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Explore the appearance, discourse, habits, and legacy of Imam Al-Ridha within the context of his Imamah. Learn about his teachings, writing, and impact on the Institute of Ahlul Bayt.
Questions about Al-Ridha His Imamah 41 Questions A.S. Hashim, MD
Definition of Terms in this Slide Show • Institute of Ahlul Bayt: Refers to the teachings and discussions by Ahlul Bayt. This was conducted at: • The house of the Imam • Masjid Al-Nabawi • At or near the Grand Mosque during Haj • Piety-minded: Refers to the many Schools of thought: Like that of Ibn Abbas, of Ibn Omar, Jabriah, Qadariyah, Murj’iah, Ahlul Raa’y, Ahlul Qiyas, etc.
Describe the appearance of Imam Al-Ridha. • Al-Ridha had an appearance commanding reverence and high esteem. • He often had a smile on his face, a radiant countenance, and a cheerful look with repose. • a+b+ He gave people a sense of comfort and ease in his presence • a+b+ He used to dress up luxuriously to impress people.
List some personal traits in which Al-Ridha was similar to Imam Al-Kadhim. • Al-Ridha loved to pray, say Du'aas, and to do Sujood frequently, whenever he wanted to thank Allah. • He used to perform Salat excessively, especially for Tahajjud. • He used to fast often during the year (voluntary fasting). • a+b+c+ To perform Haj or Omrah Al-Ridha used to travel on foot accompanied by his family. Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
Evaluate Imam Al-Ridha's discourse capacity. • People held Al-Ridha in highest esteem and were very attracted by his discussions. • He was renowned for quoting the Hadith, Tafseer, Al-Ah'kaam, and other Islamic sciences. • a+b+ It is said that about 18,000 Fiqh intricacies were answered and clarified, according to one authority • a+b+ It is said that about 2,500 Fiqh intricacies were answered Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
Describe the personal habits of Imam Al-Ridha. • Al-Ridha insisted to eat together with his subordinates, servants, attendants, and employees. • He was described as never to have been rude or bad-mannered with anybody, and he always responded to someone in need. • He waited for people to finish off talking before answering, never interrupting. • a+b+c+ His laughter was expressed in attractive smiles. Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
Give the number of books Imam Al-Ridha had written. • Al-Ridha himself was the author of 7 books or dissertations. • was the author of 20 books • was the author of 12 books • was the author of 3 books Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
Elucidate what Al-Ma'Moon had said about Imam Al-Ridha. • “I have not seen a person higher than Al-Ridha in knowledge, more in righteousness, deeper in piety, more in generosity, or more Allah-fearing, than he. • a+ Al-Ridha is the most acceptable to Al-Khaassah (Shi'a) and Al-Aammah (the common man), and the most pious of all.” • Al-Ridha is the very focus of Al-Khaassah (Shi'a). • Al-Ridha is the magnate to all people. Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
Give a statement about the Majlis. • Al-Ridha was the first in history to make the yearly commemoration of Karbala (Majlis) official. • a+ He also stressed on people to • hold Majlis on the anniversary of Karbala, • visit the tomb of Imam Al Husain • understand the endeavor of Imam Al Husain, • understand and emulate the works of Imam Al Husain. Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
Evaluate Ahlul Bayt's Institute at the beginning of Al-Ridha's Imamah. • By the start of Al-Ridha's Imamah the Institute of Ahlul Bayt had been in operation for over 110 years. • a+ It had continued to operate: • not only during tough and intolerant times • but also during accommodating and opportune times, depending on the politics of the period. • The Institute had practically fizzled out. • The Institute was in its most vigorous period. Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
Where was the teaching of the Institute taking place? • The teaching took place in • Al-Masjid Al-Nabawi, • at house of the Imam, • or near the Ka'ba during Haj time. • People were always welcome and none was ever refused, • a+b+ since the Spiritual Leadership was the Imam's most important duty. • The teaching was only at the Palace of Al-Ma’Moon. Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
How was the growth of the Institute up to Al-Ridha’s time? • The Institute had grown speedily during Al Baaqir's Imamah, • then it grew exponentially during Al Saadiq's times. • It shrank substantially during Al-Kadhim’s Imamah except during the rulership of Al-Mahdi son of Al-Mansoor. • a+b+c+ The growth was such that Ibn Al-Washa had visited the Grand Mosque of Kufa and counted 900 scholars simultaneously all reporting, “Al-Saadiq had said `so and so” quoting him. Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
Evaluate the Maaliki, Hanafi, Mu'tazila, and As'haab Al-Hadith during Al-Ridha's Imamah. • Maaliki Fiqh became predominant in Hijaz. It was spreading in Spain and parts of North Africa. • The Hanafi School of Fiqh was emerging. Many of its adherents were in Baghdad the capital and surrounding territories. • Mu’tazila had flourished in Iraq • a+b+c+ As'haab Al-Hadith, had become more popular among the less educated general public. Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
What did Al-Ma’Moon do about the attitude of Ahlul Bayt about Benu Abbas? • The Institute of Ahlul Bayt continued to deny constitutional rights to Benu Abbas • Khalifa Al-Ma'Moon knew that Ahlul Bayt regarded the Abbasi rule illegal from Shari'ah viewpoint, • By accepting Vice-regency Imam Al-Ridha would have indirectly consented to the legitimacy of Benu Abbas. • a+b+c+ Therefore, after Al-Ma'Moon became victorious over his brother in 198H he proceeded to implement his plan gradually. Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
Evaluate Al-Ma’Moon. • Khalifa Al-Ma'Moon was very astute, clever, brilliant, and shrewd. • Unfriendly, dull but shrewd. • Mean, bossy, but shrewd. • Greedy, foolish sometimes, but shrewd. Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
Review the intellectual centers at the time of Al-Ridha's Imamah. • The intellectual centers were in Mecca, Kufa, Basrah, Qum, Egypt, Baghdad as well as Medina. • The whole society was talking Shari'ah and Shari'ah Directives as the basis to society. • Non-Muslims who converted to Islam by the millions began to understand it better, intellectuals and commoners alike. • a+b+c+ The availability of paper had facilitated the spread of knowledge and men-copiers abounded, people writing copies of the original books and publications by hand. Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
Give the name and the date of birth of the newborn to the family of Al-Ridha. • It was Al-Jawaad who was born. • It was Al-Haadi who was born. • It was Al-Askari who was born. • It was Al-Mahdi who was born. Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
What was the status of Ahlul Bayt's Institute at the beginning of Al-Ridha's Imamah. • Ahlul Bayt's teachings of Islamic sciences and Tradition was sought after, especially by scholars. • The Shi'a depended on their inner strength and resolve, without support of the ruling class. • a+b+ During Al-Ridha's Imamah the teachings of Ahlul Bayt continued cautiously but at an adequate rate. • The Institute had halted its activities altogether. Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
Review the status of the loyalists of Ahlul Bayt during Al-Ridha's Imamah. • The devotees (Imamah Asserters or Shi'a) were all over, locally and far away. • The sphere of influence of the Institute was almost like a government inside a government, • The Institute was the pride and the very reference of all seekers of knowledge, • a+b+c+ but the ruling class regarded it as a grave threat to their security and throne, and a source of perpetual fear of it and its teachings Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
Enumerate some reasons for which Al-Ma'Moon had to appeal to Imam Al-Ridha. • Previous conversation with his father Al-Rashid, who told him of Ahlul Bayt's status. • Guilt feeling in the Ummah of the treatment given to Ahlul Bayt by Benu Abbas over the years. • Great sentimentality for Ahlul Bayt all over the Ummah • a+b+c+ The effect of the students of Ahlul Bayt in teaching the masses Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
Were there any political reasons for the Ma’Moon to appeal to Al-Ridha? • To satisfy the Shi'a, Imamah-Asserters • Prevent further uprisings • Hoping to get Al-Ridha's support • a+b+c+ Remove Al-Ridha from the Institute of Ahlul Bayt thus remove the source, and Keep Al-Ridha under surveillance near him. Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
Why was Al-Ridha in a bind when Khalifa Al-Ma'Moon asked him to move to Maru? • To be away from Medina, the proximity of Al-Masjid Al-Nabawi, and family was too much of a dislocation. • Grieved, Al-Ridha was seen close to the tomb of the Prophet (pbuh) crying and saying Du'aas, several times. • a+b+ He loathed the offer Al-Ma'Moon had forced on him. He viewed the offer pessimistically, and he detested it. • Imam Al-Ridha was delighted by the offer and knew of its potential. Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
Describe the agreement reached between Imam Al-Ridha and Khalifa Al-Ma'Moon. • For Al-Ridha not to take part in appointing or dismissing any person to government position. • not to take part in any official business. • strictly limit himself to Islamic counsel, teachings, and suggestions. • a+b+c Imam Al-Ridha was very serious about each of these points and resisted pressure from deviating from them. Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
What are the traits of Al-Ridha? • Al-Ridha distinguished himself with remarkable personal traits: • those of integrity, • high principles, • outstanding merit, • righteousness, piety, and virtue. • People resented Al-Ridha’s cooperation with Al-Ma’Moon • b+ Al-Ridha’s wife resented his cooperation with Al-Ma’Moon Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
Discuss Al-Ridha's accomplishment at Maru. • Al-Ridha lived at Maru in Khurasan for almost 3 years. • His headquarters were next door to those of Al-Ma'Moon. • a+b+ People held Al-Ridha in the highest esteem; he was the model, the representative of the Prophet (pbuh), the ultimate Marji'. • b+ Al-Ridha lived at Tehran for almost 13 years. Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
Whom did Al-Ma’Moon give in marriage to Al-Ridha? • It is said that Al-Ma'Moon gave his sister in marriage to Al-Ridha, • Also, Al-Ma’Moon gave his aunt in marriage to the uncle of Al-Ridha. • a+b+ This was a move to bind the two together in marriage, a move of blessings too. • a+b+ This was a trick to spy on Al-Ridha Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
How about the Audience of Al-Ma’Moon? • Al-Ma'Moon asked Al-Ridha to sit by him in their audience to hear complaints and grievances of people—and to present solutions. • People began to aggregate often, ask more boldly, and they received fitting and deserved justice. • They left happy and very content with Al-Ridha’s judgment. • a+b+c+ They liked the congenial atmosphere, loved the sense of justice, and were grateful for the verdicts. Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
Give an account of Imam Al-Ridha and Al-Ma’Moon Discourses • Because Al-Ma'Moon had an intellectual bend, and at times of a high intellectual fever, there was need to clarify many Islamic concepts. • Al-Ma'Moon invited scholars to visit his headquarters to present their point of view. • a+b+ Scholars came from near and far, traveled hundreds of miles to take advantage of the encouraging mood. • Scholars did not want to associate with Al-Ma’Moon. Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
How was the response of the scholars to Al-Ma’Moon’s invitation? • Quite often sessions were held to discuss and argue points of view. • People knew that Al-Ridha was the man to ask, he was the ultimate Marji' (Reference). • a+b+ They flocked to these sessions, especially scholars of: As'haab Al-Hadith, Mu'tazila, Fiqh leaders, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, and others. • The heated arguments were leading to fights and shouts. Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
What measures did Al-Ma’Moon take in regard to Al-Ridha? • Announcing the Vice-regency of Al-Ridha on the Minbar on Salat of Jumu’ah, • and asking for the preachers to supplicate for both Al-Ma’Moon and Al-Ridha before the sermon. • a+b+ Changing the money coinage in the name of Al-Ridha. Many such coins exist even today in some museums. • Celebrating with dinner invitation to all. Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
What other measures did Al-Ma’Moon take in regard Al-Ridha? • Changing the official color of the dress and flags to green rather than black which was the symbol of Benu Abbas. • Condemning the detractors from Ahlul Bayt. • Giving back Fadak to Ahlul Bayt. • a+b+c+ Making Majlis for Karbala official all over. Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
How was Al-Ridha’s manner of living in Maru? • Even though Al-Ridha was in the hub of the Court of the Khalifa, no change in behavior was ever discerned about him; • He continued to be the same pious man with humility, who cared for his subordinates. • His renowned habit of insisting on calling all servants and attendants at meal time to eat together with him continued as before; despite the objections of some of his associates. • a+b+c+ On the day before Eid Al-Adha Al-Ridha distributed most of his funds to the poor, disadvantaged, and needy. Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
How was the feeling of Benu Abbas about Al-Ma’Moon? • Distressed and frightened, Benu Abbas were apprehensive that the Khilaafah was about to be gone from their dynasty. • Their living manner, its splendor, and its grandeur were going to vanish, they concluded. • a+b+ There were 33,000 of them by this time, each living like a prince, simply because he was born in that dynasty, the family of Benu Abbas. • a+b+ They celebrated Al-Ma’Moon’s efforts wholeheartedly. Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
What advice did Al-Ridha give to Al-Ma’Moon about moving his headquarters? • When Imam Al-Ridha heard about the development in Baghdad he broke the news to Khalifa Al-Ma’Moon right away. • He also suggested to the Khalifa: • to move his capital back to Baghdad to be the seat of power, • to remove his scheming Wazir [Man in charge of the government affairs], and • also to relieve him from the Vice-regency. • a+b+ The Wazir had kept the news of the rebellion secret, and apparently was not efficient in his job. • The Wazir resented the advice Al-Ridha had given to Al-Ma’Moon. Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
Describe the move of the government to Baghdad? • From Maru the government officials, all the high-ups, the leaders of the armed forces, and the Justices moved en masse toward Baghdad. • It was an extremely large crowd, with an equally large crowd of infra structure to support it, • It included cooks, attendants, servants, butlers, assistants, • a+b+c+ along with those who took care of the horses and other means of transportation. Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
What happened on the way to Baghdad? • After a few days of travel the Wazir was attacked by some people and killed. • When the crowd reached another town of Khurasan Al-Ridha fell ill with fever. • a+b+ It so happened that this town was the same town in which the father of Al-Ma'Moon (Haroon Al-Rashid) was buried. • It was the town in which Mu’awiya was buried Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
At what age did Al-Ridha die? • The 55 year old Al-Ridha was sick for three days, he grew weak and the weakness was progressive. • He was 62yrs old • He was 42yrs old • He was 66yrs old Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
What did Al-Ridha do just before he died? • During the last day of his life Al-Ridha asked whether the servants and attendants had been fed. • When they answered that no one had the appetite to eat on account of his sickness, • Al-Ridha became distressed, he got up though wobbly, seated them himself, and supervised them while they ate. • a+b+c+ Shortly after that Al-Ridha fainted, collapsed, then died. Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
What are the circumstances of Al-Ridha’s death? • It is suspected that his condition was caused by poisoning through Al-Ma'Moon. • Many were very upset because they thought there was foul play. • Khalifa Al-Ma'Moon showed grief and anguish. • a+b+c+ He lamented the loss, saying he planned [to honor Al-Ridha in taking over the Khilaafah] but Allah decided differently. Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
What did Al-Ma’Moon do at the death of Al-Ridha? • Al-Ma'Moon insisted to be among those who carried the coffin, crying, grieved, and looking miserable. • Al-Ridha was buried by the side of Al-Ma'Moon's father, Haroon Al-Rashid, the very one who imprisoned Al-Ridha's father (Imam Al-Kadhim). • a+b+ It is said that Khalifa Al-Ma'Moon stayed at the site of the grave for 3 days mourning the loss of Al-Ridha, eating very little. • The poets celebrated the oddity that Al-Rashid was not buried by Al-Ridha. Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
Quote some sayings of Imam Al-Ridha. • Your best friend is your intellect, and your worst enemy is your ignorance. • When prostrating you are closest to Allah; for Allah has commanded in the Quran: “Prostrate, [O man], to be near [Me].” • For the pious person Salat is the means to be close to Allah. • a+b+c+ The generous person is: close to Allah, close to paradise, close to people, and is far from Hellfire. The stingy is far from paradise, far from people, and close to Hellfire. Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
Quote some sayings of Imam Al-Ridha. • No one shall perfect genuine faith until he develops three tendencies: • quality knowledge of Islam, • good management of his livelihood, and • forbearance and perseverance in times of hardship. • The best in a person is when others live decently out of his income. • a+b+ The company of people can be an affliction to the one who is followed, and a humiliation to those who follow him in deeds. Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
Quote more sayings of Imam Al-Ridha. • Worship is not abundance of ritual Salats and Saum, but it is the abundance of thinking about Allah's works. • There will be no comfort for the stingy; no joy for the envier; no gratification for the discontented; and no sense of honor for the liar. • The person who takes to transgression will not be spared from punishment. • a+b+c+ It suffices the one who slanders what he finds [of his untenable account] in the end. Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
Discuss one of the sermons Imam Al-Ridha gave. • To worship Allah you first have to know Him. And the basis of knowing Him is to acknowledge His Oneness. And the conformity to acknowledging His Oneness is to negate any aspects from Him. For it is indicated through reasoning that every aspect [feature] is created, and so is all creation; and the fact that every created object bears witness that it has a Creator. This Creator cannot be characterized since characterization has been created just as has all creation except Allah. Thus every created [thing] is an evidential proof of its Creator......... Questions, Al-Ridha, his Imamah
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