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Advanced Compton Gamma Beam System for ELI-NP

Proposal for the development of an advanced Compton gamma beam system for the ELI-NP facility, capable of delivering bright, mono-chromatic, tunable, highly polarized gamma rays with high spectral flux. The proposed system utilizes innovative technologies and state-of-the-art components to maximize the luminosity of the gamma source.

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Advanced Compton Gamma Beam System for ELI-NP

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  1. Compton Collision Scheme of E-Gammas Proposal for ELI-NP Luca Serafini – INFN Milan • ELI-NP: third Pillar of Extreme Light Infrastructure (large European Initiative on Extreme Light, 900 M€), devoted to Nuclear Photonics • One of the two Main Components of ELI-NP: advanced Gamma Source - Bright, Mono-chromatic (0.3%), High Spectral Flux (> 104 ph/sec.eV), Tunable (1-20 MeV), Highly Polarized • Tender is open for Best Proposal (60 M€): Egammas European Collaboration is preparing to submit • Innovative solution for Compton g-ray Source based on advanced C-band RF Linacs in multi-bunch mode and New Concepts for Laser Recirculation: maximizing Luminosity of Compton Source

  2. Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) Gerard Mourou 1985: Chirped Pulse Amplification (CPA) ELI Courtesy of Victor Zamfir

  3. Extreme Light Infrastructure Courtesy of Victor Zamfir ELI on ESFRI list ELI-PP 2007-2010 December 2009 (EC) 3 Pillars (Structural Funds): CZECH Rep: Beamlines HUNGARY: Short Pulses ROMANIA: Nuclear Physics

  4. ELI-Nuclear Physics “White Book” (100 scientists, 30 institutions, eds. Habs et al.) (www.eli-np.ro) Feasibility Study: 293 Meuro w/o VAT “Extreme Light” : • two 10 PW APOLLON-type lasers • brilliant γ beam, up to 20 MeV, BW:10-3 produced by Compton scattering on a 700 MeV electron beam

  5. ELI-NP γ beam

  6. The Tender for ELI-NP Gamma System was published in early Dec. 2012: deadline March 10th 2013 The EGAMMAS European Collaboration has been preparing its Proposal since Sept. 2011 Plus 6 Industrial Partners and Sub-Contractors: [Amplitude, Thales, Alsyom] (F), Comeb (I), RI (D), Danfysik (Dk) • The Challenge we are facing: design the most advanced Gamma Beam System based on state-of-the-art components, to be commissioned and delivered to users by mid 2017, reliable, cost-effective (60 M€ Total Cost), compatible with present lay-out of ELI-NP building • Prototype of a New Generation (Light) Gamma-ray Sources: Bright, Mono-chromatic (0.3%), High Spectral Flux (> 104 ph/sec.eV), Tunable (1-20 MeV), Highly Polarized, based on Compton Back-Scattering of High Phase Space Density Electron Beams by Lasers

  7. Because of Budget/Space-available/Implementation-schedule Constraints we were obliged to discard Super-Conducting Technology for the Linac. • The Baseline is therefore based on a room temperature low rep rate (100 Hz) 700 MeV Linac, delivering maximum phase space density of bunches generated in trains, coupled to a High Average Power (100 Hz, 100 W) psec J-class Laser system, recirculated at each collision to collide with all the electron bunches in the train.

  8. We built a set of criteria for optimal design of the Gamma Beam System, based on the concept of Spectral Luminosity, i.e. Luminosity per unit bandwidth • Scattered flux • Luminosity as in HEP collisions • Many photons, electrons • Focus tightly • ELI-NP f electrons laser

  9. Gamma Beam System Characteristics 1-2 Orders of magnitude better than state of the art HiGS (bdw 3%, sp. dens. 102, E < 8 MeV)

  10. Negligible recoil ELI D=10-2 Dominant quantum effects Back-scattering Radiation on-axis Compton red shift Thomson factor 1/g02 1/g0

  11. Compton Recoil • = electron relativistic factor • = angle of observation (q = 0 -> photon scattered on electron beam propagation axis) • = laser frequency • ng= frequency of the scatterd (X,g) photon a0 = dimensionless amplitude of the vector potential for the laser e.m. field , a0=eE0/(wLmc)

  12. Total Scattered Photons UL = Laser pulse energy Q= electron bunch charge fRF = RF rep rate nRF = #bunches per RF pulse f = collision angle (<<1) f = 0 for head-on collision st = laser pulse length hn = laser photon energy [eV] sx = electron bunch spot size at collision point N.B. all sigma’s and angles are intended as rms, all distributions are assumed as gaussians in (phase) space and time

  13. The Luminosity based description of Compton Back-scattering allowed us to develop a simple powerful analytical model predicting with great accuracy the number of photons generated within the desired bandwidth (Spectral Luminosity) and all related quantities like Spectral Density, photon beam emittance, Brilliance, etc CAIN results

  14. RMS bandwidth, due to collection angle, laser phase space distribution and electron beam phase space distribution electron beam laser

  15. COMPARISON between classical (TSST), quantum semianalytical (Comp_cross) and quantum MonteCarlo (CAIN) Number of photons CAIN (quantum MonteCarlo) Run by I.Chaichovska and A. Variola TSST (classical) Developed by P. Tomassini bandwidth Comp_Cross (quantum semianalytical) Developed by V.Petrillo V. Petrillo et al., NIM-A693 (2012) 109

  16. Quantumshift DE • CAIN • Comp_Cross • TSST A part from the quantum shift, the spectra are very similar

  17. Outstanding electron beam quality: ultra-high phase space density in single bunch beam dynamics

  18. First multi-bunch start-to-end with HOM damped C-band cavities No significant emittance dilution observed from beam break-up

  19. ELI Damped structure: Mechanical drawings, realization and prototype General procedure we would like to follow: input/output couplers are fabricated separately and joined to the cells by a vacuum flange • The fabrication of a prototype with a reduced number of cells is necessary to: • Test the effectiveness of the dipole mode damping including the test the absorbing material performances • Test the vacuum properties of the structure with absorbing material • Perform the low power tests and the tuning of the structure • Test the high gradient performances of the structure

  20. WORKSHOP 2012 European Proposal for ELI-NP Gamma Beam System: the Machine and the Experiments www.e-gammas.eu Milan, Italy May 14-16 ELI-NP Bucharest (Magurele) Romania for ELI Chairs Angela Bracco (Univ. Milano and INFN) Luca Serafini (INFN Milano) Palazzo delle Stelline

  21. N.B. in the Thomson limit

  22. Thanks for your attention Thanks to: F. Zomer and K. Dupraz (Univ. Paris Sud and Orsay/LAL) & Alsyom for Laser Recirculator V. Petrillo (Univ. of Milan and INFN/Milan) for gamma ray Spectra C. Vaccarezza (INFN/LNF) for Beam Dynamics D. Alesini (INFN/LNF) for C-band HOM Damped Acc. Structures N. Bliss (STFC) for Lay-out www.e-gammas.eu

  23. Detailed description of the diagnostics instrumentation for electron beam throughout the linac. • Mature design for the collimation at low and high energy beam lines. • Advanced study for monitoring and characterizing the gamma ray beam by means of luminometers and calorimeters.

  24. Scan the Dynamic Range 520 MeV 320 MeV 360 MeV 720 MeV the floor level is at 104

  25. Set the Parameter Table

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