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Heracles. Heracles: Birth of a Hero. Parents are Zeus and Alcmene Birth was delayed by Eileithyia at Hera’s demand Was born when Galanthis tricked Eileithyia Was abandoned in a field and was rescued by Athena and Hera who returned him to Alcmene
Heracles: Birth of a Hero • Parents are Zeus and Alcmene • Birth was delayed by Eileithyia at Hera’s demand • Was born when Galanthis tricked Eileithyia • Was abandoned in a field and was rescued by Athena and Hera who returned him to Alcmene • This was the start of the story of Heracles and because of the circumstances around his birth he was destined to be great
Heracles' Youth Heracles is shown to be a very strong child when he is young. For example killing the serpents that Hera sent to destroy him. His parents were alarmed by his abnormal strength and sought the advice of the prophet Teiresias. He informed them that Heracles would grow to be a famous hero, however he would die and later and become immortal. He was taught various skills during his childhood, yet he killed his lyre teacher when he told him that he was unmusical. Therefore, his mortal father sent him to the countryside where he would have greater freedom. As he grew older it became more evident that he was Zeus’s son through his strength and size. He was rewarded the princess Megara as a bride after he defended the city of Thebes. King Eurystheus was jealous of Heracles growing fame and therefore summoned him to perform 10 labors. At first Heracles was resistant to the offering, however Hera infected him with temporary insanity which caused him to kill his children. This overwhelming grief caused him to exile himself and later accept Eurystheus’s offer. The importance of this section is that it show Heracles’ physical and mental strength and his potential to be a hero. However, it also displays, like other heroes, his inability to control his strength at a young age.
Labor 2- The Hydra of Lerna Labor 1- The Nemean Lion Heracles’ first labor was to kill the Nemean Lion. He began by blocking one of the exits to the lion’s cave. This traps the lion and prevents his escape. He then proceeds to shoot arrows at the lion, but the arrows only drove the lion closer. He then hit it with his club, stunning it, and then strangled it to death. When Heracles brought the lion to Eurystheus, the king wanted no part of it. Heracles decided to skin the lion and wore it as a cloak as a reward. King Eurystheus was now afraid of Heracles’ strength and refused to allow him in the walls of Tiryns. The second labor Heracles had to perform was to kill the Hydra of Lerna. In order to do this he requested the help of his nephew Iolaus. Heracles began by shooting the beast with flaming arrows, bringing it closer to him. As he cut of the heads of the hydra, two new heads would grow in its place. Adding to his issues, a huge crab was also attacking Heracles. Heracles destroyed the crab, but he needed help from Iolaus to defeat the hydra. Cleverly he had Iolaus burn shut the cuts that Heracles delivered to each head, making it so no new heads could grow. After killing the Hydra, Heracles dipped his arrows in the it’s poisonous blood. King Eurystheus refused to accept this labor because Heracles had help. These labors are important because they show Heracles’ intelligence as well as his strength. He exhibits intelligence by trapping the lion and sealing the head of the hydra. These labors also show King Eurystheus’ fear of Heracles and how unfair he treats him. By Sara Euler & Luke Serra
Labors 3 & 4! Cerynitian Hind • Heracles chase it for a year • Shoots it while crossing the Ladon river • Artemis initially angry but later accepted his explanation • Lets him continue on with the labor if he agrees to let the hind go • Erymanthian boar • The boar runs away from Heracles • Heracles realizes he wont catch it in its own territory • Chases it onto the mountain • Boar cannot run in snow • Heracles catches it and carries it back Importance: Heracles even overcomes even the wrath of the deathless Gods to complete his labors as he is instructed. Heracles even overcame the Centaurs who had the combined strength of two men, speed of a horse, and wisdom of a man.
Heracles: Labors 5 & 6 Jamie Altman and Jack McDonald For Heracles’ fifth labor, he was commanded to clean the Augeian Stables. King Augeias refused to pay Heracels and King Eurystheus would not consider this task a labor since he was originally doing this for pay. Years after completing the task Heracles returned to Elis, took over the city, and killed Augeias and his sons. He spared the one son that had supported him and left him control of the kingdom. The sixth labor, Heracles was to remove the Stymphalian Birds. Since they were vicious, Athena helped him by getting Hephaestus to give him clappers that scare the birds away so he could shoot them from a position of safety.
The Belt of Hippolyte was when Heracles was sent to get the queen of Amazons belt that was a symbol of superior rank. When she was about to give it to him Hera transformed and told Hippolytes subjects that the seaman was abducting their queen to make the labor harder to accomplish. Heracles killed the queen for the belt and left. On his way he stopped at Ilium to find the city suffering so he agreed to help if King Laomedon would give him his horses that could walk on water. He agreed and Heracles later went back to kill the king, give princess Hesione to Telamon and put Priam on the throne of Ilium. The Cattle of Geryon was when he had gone to Geryons kingdom, killed Orthus, Eurytion, and Geryon to bring the cattle back and had few conflicts on the way home. In the end he kills Cacus and he is seen as a hero for killing the criminal. He then brings the cattle to king Eurystheus who sacrifices them to Hera. Labor 9 & 10 * This part of the story shows how Heracles is helpful, strong, and successful in the things he do Shaina Wales & Jon Duquette
Heracles Labors 11 and 12 11 12 Retrieve the golden apples of the Hesperides. He talked old man of the sea, Nereus, who told him where the three was. On his way he encountered King Antaeus. Heracles and Antaeus wrestled to the death. Heracles won by picking him up and throwing him off a cliff. He needs help from Prometheus so Zeus tell shim to kill the eagle that is eating his liver. Prometheus tells him to have Atlas help him get the apples. Atlas gets the apples then Heracles tricks Atlas to hold the heavens again. Heracles brought the apples to Eurystheus and Athena helped him by bringing them back to the tree . Capture Cerberus. When in the Underworld Herecles saw Thesius and Peirithous and tried to free them. He was able to move Theseus from the rock they were attached to but The Underworld shook when he tried to free Peirithous. Once he explained why he was there Hades said he could capture his hound but with no weapons. He took the Hound, even after a bite, and brought him back to Eurystheus. Even though Heracles is a Hero he is also a human who needs help to finish his labors.
Heracles: After the Labors Importance of the section: Heracles finally comes to rest as an immortal god • Gave his wife to his nephew • Wooed Iole and feuded with King Eurytus • Became a slave for 3 years • While in slavery set out to punish all criminals in the land, and avenge wrongs done to him (also established Olympic Games) • Aided the gods in a war against Gaea’s children the Giants • Got exiled by the king • Wooed Deїaneira and married here after beat the River God in wrestling • Exiled himself and his family after accidentally killing a servant boy • Crossed a river where a centaur raped his wife, and gave her a potion to make Heracles not fall in love with other women • Heracles killed King Eurytus and his family except for the daughter he wooed, Iole, who he kept prisoner • Deїaneira gave him the potion on his shirt, when he left to perform a sacrifice with Iole • The potion was a trick from the centaur, and burned Heracles • The pain was so bad that he covered himself in a pyre and light it on fire, killing himself • His soul went up to Olympus and became a god, where he married Hebe as his immortal wife
Heracles: Delivery of Cerberus • As his twelfth and final labor, Heracles was tasked with the capture of Cerberus. He proceeds to the Underworld with the help of Hermes and explains to Hades the purpose of his visit. Hades agrees under the condition that he does not use any weapons. Cloaked in the skin of the Nemean lion and with his great strength, Heracles easily delivered Cerberus to King Eurystheus. • This labor shows Heracles’ bravery because he ventures to the Underworld and his respect for the gods’ will when he asks Hades’ permission. • At the same time, it shows Heracles’ loyalty when he frees Theseus from the Chair of Forgetfulness.