ISE - 12% of the market • Net Asset Value 13.0 Billion USD1 Figures represent our 2011 year end expectations (1) February 2012 Source : Sabancı Holding, ISE

  10. Major Developments in 2011 - I • OperationalizedHacınınoğlu, Mengehydro and Çanakkale wind power plants • Installed capacity reached1,653MW, portfolio capacity is over 5,000 MW • 2,358 MW of renewable resource capacity in our portfolio • In accordance with our commitment to develop local resources we kicked off the construction of 8 terminals in coal, hydro and wind power • Signed a 700 million Euro financing package for our second phase investments • Completed the rebranding of Başkent Elektrik Dağıtım A.Ş.toEnerjisaserving over 6.6 million people in 7 cities • Established the Enerjisa Enerji A.Ş. umbrella company in line with our vertical integration and optimization strategy that owns our electricity generation, trade and distribution companies • Energy Group increased its 2011 sales by 28%, its EBITDA by 152% as a result of new plants coming on line and increased efficiencies Energy

  11. Major Developments in 2011 - II • Highest retail and financial strength grading for a bank in Turkey • Global Banking & FinanceReview: Best Bank in Turkey – 2011 • BrandFinance: Ranked as “Turkey’s Most Valuable Bank Brand” at “World’s Most Valuable 500 Bank Brands- 2012” • Akbank brand value: $1,582,000,000 1 • Ranking 96th on the top 500 international list Bank (1): BrandFinance

  12. Major Developments in 2011 - III • 3rd largest group in organized food retailing with CarrefourSAand DiaSA. • Teknosa revenues reached 1.7 billion TL with269stores and128 K m2 sales area • Leader with 13% share in general consumer electronics market and with 43% market share amongst technology markets • Teknosareinforced its leadership in 2011 by acquiring Best Buy operations in Turkey • Retail: Revenues increased by 17% and EBITDA by 70% in 2011. • Aksigorta signed equal partnership agreement with the European prominent insurance companyAgeason February 2011. • Insurance Services: Revenues up by 21%, EBITDA by 25%. Retail & Insurance Services

  13. Major Developments in 2011 - IV • Revenues increased 12% and EBITDA increased 24%. • We consider local/international expansion alternatives that will help us achieve our regional leadership objective and create additional value and synergy for our Group. • Çimsa bought, 51% shares of AfyonÇimentoSanayiTürk A.Ş. for 25 million Euro (57.5 m TL) • We allocate considerable resources to our sustainability projects. Sabancı Cement Group targets to invest USD 200 million over the next 5 years. We spent USD 72 M in 2011. • Akçansa published the first Sustainability report (GRI approved B level) • In line with energy efficiency and sustainable growth directives, Akçansabrought on line Turkey’s first Waste Heat Power Generation plant in Sept. 2011 in Çanakkale facilities. The facility will save 105 million kWh annually, 30% of the total energy consumption of the Çanakkale Plant and also reduce carbon emissions by 60,000 tons. • Çimsa is preparing to bring Mersin project on line which has similar targets. Cement

  14. Major Developments in 2011 - V • Achieved high capacity utilization rates in all Group Companies. Price – raw material cost margins were managed successfully. Product portfolios were improved as a part of customer oriented growth initiatives. • Industrials Group revenues increased by 35%, EBITDA improved by 62%. Industrials • Kordsa Global sales reachedUSD1 billion. Turkish facilities broke record efficiency levels. • 3 recent product commercialization from İzmit R&D center • Brisa expanded its service portfolio with the acquisition of Bandag, tire coating company. • First time implementation of online tire change and servicing in Turkey with www.lastik.com.tr • Increased export sales and profitability by 40% and 100%, consecutively, with Lassa • Sasa, completed the sales ofAdvansa BV. Surpassed self profitability record by managing raw material costs effectively, and high capacity utilization. • Temsa, launched new small coach MD9 in Europe. Company sales exceeded 1.25 B TL • Yünsa increased profitability to record levels. R&D center is operational and higher segment products introduced to the portfolio • Olmuksa increased sales and geographic penetration with the integration of DS Smith company

  15. 2012 strategies Profitable Growth To focus on target customers and markets To increase efficiency and achieve cost control To make strategic investments To effectively manage risks “SA” Innovation Technology Human Resources

  16. Our Group will have over 60,000 employees in 2012 • We created close to 3,000 new jobs in 2011 • We project to create an additional 3,000 new jobs in 2012 • Retail, financial services, industrials and energy will recruit the most • 40% of our workforce is white collar, 55% of which have university or post graduate degrees • Women make up34% of workforce. The ratio is 55% in financial services • 66% of white collar women have university or post graduate degrees • Average of 30 hours of training per person annually for HR development in our Group • 162 senior managers have been subject to Sabancı Leadership Team (SALT) trainings to better prepare them for their future roles in the Group

  17. “Sabancı” brand adds strength to our Companies Perception created by joint SA branding • Trust • One of us • Robust • Continuity • Known • Time saving • Invest to Turkey • Strong • Quality • Proven • Sincere

  18. Leading Sabancı Holding Companiesreach out to a wide customer base • 6.6 million customers in Başkent region • Most recognized private energy company with 55% brand awareness rate • 269 stores in 72 cities • Service network covering %93 of Turkey • 85 million visitors • A sale every 2 seconds • First choice for technologyproduct shopping • 450K Facebook, 16K Twitter followers • 8 million + retail customers • 926 branches, 3,695 ATM/ BTM • Internet, mobile ve telephone banking • TNS Piar - MiriadBanking Sector Survey Results -2011: Akbank “First Remembered Bank” • 532 tire sales points • Bridgestoneand Lassa sold tires to over 600K customers • First ever tire company to provide road assistance to its consumers • Lastik.com.tr - first and only web site to provide online tire services • Bridgestone- highest awareness improvement amongst tire brands • Lassa perceived as most sincere brand in its category • 2.2 million policies • 22,000 claims per month on average • 1,511 Agencies; 899 Bank Branches • “Top of mind” and “Most prestigious Company” in the insurance sector • Over 350 thousandprivatepensioninsuranceholders • ~3,600 new participants every month • 264 thousand customer interaction atCallCenter per month • 1,358 stores, 601m2 sales area • ~200 million customers annually TUR • 286,500 HiltonSA guests Source: Independent Reseach Companies: BrandEquity, TNS 2010, Synovate 4Q11, IPSOS 2011, TNS PR Miriad

  19. 20% increase projected in consolidated sales Sabancı Group Companies– Consolidated Net Sales (Billion TL) 27.6 %20 %17 22.9 %5 19.6 18.6 Source: Sabancı Holding,Finance

  20. Sabancı Holding shareholder’s equity is expected to exceed 15 billion TL Sabancı Group Companies– Shareholder’s Equity (Billion TL) 15.6 %11 14.0 %8 13.1 %20, 10.9 Numbers belong to Sabancı Holding ‘s parent and they are consolidated Source: Sabancı Holding,Finance

  21. We pursue investing in projects that help Turkey grow Sabancı Group Companies– Investments (Billion USD) 1.97 $1.33 billion %36 %29 1.45 %4 1.13 1.08 Source: Sabancı Holding,Finance

  22. More Sabancı Group companies will be taken public in the coming years... Expected Initial Public Offerings 2012 2013 2014 2015

  23. We aim to grow our net asset value to USD 25 billion in the next 5 years Sabancı Holding Net Asset Value Growth - Billion USD $25.0 CAGR %18 $11.1 $5.7 CAGR %14 Note : Notes: Market cap value was taken for public companies in order to calculate net asset value. Net asset values in Sabanci Holding analyst reports was taken for non-public companies. Source: Sabancı Holding – Finance

  24. Thank you

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