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Partner Platform Meeting DCA/CA Joint HIV/AIDS Program. FINAL HIV/AIDS PROGRAMME EVALUATION 2008-2012. May 17, 2012 Phnom Penh Ecumenical Diakonia Centre. Contents. Country Context Programme Overview Objectives of evaluation Methodologies Limitations Findings
Partner Platform Meeting DCA/CA Joint HIV/AIDS Program FINAL HIV/AIDS PROGRAMME EVALUATION2008-2012 May 17, 2012 Phnom Penh Ecumenical Diakonia Centre
Contents • Country Context • Programme Overview • Objectives of evaluation • Methodologies • Limitations • Findings • Conclusions and Discussions • Recommendations • References • Annexes
I. Country Context Elderly >64 : 4.27 % or 571,996 M Population 31-64: 29.34% or 3.93 M Youth 15-30: 32.73% or 4.38 M Children <18 : 5,487,708 or 41% Children <15 : 33.71% or 4.51 M • Total # of HH =2,842,897 • Total population =13,395,682 • Male Population =6,516,054 • Female Population =6,879,628 • Urban Population =2,614,027 • Rural Population =10,781,655 Sources: Census 2008 National Youth Policy 2011
I. Country Context Comprehensive Boosted Continuum of Prevention to Care and Treatment-CoPCT for MARPs Social Protection for PLHIV, OVC and Other Vulnerable and Poor Population EW-80-90% MSM-95% IDU-60% UN Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS High treatment coverage-98% ART Social Protection for PLHIV a& OVC
II. DCA Programme Overview Mid-Term Review March 2010, Challenges found • Gender equality and rights based approach remained a big challenge to many partners • Some partners addressed populations at large or specific community groups without adding a youth perspective • Limited synergy between the programme and the other DCA/CA programmes (Food Security, GBV Political Space) • Few joint activities in the programme platform.
II. DCA Programme Overview Mid-Term Review March 2010, 6 Recommendations; • Target Group: Hard to reach youth • Programme Platform -Advocacy Platform for policy change, NSPIII…Rights based • Indicators under Objective3: Joint Advocacy Issues-Advocacy Agenda • Economic Empowerment –PLHIV… • Sharing of Resources-IEC, Best Practices • M&E System Strengtening-Systematic monitoring of outcomes-KAPB of Youth
III. Objectives of Evaluation The purpose of the final evaluation is to measure the achievements of the programme against its objectives, then make recommendations for mainstreaming HIV and AIDS into other programmes. • To assess the progress against the programme objectives and indicators. • To evaluate the relevance, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of the HIV and AIDS Programme. • To identify and analyse the strength and the weakness of the programme • Make recommendations for HIV and AIDS mainstreaming into other DCA/CA programmes if relevant and for enhancing the sustainability of the programme achievements
IV. Methodologies Timeline Overall agreement between Consultant and DCA Final Report Submission Desk Study and Field Work Evaluation Tools development and contract sign & Desk Study Preliminary findings consultation Confirmation with KII and FGD Contract Sign Data Collection Tools Approval Evaluation Workshop Document Collection Field Work Preparation 17 May 2012 2 May 2012 2-23 –May 2012 4 June 15 Jun 2012
Group Discussions • 4 Group Discussion • Unstructured Questionnaires • Duration: 60 minutes • Presentation & QA : 20 Minutes for each • Presenter • Reporter • Minute Taker
Group Discussions • Group1-Objective1: Vulnerable youth empowered to claim their HIV and SRH rights in order to have full control over their sexual and reproductive health and to minimize risk behaviour for HIV infection. • Group2-Objective 2: Social, physical and economic vulnerability of vulnerable youth reduced (especially street based youth, orphans and vulnerable adolescents, and HIV positive youth). • Group3- Objective 3: Legal and moral duty bearers strengthened to promote and enforce youth and gender friendly HIV, SRH and gender policies and laws. • Group4-Objective 4: Cooperation between partners and wider networks enables shared learning, improved effectiveness, wider coverage and replication of interventions.