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Development of Entrepreneurship in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Author: Rasim Tulumović 27 Nov 2012. Presentation outline. What is entrepreneurship? How to measure if business environment is favourable (friendly)? Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. 1. What is entrepreneurship?.
Development of Entrepreneurship in Bosnia and Herzegovina Author:Rasim Tulumović 27 Nov 2012
Presentation outline What is entrepreneurship? How to measure if business environment is favourable (friendly)? Global Entrepreneurship Monitor
1. What is entrepreneurship? Entrepreneurship The capacity and willingness to develop, organize and manage a business venture along with any of its risks in order to make a profit. The most obvious example of entrepreneurship is the starting of new businesses. Entrepreneurship ranges in scale from solo projects (even involving the entrepreneur only part-time) to major undertakings creating many job opportunities.
2. How to measure if business environment is favourable (friendly)? Doing business GEM Glavna aktivnost GEM projekta je praćenje i razvijanje indikatora kojima se mjeri poduzetnička aktivnost. Poslovno okruženje je dobro ukoliko ga ljudi i stručnjaci ocjene dobrim • DB mjeri poslovnu regulativu tako što prikuplja i analizira kvantitativne podatke vezane za poslovno okruženje (npr. broj dana za određene dozvole). • Poslovno okruženje je dobro ukoliko je država bolje rangirana
3. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor comparative analysis of entrepreneurial development/dynamics in the world GEM is the biggest academic research project about entrepreneurship in the world. GEM is non-profitable academic research consortium. The aim of the Consortium is to create high quality international research data on entrepreneurship activities and made them available for researchers.
3.1 Basic information Three GEM objectives: • To measure differences in entrepreneurial attitudes / perception, activities and aspirations among countries; • To discover factors that defines nature and level of entrepreneurial activity; • To identify policies that could improve entrepreneurship within a country GEM research is based on data collected from 3 sources: • Adult Population Survey-APS • National Experts Survey-NES • International data bases (World Bank, IMF and others)
3.5 Institutional Context (Entrepreneurship Framework Conditions)
3.6 Institutional Context (Entrepreneurship Framework Conditions)
3.7 Karakteristike poduzetnika čija preduzeća ostvaruju visoki rast Poduzetnici čija preduzeća ostvaruju visok rast stvaraju najviše radnih mjesta Poduzetnici čija preduzeća ostvaruju visok rast su rijetki i teško ih je pronaći Poduzetnike čija su preduzeća dostigla visok rast vodi mogućnost da povećaju svoj dohodak Poduzetnici čija preduzeća ostvaruju visok rast često rade u partnerstvima i globalno su fokusirani Obrazovanje je bitno
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