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Data: The Afternoon Presentation

Data: The Afternoon Presentation. Brian Bough again. Goals of the Data Unit. Work to get the data to the schools in a usable format! Data Dashboard Data Warehouse Work more closely with the Special Education Unit

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Data: The Afternoon Presentation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Data: The Afternoon Presentation Brian Bough again

  2. Goals of the Data Unit • Work to get the data to the schools in a usable format! • Data Dashboard • Data Warehouse • Work more closely with the Special Education Unit • Continue to push forward the reporting calendar to stop last-minute reporting (see: Table 2)

  3. Special Education Enrollment by Year 15-17% of the overall BIE population.

  4. SpEd Enrollment by Age and by Year

  5. SpEd Enrollment by Disability

  6. Disability Trend

  7. Environments Percent of time spent with peers in regular classroom environment.

  8. Assessment Type - Mathematics

  9. Assessment Type - Reading

  10. Assessment Results Percent Proficient or Advanced

  11. Reading Achievement by Group Percent Proficient or Advanced

  12. Mathematics Achievement by Group Percent Proficient or Advanced

  13. Why no trend lines? • Many states changed tests between SY 2008-09 and SY 2009-10. • Data Unit changed how it collected student information in SY 2009-10 (student level rather than aggregated to subgroup level by grade). • No major differences across years. • Continued theoretical qualms with assessment comparisons.

  14. No Child Left Behind - AYP

  15. AYP??? • More assessments? • Writing, Science, Social Studies? • Music and Arts?

  16. Two Reauthorizations • IDEA is due for reauthorization – leave that discussion to the professionals. • ESEA is also due for reauthorization. • BIE advocates: • Using the Smarter and Balanced Assessment Consortium Common Core Standards • Use the Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) assessment • Specifically, move to a Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) • Implement a Growth Model

  17. Vision • Accountability system is meaningful • Accountability system is consistent across BIE • Accountability system, course standards (curricula), and assessments are all aligned • Intervention in curricula and instruction are well-defined • DPA serves as a comprehensive statewide system of support for schools on matters of program implementation and school improvement

  18. What about Special Education? • NCLB was good in the fact that it established measurable goals and assessments to measure progress toward those goals • NCLB was good in the fact that it held all sub-groups (such as Special Education) to the same standards as the All Student group • What should a new accountability system do to address the question of whether Special Education Programs are education their students?

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