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Evolution Without Selection

Evolution Without Selection. SBI3U0. Evolution. We have learned about how evolutionary change can be affected through natural selection Directional selection Disruptive Selection Stabilizing Selection Sexual Selection Not all evolution is due to natural selection

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Evolution Without Selection

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  1. Evolution Without Selection SBI3U0

  2. Evolution • We have learned about how evolutionary change can be affected through natural selection • Directional selection • Disruptive Selection • Stabilizing Selection • Sexual Selection • Not all evolution is due to natural selection • Organisms can evolve without the selective pressures of nature

  3. Genetic Drift • Genetic Drift • Changes in allele frequencies in a population as a result of chance • Genetic drift is most pronounced in small populations • If there is a small population it is much more likely that a particular allele will be lost or become more common • Eg: AA – Aaaa – AA Aa – aaAa – Aa F1: Aa , AaAa, Aaaa, aaaa, aa F1: AA, AA Aa, AaAa, Aa, AA, AA

  4. Genetic Drift • Genetic drift ALWAYS results in a net loss of genetic diversity in a population

  5. Genetic Drift

  6. Genetic Drift • Under what conditions do we see genetic drift significantly impacting a population? • The two main conditions are • When populations are cut down to a small number very quickly • When small groups of organisms migrate to a new area and only breed with themselves

  7. Bottlenecks • Bottleneck • When a population is drastically reduced in a short amount of time • This occurs under several natural conditions • Natural disasters (flood, earthquake, eruption, etc...) • Over hunting • The surviving members of the population will have specific alleles • The frequency of alleles in this population will likely not be identical to that of the original population

  8. Bottlenecks • Since the population is so small: • Rare alleles may be more common than normal • Some alleles may not be present at all • Since the genetic diversity is so small: • Following generations will be very similar to the surviving individuals

  9. Founder Effect • The founder effect occurs when a small group of individuals establishes a new population that is geographically isolated • Eg: A small group of birds flying to an island and living there • Since the new population is so small, the genetic diversity is small • Genetic drift becomes very important • Resulting generations will be genetically similar to the founders • Any alleles the founders did not have will not be present

  10. Founder Effect • Since the new population is geographically isolated from other populations, they cannot interbreed • Meaning whatever alleles the founders brought are the only ones available to be passed around • Any new mutations that occur will only be present in the new population, not in the original population (before isolation)

  11. Hardy-Weinberg Principle • Evolution is defined as “the changing of allele frequencies in a population” • Allele frequency refers to how often a specific allele occurs in a population • Ie: if there are 5 people, they together have 10 alleles for eye colour (2 each). If 6 of these alleles are for blue eyes, we say the allele frequency for the blue allele is 6/10, or 60% • This means that if the allele frequencies aren’t changing, a species is not evolving

  12. Hardy-Weinberg Principle • Two mathematicians, Godfrey Hardy and Wilhelm Weinberg developed a mathematical relation to describe evolutionary equilibrium (when allele frequencies do not change) • Equilibrium can only occur when the following conditions are met • No natural selection (also means there must be random mating) • Small population sizes • No mutation • No immigrations or emigration • No horizontal gene transfer

  13. Hardy-Weinberg Principle • In nature these conditions are NEVER met • The value of the HWP is that it gives us a standard to gage evolutionary change by • If we look at one gene with two alleles A and a • We call p the frequency of A in the population • We call q the frequency of a in the population • Thus: p + q = 1 • Therefore, if p is 0.75 (or 75%) than q is 0.25 (or 25%)

  14. Hardy-Weinberg Principle • The following equation predicts the frequency of different genotypes in the population p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 p2 = AA pq = Aa q2 = aa • Why does this equation make sense? • It is based entirely on probability

  15. Hardy-Weinberg Principle • If p is the frequency of A in the gene pool, it is also the probability that a child will receive the A allele • A child with the AA genotype received both A alleles by chance • There is a p probability to receive the first A allele and a p probability to receive the second A allele • Thus a p x p or p2 probability • If we use numbers. If p = 0.75: • The probability of being AA is (0.75)(0.75) = 0.56 or 56%

  16. Hardy-Weinberg Principle • A similar thing is true for aa, the probability is q2 • The heterozygous genotype Aa is more interesting • There are two ways to get this genotype • If your first allele is A, then you are Aa • If your second allele is A, then you are aA • These are functionally the same • The probability of getting either combination is pq • Thus the total probability is pq + pq or 2pq

  17. Hardy-Weinberg Principle • Thus the equation is p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 • The addition of the probabilities adds up to 1 (or 100%) since there are only three genotypes • Let’s see how we can use the Hardy-Weinberg Principle in practice

  18. Example • Approximately 1 in 1700 North American Caucasian children are born with cystic fibrosis, a genetic disorder • The allele CN is normal and dominant over the cystic fibrosis allele c • What percent of the population are carriers of the cystic fibrosis allele (and not affected)? What do we know? • The frequency of cystic fibrosis, or the cc genotype, is 1 in 1700 or 1/1700 = 0.000588 (0.0588%) • This means that q2 = 0.000588 • Thus, q = √0.000588 = 0.0243 or 2.43%

  19. Example • If q = 0.0243 then p = 1 – 0.0243 = 0.977 • Now that we know the frequency of the two alleles, we can calculate the probabilities of any of the three genotypes • The question asks for the heterozygous genotype CNc • The probability of having this genotype is 2pq 2pq = 2(0.0243)(0.977) = 0.0475 Or 4.75%

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