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Heracles. The story of the most glorious hero in the ancient civilization.
Heracles The story of the most glorious hero in the ancient civilization.
Today, I’m going to tell you a story of the bravest and most courageous hero. It has gone through generations and even an invasion. You may know the hero under the name of Hercules. I’m going to tell you his story. However Hercules is his roman name, and his greek name is Heracles.Today, I’m talking about Heracles
Born around 13th century BC(precise date unknown). • Thought to be born in Thebes. • Son of Zeus and Alcmene • Foster son of Amphitryon • Great-grandson and half brother of Perseus • Half-brother of Iphicles • Born with name of Alcides
His Story • When he was a baby, he strangled two snakes sent to kill him. • Went under slavery of King Eurystheus because of murder. • Told to do the 12 “impossible” labours. They were: • To kill the Nemean Lion • To destroy the Lernaean Hydra • To capture the Ceryneian Hind
4. To capture the Erymanthian Boar 5. To clean the Augean Stables 6. To kill the Stymphalian Birds 7. To capture the Cretan Bull 8. To round up the Mares of Diomedes 9. To steal the Girdle of Hippolyte 10. To herd the cattle of Geryon 11. To fetch the Apples of Hesperides 12. To capture Cerberus • Joined Argonauts (group of 82 heroes).
During many of those labours, they turned around against the filthy King. • Other than his life being spared, he was not awarded in any manor. • The Athenians celebrated Heracleia, a festival in his honour on the second day of the month of Metageitnion(late July or early August). • I think he was brave to accept this challenge because it was EXTREMELY difficult. Also, his perseverance throughout the entire time.
When he was a baby, he strangled two snakes sent to kill him with his brother in tears. • Because I’m not as brave as him, I would have definitely not have done the labour and maybe scurry of to Asia or somewhere. • He has not inspired me to do anything really brave because I’m never in situations like his where I would think about him. • He didn’t really purposely help others so he never really realized when to start helping others.
When part of the Argonauts, he was left behind on the trip for the Golden Fleece because he went looking for his friend. • When top of tower waiting to die, Zeus came down and made him immortal with the gods. • The fifth labour of Heracles was to clean the Augean Stables. Since the cows were immortal, they produced a lot of dung. The stable had not been cleaned for 30 years and 1 000 cows lived there.
CONCLUSION • Heracles is a very brave hero back in the Greek days. • Very complex life. • Was not awarded much but more or less respected more.