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Fall Semester 2015: GEOL 101: Introduction to Geology (LAE) GEOL 110: Environmental Geology (LAE) GEOL 200: Oceanography GEOL 295: Research Experience GEOL 301: Mineralogy GEOL 313: Structural Geology GEOL 340: Sedimentary Petrology GEOL 495: Literature Seminar
Fall Semester 2015: GEOL 101: Introduction to Geology (LAE) GEOL 110: Environmental Geology (LAE) GEOL 200: Oceanography GEOL 295: Research Experience GEOL 301: Mineralogy GEOL 313: Structural Geology GEOL 340: Sedimentary Petrology GEOL 495: Literature Seminar GEOL 496: Field or Laboratory Research GEOG 310: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Fall Semester 2014: GEOL 101: Introduction to Geology (LAE) GEOL 110: Environmental Geology (LAE) GEOL 220: Landform Evolution GEOL 230: Introduction to Well Logging GEOL 295: Research Experience GEOL 301: Mineralogy GEOL 322: Sedimentation and Physical Stratigraphy GEOL 495: Literature Seminar GEOL 496: Field or Laboratory Research GEOG 310: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Muskingum UniversityGeology Department &Geography DepartmentCourse offerings Fall 2014 - Spring 2016 Dr. Stephen Van Horn (Chair) Boyd 222, x8306 svanhorn@muskingum.edu Dr. Eric Law Boyd 224, x8242 ericlaw@muskingum.edu Dr. David L. Rodland Boyd 223, x8425 drodland@muskingum.edu Departmental website: http://muskingum.edu/dept/geology Spring Semester 2015: GEOL 101: Introduction to Geology (LAE) GEOL 104: Earth History GEOL 110: Environmental Geology (LAE) GEOL 295: Research Experience GEOL 302: Petrology GEOL 311: Paleontology GEOL 350: Petroleum Geology GEOL 495: Literature Seminar GEOL 496: Field or Laboratory Research GEOG 111: World Regional Geography GEOG 321: Weather and Climate Spring Semester 2016: GEOL 101: Introduction to Geology (LAE) GEOL 104: Earth History GEOL 110: Environmental Geology (LAE) GEOL 295: Research Experience GEOL 302: Petrology GEOL 311: Paleontology GEOL 410: Subsurface Geology GEOL 495: Literature Seminar GEOL 496: Field or Laboratory Research GEOG 111: World Regional Geography GEOG 321: Weather and Climate