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PROPOSED PROJECT TITLE Company, Principal Investigator, Phone, Email Contract Cost Short term goals: what will be accomplished or delivered in this contract Long term goals: where will this lead in the next 2-5 years. Content of Presentation Penta Chart: WHAT is the innovation?
PROPOSED PROJECT TITLECompany, Principal Investigator, Phone, EmailContract CostShort term goals: what will be accomplished or delivered in this contract Long term goals: where will this lead in the next 2-5 years • Content of Presentation • Penta Chart: WHAT is the innovation? • WHY is it important? • HOW does your proposed product or development advance or replace the “State of the Art”? • WHO is the Customer? • WHEN can you achieve the proposed results? • Quantitative Goals and Success Criteria • Work Tasks/Costs/Level of Effort • Customer engagement plan • Project Plan and Schedule • Transition plan • Questions / Discussion and backup slides thematic image 1
[ PROJECT-NAME ] ACHIEVEMENT What is the state of the art and what are its limitations? (DELETE THIS BOX OF TEXT AND INSERT DIAGRAM(S) CHARACTERIZE THE QUANTITATIVE IMPACT (DELETE THIS BOX OF TEXT AND INSERT TABLE, GRAPH, OR OTHER SUITABLE VISUALIZATION) STATUS QUO QUANTITATIVE IMPACT What are the key new insights? (REPLACETHIS BOX AND INSERT DIAGRAM(S)) What are the end-of-phase goals? (REPLACE WITH DIAGRAM/TEXT/THRESHOLD CRITERIA) END-OF-PHASE GOAL NEW INSIGHTS Topic/project/effort description First item planned. Add more text as necessary. Second item planned. Add more text as necessary. • Add other points as necessary • MAIN ACHIEVEMENT (your Innovation.. • Product or Development): • Placeholder explanatory text. Replace with text and diagrams as necessary. • HOW IT WORKS: • Placeholder explanatory text paragraph. Replace with text and diagrams as necessary. • ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITATIONS: • Limitation or assumption • Another limitation or assumption Primary answer here. Add more text as necessary. • First bullet point • Additional as necessary First key insight. Add more text as necessary. Second key insight. Add more text as necessary. • Add other points as necessary Primary answer here. Add more text as necessary. • First key point • Additional as necessary 2 A sentence why it is important/useful Company: Contact: Email: Phone:
Why is this innovation important? • Is there one or more maritime military requirements or unrealized needs for this technology? (List in order of specificity / priority): • 1st (Specific program point-of-contact with project need, Program of Record, funded work, relevance of your endorsements..) • 2nd (Class or regime of service programs or project needs, proposed or unfunded requirements, relevance of your endorsements..) • 3rd (Strategic investment addressing unrealized needs for maritime military requirements/technology, relevance of your endorsements..) • 4th (General benefit, wider application or endorsements) 3
State of the Art • Describe the state of the art and the state of the practice • Identify other individuals and research groups who are working on the problem (including alternative approaches) • Describe the ways in which your project will advance current knowledge and practice • Describe the technical challenges • Additional detail slide (or two… mindful of existing content already submitted in your written proposal, and time limits on presentation!) 4
Scientific / Technical Information • Scientific Details • Technical advancement sought • How it will be achieved • Special tools • Analytical methods • Expectations • Potential issues • Include descriptive graphs/images graphic graphic 5
Who is the Customer? • Hint: Not CEROS! • Source and content of your project endorsement(s). • Envisioned nature of customer relationships: • Short term: During and immediately following CEROS-funded support • Long term: 2-5 years following completion of CEROS-funded support • Other sources of support, or related efforts: • Are other non-CEROS funds or resources available now, or anticipated to result from intermediate milestone achievements/deliverables within this proposal? • Do you have or anticipate concurrent related or dependent project work outside of the proposed CEROS project? 6
What is your Plan? • On the slides that follow: • Define your Quantitative Goals and Success Criteria • Define your Work Tasks / Costs / Level of Effort • Define your Customer engagement plan (in association with project tasks and milestones) • Illustrate your overall Project Plan and Schedule • Describe or Illustrate your Transition plan 7
Planned Start LEGEND: Planned Milestone or Deliverable Planned End Project Schedule(1 or 2 slides) NOW 11
Transition Plans • Long Term Plans:what will happen to this effort, if successful, in the long term • How to Implement Plans:describe efforts to assure technology will transition to existing or new systems • Identify transition partners. Include (in order of priority): • Obligated funding: identify sources and funding being committed or POMed to make this effort a real future capability • Leveraged funds: identify and provide details of agreements with others that support the effort now or in the future • Partners: list organizations, individuals, email addresses… collaborating in the effort and describe how they will participate • Endorsements: List endorsements and indicate what future support these parties will provide in making this effort a reality • Expected Intellectual Property (IP) 12
PROPOSED PROJECT TITLECompany, Principal Investigator, Phone, EmailContract Cost Q&A / Discussion 13
Heilmeier Questions (Think these questions through very carefully and have lucid answers prepared) 15
State of the Art:Scientific/Technical Information graphic (additional slides if needed) graphic 16
Anticipated Transition Plan Class of Endorsements: 1) “We will help fund …” 2) ”If successful, we will do …” 3) “We will provide planes, vessels, people and will mentor and advise.” 4) “We are interested in the outcome.” Potential Interest, but no endorsements: Identify PEOs Identify Commands Current Systems Current Products Organizations and assets in position to benefit from project results and operational transition, but without firm, funded requirements: Program AandProgram Bleverage CEROS funding. Program of Record, funded Requirements Class-4 Endorsement Program B $xxx K Class-1 Endorsement Ongoing support, expanded project Class-2 Endorsement Program A $xxx K Class-1 Endorsement Facilitate ongoing tests and development Class-3 Endorsement Reach TRL4: For TRL 5-7: Add functionality, modules, capabilities CEROS $xxx K (Support Design/Planning And Proof of concept) Year 5 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 TRL 8 Integrated operationally TRL 4 Component Validation in Lab TRL 6 Prototype demo in relevant environment TRL 7 Prototype demo in operational environment TRL 9 Operationally and mission proven
(additional backup slides as necessary; could include data tables or graphs, endorsements, etc.) 18