1. Six Step Research Process Adapted Cornell University &
IPL (Internet Public Library) Teenspace, University of Michigan
*Helpful tips:
Lincoln Library Swift page- see Documents & Links
Library Search Catalog- see Cool Sites
2. Step OneIdentify & Develop Topic Think about topics that interest you & list (start notebook)
Background information search: newspapers, magazines, internet, periodicals/journals, interviews (take notes)
What do you know… want to know re: topics? Use KWL chart *see Documents
Use notes & KWL chart & continue info search (add to notebook)
3. Step TwoInformation Search/Survey Narrow topics to two or three
Search for print & electronic resources related to your topics
Ask…Is the topic current? (current topics offer more information) Ask… How much work will it take to gather info on topic? (is it possible?)
Choose a topic with high interest & lots of information
4. Step ThreeForming a Focus for Research Locate books, articles, videos & internet resources on your topic
Read to learn; explore your topic; build knowledge; take notes; record sources for bibliography (use your notebook!)
As you learn, narrow your topic & choose a focus (example: nature> reptiles> narrowed to: poisonous snakes of the southwest USA )
5. Step FourGathering Information Develop a research question with main concepts/keywords
Research: find, collect and record information (include sources for bibliography)
Refine the focus of your topic as you learn
Organize your notes & sources (notebook)
Begin to your develop your thesis statement
6. Step FivePrepare to Write Analyze & organize information (use outlines, mapping, webbing)
Summarize the main point of your paper into a one sentence thesis statement
Weed out information that does not relate to and support your thesis statement
Review the notes you will use and fill in gaps with additional information, if needed
7. Step SixWriting the Paper Define your audience & purpose of paper (informal? reporting? dramatized?)
Prepare a formal outline
Rough draft
Cite source materials (Bibliography) using MLA style
Peer review & critique
Revise & proofread