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The smell sense

The smell sense. Using scents is the best way to achieve a sensory expirence . In some situations profits have increased by up to 40 percent after applying scents . A lot of scent products, scented candles , oils ect ….

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The smell sense

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  1. The smellsense Using scents is the bestway to achieve a sensoryexpirence. In some situations profits have increased by up to 40 percent afterapplyingscents. A lot of scent products, scentedcandles, oilsect…. Bloomingsdale’susescarefullyselectedscents in itsdepartment to achieve a smellexperience for customers. The purpose is to strengthen the brand image in the long term.

  2. A global study shows that 80 procent of men and 90 percent of womenassociate a particularscent with specific memories and experiences. • The smellsence is the most directsensebecausethere is essentlyno transformation of the signal – the scent – on the way to the brain. • First perfume ”Chanel nr 5”. Marilyn Monroe made thatfamous.

  3. The smellsense is called the silentsense. • People have for a long time usedscents to expresstheiridentity and tellotherswhotheyare. • Everyyearthirty to forty new scientsareintroduced, at a cost of up to several billion dollars.

  4. Differentsenseexpressionscanbeused to create a smellexperience. • Product congruency (refers to hownaturally a scentiaassociated with a product – a orange smellslike an orange) rememberalsothatsmell have a feminine and a masculinetargetgroup.

  5. Atmosphere, theme and advertency (scentsarebelieved to contribute to a goodatmosphere. Youcanusesmellsensewhenyourcompany have a specifictheme, or youneed to introduce a new product) • Scent brand and signature scent (a scentcanbeused as a registeredtrade mark – the book gives an example of a companymakingtennisballssmellinglike ”cut grass”. • But to get a smellbrand is a complexprocess.

  6. Scents have the capacity to reachpeopleconsciously as well as unconsciously, before it is possible for us to reflect on them. It canhelpus to remember, describe and tell.

  7. An example of usingsmell in business • From Book: ” Singapore airlinesusesin the aircraftcabin a smell of Stefan Floridan Waters. When a towel is handed out it smell the same way, and youcanbye the smell as a perfume.” Hotels have scents in the lobby areas and the corridors. In sensory marketing, scentplays a central role in strategic marketing with regard to a firm’sidentity and corevalues.

  8. You must alsofocus on the employees, because the employees in a service landscape are more exposed to scentsthan the customers (allergies). • Some researchers believethat as early as 2015 the internet mightbeused as a place for smellexperiences.

  9. The sound sense • Sound affectsourmood and psychologicalstate, alertsus to danger, and promotes peace of mind for the soul. • Sound has beenapplied in mass marketing for a long time. It has beenused to communicatemessage and createawarenessabout a firm and its products since the earlytwentiethcentury, mainly in television and radio commercials.

  10. The sound sense is constantlyactive and cannotbeturnedoff • There is a difference betweenhearing and listening. • Hearinginvolves the earrecieving sound withouttakingnotice. • Listeningrequiresthatweconsciouslyfocus on the sound.

  11. People oftenexpresstheiridentitythrough sounds. Verbally, wetellotherswhoweare, whatwe stands for and howwefeel. Weuse a lot of instruments to hearmusic: the internet, cellphones, MP3 ect. Ect.

  12. Different kind of sound experiences. • Jingles (short lyrics and commercialmessageswhich is repeated). • Voice (find the right voice for the product). • Music (cancreate a sound experience and enhance a brand’sidentity and image). • Atmosphere, theme and advertency ( musiccanhelp to create an atmosphere and companyesusemusic to as a theme to marketdifferentcarmodels and voices to helpcustomers to find thingstheynormallycan’t find evenifthere is bigsigns.

  13. Sound brand (signature melody – hjemis) • Music in marketing has traditionallybeenaboutusing a song or a jingle to convey a message, an idea or a theme. Today the firms have to use bands and unknown artists in the shops to marked their products, and it is possible to buy the musicplayed in the stores to remember the experience at home. • Sound has not likesmelltraditionallyplayed an importantrole in strategic marketing.

  14. The sightsense • Visual identitycanhelpcustomers to recognize a brand. The appel, M FOR mc.donalds………. • The sightsense is the most prominent and important human sense, • Design is alsoused to revive memories from the pastamongolder generations – retro is hip. • Colorplays a major role in the individualssightexperience. Differentcolors have different, and significantpsychologicaleffectsthat in turncreatecertaineffects in the human body

  15. Lightningcanbeused to create variation in the service landscape – much light – little light in the stors. • Interior – designedbackgroundsurroundings • How to put the products in the store, fx milk back in the store so customers have to go during the hole shop.

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