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Pertemuan ke 1. Review Pemrograman Visual I. Software yang digunakan dalam mata kuliah Pemrograman Visual Basic II, antara lain : Visual Basic 6.0 Apache2triad MySQL Connector ODBC 3.51 atau 5.1 Crystal Report 7.0 atau 8.0. Review Pemrograman Visual Basic I

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Pertemuan ke 1 Review Pemrograman Visual I

  2. Software yang digunakan dalam mata kuliah Pemrograman Visual Basic II, antara lain : • Visual Basic 6.0 • Apache2triad • MySQL Connector ODBC 3.51 atau 5.1 • Crystal Report 7.0 atau 8.0

  3. Review Pemrograman Visual Basic I • Buatlah database baru dengan nama dbKursus • Buatlah tabel baru dengan nama Siswa dengan mengunakan VisData

  4. Design form berikut dan beri nama (Project : PrjReview dan Form : FrmKursus)

  5. Design form berikut dan beri nama (Project : PrjReview dan Form : FrmKursus) • Buatlah prosedur dengan nama AKTIF, NONAKTIF, BERSIH dan TAMPIL • NIS tampil secara otomatis. Terdiri dari 7 digit.4 Digit pertama berdasarkan tahun sistem dan 3 digit terakhir sesuai dengan no urut. • Pada saat Form dijalankan, semua objek dalam keadaan NONAKTIF dan hanya tombol ADD saja yang aktif • Tombol ADD diklik maka tombol CANCEL dan SAVE aktif • Saat tombol FIND diklik mucul INPUTBOX untuk melakukan pencarian berdasarkan NIS lalu tombol DELETE dan EDIT aktif

  6. Coding : Sub nonaktif() tnis.Enabled = False tnama.Enabled = False talamat.Enabled = False opperempuan.Enabled = False oplaki.Enabled = False cmbagama.Enabled = False End Sub Sub aktif() tnama.Enabled = True talamat.Enabled = True opperempuan.Enabled = True oplaki.Enabled = True cmbagama.Enabled = True End Sub

  7. Sub nomat() With DtSiswa If .Recordset.EOF Then x = Right(Date, 4) + "001" tnis.Text = x Else .Recordset.MoveLast z = Right(.Recordset!NIS, 3) + 1 x = (Right(Date, 4)) + Right("000" & z, 3) tnis.Text = x End If End With End Sub

  8. Sub bersih() tnama.Text = "" talamat.Text = "" opperempuan.Value = False oplaki.Value = False cmbagama.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub cmdadd_Click() nomat aktif bersih tnama.SetFocus cmdadd.Enabled = False cmdcancel.Enabled = True cmdsave.Enabled = True End Sub

  9. Sub tampil() On Error Resume Next With DtSiswa.Recordset tnis.Text = !NIS tnama.Text = !Nama talamat.Text = !Alamat If !Jkel = "P" Then opperempuan.Value = True Else oplaki.Value = True End If cmbagama.Text = !Agama End With DtSiswa.Refresh End Sub

  10. Private Sub cmdcancel_Click() bersih nonaktif cmdadd.Enabled = True cmdcancel.Enabled = False cmdsave.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub cmdfirst_Click() DtSiswa.Recordset.MoveFirst tampil End Sub Private Sub cmdlast_Click() DtSiswa.Recordset.MoveLast tampil End Sub

  11. Private Sub cmddelete_Click() x = MsgBox("Yakin Data akan di Hapus?", vbQuestion + vbOKCancel, "Konfirmasi") If x = vbOK Then DtSiswa.Recordset.Delete DtSiswa.Recordset.MoveFirst DtSiswa.Refresh End If cmdedit.Enabled = False cmddelete.Enabled = False End Sub

  12. Private Sub cmdedit_Click() If cmdedit.Caption = "&EDIT" Then aktif cmdedit.Caption = "&UPDATE" Else If cmdedit.Caption = "&UPDATE" Then With DtSiswa.Recordset .Edit !NIS = tnis.Text !Nama = tnama.Text !Alamat = talamat.Text If opperempuan.Value = True Then !Jkel = "P" Else !Jkel = "L" End If !Agama = cmbagama.Text .Update End With bersih nonaktif cmdedit.Caption = "&EDIT" cmdedit.Enabled = False cmddelete.Enabled = False End If End If End Sub

  13. Private Sub cmdfind_Click() cari = InputBox("Masukkan NIS", "Cari Data") If cari <> Empty Then DtSiswa.Recordset.Index = "IdxNIS" DtSiswa.Recordset.Seek "=", cari If Not DtSiswa.Recordset.NoMatch Then nonaktif cmdedit.Enabled = True cmddelete.Enabled = True cmdcancel.Enabled = False cmdsave.Enabled = False tampil Else MsgBox "NIS Tidak Ditemukan", vbCritical, "Informasi" cari = "" End If End If End Sub

  14. Private Sub cmdnext_Click() DtSiswa.Recordset.MoveNext If DtSiswa.Recordset.EOF Then MsgBox "Sudah di Akhir Record", vbCritical, "Info" DtSiswa.Recordset.MoveLast End If tampil End Sub Private Sub cmdprev_Click() DtSiswa.Recordset.MovePrevious If DtSiswa.Recordset.BOF Then MsgBox "Sudah di Awal Record", vbCritical, "Info" DtSiswa.Recordset.MoveFirst End If tampil End Sub

  15. Private Sub cmdquit_Click() End End Sub Private Sub cmdsave_Click() With DtSiswa.Recordset .AddNew !NIS = tnis.Text !Nama = tnama.Text !Alamat = talamat.Text If opperempuan.Value = True Then !Jkel = "P" Else !Jkel = "L" End If !Agama = cmbagama.Text .Update End With bersih nonaktif cmdsave.Enabled = False cmdcancel.Enabled = False cmdadd.Enabled = True End Sub

  16. Private Sub Form_Activate() nonaktif tampil cmdcancel.Enabled = False cmdsave.Enabled = False cmddelete.Enabled = False cmdedit.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() twaktu.Text = Time End Sub

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