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The “Clean States”: Fierce Competition and Activism. By Andrew Schrijver and Mary Palmer.
The “Clean States”: Fierce Competition and Activism By Andrew Schrijver and Mary Palmer “Politics, to the moralist political culture, is considered one of the great activities of man in his search for the good society- a struggle for power, it is true, but also an effort to exercise power for the betterment of the commonwealth.” -Daniel Elazar
Active Citizen Participation in Moralist Political Cultures State Rankings MN 1 WI 2 IA 8 MI 15 Source: http://www.statemaster.com/graph/gov_200_tot_vot_as_per-2004-election-total-votes-percentage “…in the moralist political culture, both the general public and politicians conceive of politics as a public activity centered on some notion of the public good and properly devoted to the advancement of public interest” -Daniel Elazar
Bitter Tug of War for Political Control Source: http://www.ipsr.ku.edu/SPPQ/journal_datasets.shtml
Source: Berry et al measure of state ideology Michigan Source: http://www.ipsr.ku.edu/SPPQ/journal_datasets.shtml
Source: Berry et al measure of state ideology Minnesota Source: http://www.ipsr.ku.edu/SPPQ/journal_datasets.shtml
Source: Berry et al measure of state ideology Wisconsin Source: http://www.ipsr.ku.edu/SPPQ/journal_datasets.shtml
Source: Berry et al measure of state ideology Iowa Source: http://www.ipsr.ku.edu/SPPQ/journal_datasets.shtml
Additional Reference Andrew Appleton and Daniel Ward, State Party Profiles: A 50 State Guide To Development, Organization, and Resource