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Heracles. The Ultimate Hero. Son of Z ues and Alcmena Performed the Twelve Labors Zues ` star child. Hera and Heracles.
The Ultimate Hero • Son of Zues and Alcmena • Performed the Twelve Labors • Zues` star child
Hera and Heracles • Hera ensured that Heracles would not be the first born of two mortal sons Zues had concieved, the other was Eurystheus, so she sped up Eurystheus` birth so he could be the first champion of all people. • Hera sent snakes into Heracles` crib; he strangled both of them with his infant hands.
Heracles Growing Up • He was given a classical education, and was taught the skills of a warrior. • Hera continued to interfere with his life as much as possible. • Meanwhile, Zues rubbed his greatness in her face.
It will get you into trouble. And Hera Don’t Like It!
The Twelve Labors • Heracles lost his temper one day and murdered several of Hera`s descendants. In search of restitution, he went to the oracle of Delphi. She told him to work for his born enemy, Eurystheus for twelve years. • His job was to basically fulfill the Christmas wish-list of Eurystheus. • After he completed the labors, he would become immortal.
The Nemean Lion • The first task was fairly easy: to bring the pelt of the Nemean Lion to Eurythseus, but no one told Heracles that the lion was immortal. • Heracles had to rip off the kitty`s claws, and skin and flay it. The kitty was defenseless.
The Lernaean Hydra • A vicious snake with nine heads. Eight of them were mortal, and the ninth was immortal. After each head was clubbed off, two would grow in its place. The Hydra was also aided by a giant crab which Hera had sent. • Heracles killed the crab first, and it became the constellation, Cancer. • Then with the help of his nephew Iolaus, Heracles clubbed the Hydra and cauterized its “nubs” • He then laced his arrows with the Hydra venom.
The Cerynean Hind • A beautifully spotted stag with Golden horns. • This mystical creature was protected by Artemis; it was her favorite of all creatures. • Heracles succeeded in capturing it, and persuaded Artemis that he was compelled by Eurystheus, so she let it slide.
The Erymanthian Boar • This was a very destructive bull! • He had to be captured on Mt. Erymanthias. • Heracles trugged through the snow capped mountain, and captured the boar with net- traps.
The Augean Stables • Augeas, the son of Helios (The Sun), owned vast herds of cattle whose pasture had never before been cleaned. • Hercules did the clean-up job by diverting a nearby river into the pasture. • (Post Scriptum): After completing the twelve labors, Heracles returned to Elis to collect 1/10 of Augeas` herd, which he was promised. Augeas betrayed him, so Heracles killed him.
The Stymphalion Birds • Heracles was required to hunt the Stymphalion birds in the forest near the Accadian Lake. • He drove the birds out of the tree tops by clashing brazen castanets together, which were given to him by Athena.
The Cretan Bull • Minos refused to sacrifice this bull to Posiedon. Heracles drove it to Marathon, where it was later captured by Theseus and sacrificed to Delphi.
The Mares of Diomedes • Diomedes, the son of Ares, owned several flesh eating mares. • Heracles tamed them, and let them eat their owner. He presented them to Eurystheus who set them free.
The Girdle of Hippolyta • Hippolyta was the queen of the Amazons. She had an enchanted girdle, giving the wearer mystical powers. For some reason, Eurystheus wanted to wear magical, used, women`s underwear.
The Cattle of Geryon • Geryon was a three bodied monster who herded his cattle on the island of Erythia (Near Europe and Libya) along with a two headed hound named Orthus. • Heracles got there quickly by means of a golden cup given to him by Helios, the sun god. • He escaped with the cattle, but Hera scattered the cows, so Heracles went all over Thrace to collect them.
The Apples of Hespirides • The Hesperides “Three daughters of the Night” guarded a tree of Golden Apples, with the help of their pet dragon. • It took Heracles a very long time to get to this far away place. On his way here, he came upon Prometheus and released him. • Heracles received the help of Atlas when he arrived to the tree. Heracles held up the sky for Atlas while Atlas defeated the dragon.
Cerberus • The final labor was to capture Cerberus, Hade`s three-headed hound. • Hermes helped Heracles cross into the Underworld. • Athena helped subdue Cerberus so Heracles could bring him back to Eurystheus. • Heracles was then declared a god after his final task was completed.