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First Regional Conference On Corporate Social Responsibility in the Middle East Istanbul- Turkey 19-20 June 2013

Fundamental labor rights and freedoms in the business sector in light of the UN Global Compact principles “From text to implementation in the GCC Countries”. First Regional Conference On Corporate Social Responsibility in the Middle East Istanbul- Turkey 19-20 June 2013 .

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First Regional Conference On Corporate Social Responsibility in the Middle East Istanbul- Turkey 19-20 June 2013

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Fundamental labor rights and freedoms in the business sector in light of the UN Global Compact principles“From text to implementation in the GCC Countries” First Regional Conference On Corporate Social Responsibility in the Middle East Istanbul- Turkey 19-20 June 2013 MohamadArfanAlkhatib, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Law Ahmad Bin Mohammad College Doha – Qatar Alkhatibur@yahoo.com

  2. Outline

  3. The UN Global Compact: The Ten Principles

  4. The UN Global Compact: The Pillars

  5. Particularity of GCC Countries labor market

  6. Imported labor... but,,, Low cost labor Non-selective Unskilled Massive Temporary Illiterate Physical nature Difficult duties Domestic work…

  7. The UN Global Compact Human worker = Human dignity

  8. Role of Corporates(GCC) Countries

  9. Worker human = Professional dignityILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work 1998

  10. Worker human = Professional dignityILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work 1998

  11. Elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupationC111 Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958

  12. Case Study (1): CSR Situation Across KSA A Study Conducted in 2009 by The National Commercial Bank - YouGovSiraj

  13. Case Study (2): CSR IN QATARGAS

  14. Diversity and Equal Opportunity

  15. Findings and Recommendations • GCC Countries are dealing with all issues of fundamental rights and freedoms at work in order to fully comply with the international labor laws and standards. Several challenges are being faced • Corporates, especially multinational, are to comply with international standards, and not to invoke national laws to evade respect.

  16. Findings and Recommendations (2) • Business institutions, especially multinational, may form , as part of their social responsibility, effective units to promote CSR principles and practices in their hosting countries. • GCC governments are urged to finalize the ratification of all international conventions related to civil, political and socio-economic rights.

  17. Alkhatibur@yahoo.com

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