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Colorado Trout Unlimited Membership Survey Results

Explore findings from a study commissioned by Colorado Trout Unlimited among members to understand interests, organization effectiveness, communications, and future preferences. Discover insights on membership length, involvement, reasons for joining, and more.

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Colorado Trout Unlimited Membership Survey Results

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  1. Colorado Trout UnlimitedMembership Survey Results April 2012

  2. Background & Methodology • Background • As part of its ongoing efforts to understand and engage its membership and supporters, Colorado Trout Unlimited commissioned a study among Colorado TU members (past and present) to measure overall interests, effectiveness of the organization, communications, and future preferences and interests. • Methodology • An online study was conducted with current and past Trout Unlimited members in Colorado. • Invitations to participate in the study were e-mailed to over 13,000 people from the Colorado TU Salsa database. 526 people completed the survey . • An incentive of one $200 AMEX gift card and two $50 AMEX gift cards were offered via a sweepstakes for those respondents completing the survey. • This report summarizes the findings of this research on an overall basis, as well as among a number of sub-groups. Those sub-groups include: • Current v. Lapsed Members • Those who attend Chapter Meetings vs. not • Age groups (18 – 39, 40 – 54, 55 – 64, 65+) • Those who initially joined for a number of different reasons, including fishing vs. not, conservation vs. not, youth education vs. not, or networking vs. not. • High involvement (8+ activities per year) vs. Low involvement (<4 activities per year) • Membership length (<4 years vs. 4 or more years) • Members of large chapters vs. small chapters – these are loose definitions • Members of Front Range chapters vs. West Slope Chapters • Results are compared at the 90% statistical significance level.

  3. Key Findings

  4. State of Current Colorado TU Membership • Most respondents surveyed are current members, and more than two-thirds renew every year. • Nearly a quarter are life members. • Average length of membership is nearly 10 years, but nearly half of the membership has been involved for less than 5 years. Current Membership Total Respondents (n=526) Type of Membership Among Current Members (n=441) Length of Membership Among Current/Lapsed Members (n=508) Allowed it to expire for year or more, but renewed Non-Members 46% Less Than 5yrs. Lapsed No Life Member Among Current Members Renew Every Year Current Average = 9.6 Years Q5) Which of the following best describes your current membership in Trout Unlimited? (Select from list) Q6) Which of the following best describes your membership status in TU over the past several years? Q7) How long have you been a member of Trout Unlimited?

  5. Non-Member Summary • Among those who are not current members, most have simply not taken the time to renew. • The main reasons that some former members are unsure about renewing include TU’s political stances or the feeling that TU should just stick with fishing – but these reasons are held by very few in the state. Reasons for Not Renewing Lapsed, Not interested/Unsure about TU (n=31)^ Reasons for Not Renewing Lapsed Members (n=67) Among Members Unsure/No Longer Interested in TU… (46%) Still interested, simply have not taken time to renew Renew Every Year Not sure if I am still interested in TU No longer interested in TU ^ Caution: Small Sample Size Q8) Which of the following best describes why you have not renewed your membership dues? (Select from list) Q9) What are the main reasons why you are no longer interested in/unsure about staying involved in Trout Unlimited?

  6. Reason for initially joining TU • Conservationis by far the most common reason that people join TU, followed by an interest in fly fishing. • Enthusiasm for a wide range of interests is evident in the younger age groups (who are newer members), while fly fishing is the main catalyst for joining for the older age groups (who have been members longer). Reasons for Initial Interest Current/Lapsed Members (n=508) The organization is evolving and attracting new members with varied interests Q10) To what extent, if any, were each of the following a reason why you initially decided to join Trout Unlimited? A/B/C/D/* Statistically significant at the 90% Level

  7. Expectations of TU Met/Not Met • TU meets or exceeds expectations on a number of subjects, especially among highly engaged members and those who joined primarily for youth education reasons. % Met Expectation Among Those That Joined for Reason Q11) To what extent have your expectations been met regarding the reasons why you initially joined Trout Unlimited? A/B/C/D/* Statistically significant at the 90% Level

  8. Increase in Importance of Issue Since Joining % Issue Has Become Much More/Somewhat More Important Since Joining TU Current/Lapsed Members (n=508) Reason Youth = 65% Reason Cons. = 61% Reason Youth = 65% Reason Fish. = 49% Reason Youth = 54% • On a number of measures, members discover new interests as they join TU, and subjects other than simply why they initially joined become more important to them as they remain members in the organization. • This is especially true among members who joined for youth or for networking. Reason Youth = 55% Reason Netw. = 41% Reason Youth = 35% Reason Netw. = 30% Reason Netw. = 33% Reason Youth = 32% Reason Netw. = 24% Reason Netw. = 23% Reason Youth = 17% Reason Netw. = 15% Reason Youth = 10% Q12) To what extent, if any, have any of the following become more or less important to you as a reason for staying involved in Trout Unlimited?

  9. Chapter Meeting Attendance • Only about a quarter of TU members attend most or nearly all chapter meetings. • Nearly two-thirds of TU members in Colorado attend chapter meetings infrequently or not at all. % Attend Chapter Meetings Total Respondents (n=526) Reason Youth = 62% Reason Netw. = 54% Reason Fish. = 46% 40% Attend Regularly 60% Attend Infrequently/ Never Q13) How often, if ever, do you attend local Trout Unlimited chapter meetings?

  10. Reason To Attend Chapter Meetings % Reason To Attend Among Those Who Attend At Least Infrequently (n=365) • Hearing the guest speaker present is the most common reason that people attend chapter meetings. • Getting information on conservation issues, fishing destinations, or simply to socialize with other members comprises a second tier of reasons. • About four in ten come to chapter meetings to hear about state or national TU topics. Q14) What are the main reasons why you attend local Trout Unlimited chapter meetings?

  11. Reason To Attend Chapter MeetingsJoined for Conservation % Reason To Attend Among Those Who Attend At Least Infrequently Joined for Conservation v. Not • Members who joined for conservation are more likely to attend chapter meetings to get or share information on conservation issues. • They are also more likely to want to receive or share information on state or national TU topics. Q14) What are the main reasons why you attend local Trout Unlimited chapter meetings? A/B/C/D/* Statistically significant at the 90% Level

  12. Reason To Attend Chapter MeetingsJoined for Youth % Reason To Attend Among Those Who Attend At Least Infrequently Joined for Youth v. Not • Members who joined due to their youth education interest also have an interest in conservation and TU topics at their local chapter meetings. • They also are interested in the socialization aspect of the meetings, as well as exchanging information about where to fish. A/B/C/D/* Statistically significant at the 90% Level Q14) What are the main reasons why you attend local Trout Unlimited chapter meetings?

  13. Reason To NOT Attend Chapter Meetings % Reason To NOT Attend Among Those Who Attend Few/Infrequently (n=249) Large Chapter = 11% Small Chapter = 22% * Front Range = 16% * West Slope = 2% • Being unavailable when meetings are held is the most common reason for not attending chapter meetings. • The meeting being held too far away or a lack of interest in the guest speaker are somewhat lesser reasons for not attending. • This is especially true among some members of the Front Range chapters. Large Chapter = 11% * Small Chapter = 5% Large Chapter = 11% * Small Chapter = 5% Front Range = 2% West Slope = 14% * Front Range (n=186) West Slope (n=44) Large Chapter (n=119) Small Chapter (n=109) Q15) What prevents you from attending local Trout Unlimited chapter meetings on a more frequent basis? A/B/C/D/* Statistically significant at the 90% Level

  14. Interest in Chapter Meeting Topics - Total % Extremely/Very Interested Total Respondents (n=526) • Conservation issues make up the block of topics of most interest to members, with the vast majority citing a wide variety of conservation-related issues as what they would like to see as chapter meeting topics. • Local fishing destinations as a topic is the only fishing-related topic that rises to the top. Most other ‘fishing only’ topics are viewed as less desirable to members. • Topics on national or international fishing destinations are the topics of least interest to Colorado TU members as the subjects of their chapter meetings • Few differences were seen among members who joined for fishing-related or conservation-related reasons, or by geography or chapter size. Q16) Please indicate how interested you are in each of the following as a possible topic for local Trout Unlimited chapter meetings?

  15. Interest in Chapter Meeting Topics – Among Age Groups % Extremely/Very Interested Total Respondents (n=526) • Younger TU members have a wider range of interest for chapter meeting topics, and are generally more interested in conservation or environmental issues than fishing related subjects. • Other than International fishing destination topics, fishing-related topics are more likely to be preferred by those over 55 years old. Q16) Please indicate how interested you are in each of the following as a possible topic for local Trout Unlimited chapter meetings? A/B/C/D/* Statistically significant at the 90% Level

  16. Interest in Chapter Meeting Topics -High Involvement v. Low Involvement Members % Extremely/Very Interested High Involvement Members = 8+ Activities per year Low Involvement Members = <4 Activities per year • Across the board, members who are more involved are much more interested in conservation related topics than members who are less involved. • Fly fishing techniques are preferred as chapter meeting topics by those members who have less involvement in TU. A/B/C/D/* Statistically significant at the 90% Level Q16) Please indicate how interested you are in each of the following as a possible topic for local Trout Unlimited chapter meetings?

  17. Activities Done in Past Year % Did Activity in Past 12 Months Aware of Activity (Sample Size Varies) Activism (net) = 68% Financial (net) = 71% Attending (net) = 61% Vol. (net) = 42% Other = 20% Average 4.3 Activities Q18) Have you done any of the following activities within the past 12 months?

  18. Activities Likely to Do in Next Year % Definitely/Probably Would Do Activity in Next12 Months Total Respondents (n=526) • The greatest opportunity to engage people who have not recently done the activity is with volunteering for a conservation project. • Intentions to also increase members involvement in substantial ways revolves around volunteering for a youth education event or attending a TU-organized fishing event. • Areas where members may be less willing to participate in the future include making cash donations to TU, attending fundraising or non-fishing social events. 62% +2 53% +5 32% +19 54% -7 42% +3 46% -4 35% +6 27% +9 26% +7 22% +11 11% +18 41% -13 6% +8 Q31) Assuming that the activity was available to you, how likely would you be participate in each of the following within the next 12 months?

  19. Communications Practices • Most have visited their local chapter or Colorado TU website, and the vast majority feel that the frequency of communications they get from TU (local, state, or national) is ‘Just Right.’ Frequency of TU Electronic Communications Total Respondents (n=526) Frequency of Visiting Sites Total Respondents (n=526) Not Frequent Enough Too Frequent Just Right Note: This survey was performed electronically, with an email inviting members to take a web-based survey. Q19) Within the past 12 months, how often, if ever, would you say you go to each of the following web sites? Q20) Thinking about the electronic communications you receive from Trout Unlimited, would say the frequency with which you receive those is...?

  20. Preferred Communications Preferred Communications Total Respondents (n=526) 47% • Overall, respondentsunder the age of 55 prefer a wider range of communications vehicles, especially those delivered electronically. • Those over 55 tend to prefer the High Country Angler and Chapter Newsletters more than those in the younger age groups. 17% 25% 7% 2% 1% 1% 1% #1 Most Preferred Method Q32a) Please select any and all methods of communication that you would like Trout Unlimited to communicate with you? Q32b) Please select the ONE method that you prefer the most? A/B/C/D/* Statistically significant at the 90% Level

  21. High Country Angler • More than half of those surveyed read all or most of the articles in High Country Angler. • Only about a quarter have a neutral or negative opinion of the magazine. Overall Opinion of High Country Angler Total Respondents (n=526) % Action with HCA Total Respondents (n=526) % Articles Read Among Those Who Read Articles (n=441) Just Right Q21) Which of the following best describes what you typically do with the magazine High Country Angler when you receive it in the mail or pick up a copy at a local shop? Q22) Which of the following types of articles do you typically read in High Country Angler? Q23) What is your overall opinion of the magazine High Country Angler?

  22. Why Should We Protect Rivers, Streams, and Watersheds? • TU’s work in preserving rivers, streams and watersheds is highly relevant for a number of reasons, but as providing opportunities to fish is the most relevant reason. • However, among the younger membership, and those who have come into TU in the last few years, there is a wider range and more variety in the ‘Why’ TU should be working on behalf of rivers and streams. % Extremely/Very Relevant Total Respondents (n=526) High Involve. = 90% * Low Involve. = 82% <4 yr Member = 65% * 4+ yr Member = 53% <4 yr Member = 39% * 4+ yr Member = 30% <4 yr Member = 30% * 4+ yr Member = 21% Q24) How relevant are each of the following to you personally as a reason that Trout Unlimited should engage in efforts to protect and restore rivers, streams, and watersheds? A/B/C/D/* Statistically significant at the 90% Level

  23. Value of Rivers For… • The value of rivers is also widely held across the membership. • Similar to relevance, the younger crowd has an appreciation of a much wider range of activities and interests that make Colorado’s rivers valuable to them. % Extremely/Very Valuable Total Respondents (n=526) A/B/C/D/* Statistically significant at the 90% Level Q25) People might use and appreciate rivers in Colorado for a variety of reasons. How valuable are these rivers to you personally for each of the following?

  24. Purchasing Behavior % Purchase Gear at Merchant Total Respondents (n=526) • Nearly all of the respondents shop at their local fly shop, but quite a few shop at national outdoors stores such as Orvis or LL Bean, or sporting goods stores such as Bass Pro or Gander Mtn. • For most merchants, but especially the local fly shops, if there were a ‘TU Endorsed’ program that featured their store, members would be even more likely to shop there. 83% 70% Orvis, LL Bean, Cabelas, REI 60% Sportsman's Warehouse, Bass Pro, Gander Mtn. 53% Sierra Trading Post, Feather-Craft, Leyland Likelihood to shop at store if TU Endorsed % Much More/ Somewhat More Likely Purchases at Store (n=521) 33% Walmart, Target N/A Ebay, CraigsList, Overstock N/A Q26) When you purchase outdoor/fishing gear, equipment, or apparel, where do you typically purchase these items? Q27) If a store supported Trout Unlimited, how would that impact your likelihood to purchase outdoor/fishing gear, equipment, or apparel from that store?

  25. Other Non-Profit Involvement % Involved (Involved = Member/Donor or Supporter) Total Respondents (n=526) • The Nature Conservancy is the most likely ‘other’ conservation organizationthat members are involved with. Greenpeace is the least common. • Othersportsmen organizations like FFF, NRA, Ducks Unlimited and Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation have some support, but considerably less than TNC. • American Rivers scores low, possibly do to the lack of a local chapter structure and featuring a very specific mission. 74% of respondents are involved with at least one or more of these Non-Profits Q28) Which of the following best describes your involvement in the following conservation/outdoor/wildlife groups and organizations?

  26. Interest in Receiving More Information/Updates % Extremely/Very Interested Total Respondents (n=526) • Core issues around river health and water quality are subjects that most members wish to get more information about. • Issues around climate change, ATVs, and fundraising are areas with limited interest for further information. • It appears there is a niche group of members who are interested in youth education topics. Other results indicate those with an interest in youth are highly engaged members. Thus, they are an attractive group in the organization and meeting their needs is important. Q30) Please indicate how interested you are in receiving information or updates on each of the following.

  27. Demographics A/B/C/D/* Statistically significant at the 90% Level

  28. Conclusions and Recommendations • Trout Unlimited in Colorado is an evolving organization, with new members coming in to the group because of a wide range of topics that interest them. • Conservation issues are the most prevalent reason that people come to TU – especially the younger age groups and members who are the most active and engaged. • TU is meeting or exceeding expectations on a number of topics – especially those which speak directly to the mission. Importance of these issues has also increased with members as they remain with TU. • Members who attend chapter meetings want to hear more from guest speakers on the wide array of conservation issues and local fishing destinations – this is especially true among the most active members and those in the younger age groups. • National and International fishing destinations are the topics that these chapter members want to hear about the least. • Consider how to provide alternate venues or events for members who can’t make the traditional chapter meeting to participate. • Electronic communications are preferred by many members (taking an electronic survey), and most indicate that the frequency of getting information from TU is ‘just right.’ Most members enjoy High Country Angler as well. • A TU Endorsed program for fly shops and other stores would be well received among members, and could be a way to further engage store owners and guides and build loyalty around those who support TU.

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