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MCM products are made from revolutionary patented natural clay based composite material without toxic additives or hazardous chemicals.<br>
Phomi MCM Products- Unique Characteristic ofClay Based Product • MCM products are made from revolutionary patented natural clay based composite material without toxic additives or hazardouschemicals. • Unlike traditional paints, tiles, stones and timber products that require highly polluting processing,Phomi MCMproducts are produced via low carbon footprint and near zero emission proprietary manufacturing know-how that help safeguard theenvironment. • MCM products retain the unique characteristic of clay-based product that can absorb moisture and odours such as formaldehyde from theambient. • ThishumidityadjustmentfeaturecontributingtobetterindoortemperaturecontrolgivesMCMproductsan edge over other buildingmaterials. • MCM products are UV and fade resistant eco-friendly green product. However as with any natural stones or homogeneous tiles products, colour variation is inherent showcasing its naturalorigin. • Withits8%to15%moistureabsorptioncapacity,theproductcolourwillturndarkerwhenambienthumidity ishigh (e.g. when installedin washroomorexternalwallduringrainydays)and willrevertbacktoitsoriginal colour tone after evaporation of theabsorbed moisture. • PhomiMCM products come with unique non-repetitive products’ profile producing all-natural effects after installation. • The products may incorporate purposely designed surface dents, pores or punctual holes of varying shapes anddepthorevenjaggededgerequiringappropriatearrangementwheninstallingasfor anyrusticnaturalstone products which should not be taken as defects in theproducts. • MCMproductsarepurposelycraftedwithvaryingthicknessof1to2mmdifferenceacrosstoenhanceitsall- natural visual effects after installation which should not be taken as defects inthe products. • If a more even surface finish is desired, the varying thickness can be reduced by applying the appropriate amount of adhesive compound to compensate forvariance when installing. • Being a thin and light clay-based product, care should be taken not to bend the edges or fold the products beyond 90°and to prevent from scratches by sharp objects which will damage theproduct. • MCM products are both acid and alkali resistant able to withstand exposure to common household acids and alkalis. To prevent contamination the product should not be stored together with thinner, xylene or other toxic organic solvents with strongodor. • AsthestrongerthefoundationwillgivebetterimpactresistancetoMCMproducts,thestrengthorweakness of the substrate will affect the level of impact resistance after installation. Comparing to traditional stone slab and tiles,Phomi Stonesproducts are more superior and will not break when subject to same impact force which will crack traditional stone slab and tiles laid on identicalsubstrate. • MCM products are easy to clean with just soap and water. For tougher stains use melamine foam or scrub with blade ifnecessary. • MCM products are rated Class A2 for fireresistant. • MCM products are environmentally friendly 100%recyclable.