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This policy outlines the organizational set-up of the Church's Publishing Department, the responsibilities of literature evangelists, and the privileges and benefits they receive while working for the Lord and the Church.
WORKING POLICY FOR LITERATURE EVANGELISTS PUBLISHING POLICY I Presented by: Howard F. Faigao, Director Publishing Ministries Department General Conference of SDA
OBJECTIVES AND EXPECTED RESULTS • The LE students will understand the organizational set-up of the Church's Publishing Department and the flow of responsibilities. • The L E students will understand the general principles of the Church governing the work of literature evangelists in general and how he relates to the Church as a worker. • The L E students will be able to identify the different classes of literature evangelists and the requirements for each class. • The L E students will know the privileges and benefits of literature evangelists as he works for the Lord and the Church.
GENERAL CONFERENCE • The General Conference is the highest organizational level and authority of the Seventh-day Adventist Church on earth under God. The Church has many departments and services and the Publishing Ministries Department is one of them. • The General Conference Publishing Ministries Department directs the Publishing work of the Church worldwide. The director is the department head and has 1-2 Associates working with him.
DIVISION PUBLISHING MINISTRIES DEPARTMENT • The Division is a section of the General Conference in charge of the work within its territory. The world-field is divided into 13 Field Divisions. • The Division Publishing Ministries Department supervises the Union(s) Publishing Program, Union Publishing Houses and Union Literature Ministry Seminaries within its territory. • Publishing Policies are developed at the Division level.
UNION PUBLISHING MINISTRIES DEPARTMENT • The Union Publishing Ministries Department is responsible to nurture and develop the publishing work within its territory. • It provides direction and supervision to the Conference/Mission publishing department programs. • An elected Associate Director is appointed to direct the Literature Ministry Seminary.
CONFERENCE/MISSION PUBLISHING MINISTIRES DEPARTMENT • The Con/Mission Publishing Ministries Department is responsible to develop the publishing ministry to the fullest extent. • Publishing Director - The Director is the head of the department. • He provides supervision to the total program including APDs and LEs. • He assists the APDs in their work of recruiting, training LE's and all other sales activities. • When the publishing work of the Con/Mission has grown with more than 10 Assistant Publishing Directors to supervise, normally the con/mission appoints an associate to work with the director.
CONFERENCE/MISSION PUBLISHING MINISTIRES DEPARTMENT Assistant Publishing Director • Leader of a group of at least 15 LEs • He works within a defined territory. • His main work is to recruit and train Literature Evangelists in salesmanship and soul-winning techniques.
THE LITERATURE EVANGELIST • The Literature Evangelist is a self-supporting worker of the Church. • His basis of self-support is the commission remuneration system. • This system provides opportunity for every LE worker to set his own income without limitation.
LITERATURE MINISTRY SEMINARIES • The Literature Ministry Seminary program is part of the total publishing work of the Union. It is established to provide professional training to literature evangelists and publishing leaders. • The LMS Director is an Associate Publishing Director of the Union.
PUBLISHING HOUSES Publishing Houses are established by the authority of the Division for the purpose of originating, translating and printing denominational literatures.
HOME HEALTH EDUCATION SERVICE & ADVENTIST BOOK CENTERS • The HHES/ABCs are the official distributing agencies for denominational publishing houses within their respective territories. They are dealing with subscription and trade books to Literature Evangelists, other church workers, church members and the general public. • HHES - Generally in charge of subscription literature to be sold by Literature Evangelists to the general public. • ABC - Generally in charge of trade literature for the Church membership.
PUBLISHING ORGANIZATIONSUMMARY • General Conference Publishing Department B. Division Publishing Department C. Union Publishing Department D. Conference/Mission Publishing Department 1. Publishing Department Director 2. Assistant Publishing Director 3. Literature Evangelists E. Institutions/Organizations 1. Literature Ministry Seminaries 2. Publishing Houses 3. Home Health Education Service/Adventist Book Center
DIVISION PUBLISHING MINISTRIES DEPARTMENT TODAY • Total No. of Unions Served _______ • Total No. of Publishing Houses _______ • Total No. of Literature Ministry Seminaries _______ • Total No. of Publishing Leaders _______ • Total No. of Literature Evangelists _______
GENERAL PROVISIONS Classes of Literature Evangelists • Authorized Part-Time - LE's who work less than 144 hours per calendar month or 1440 hours per year • Full-time Literature Evangelists - LE's who are devoting their life to the calling of the Literature Ministry. They hold no other income generating employment or work besides the ministry. Full-time LEs are divided into 3 categories: • Interns • Licensed • Credentialed.
GENERAL PROVISIONS Designated Territory Full-time and Part-time Literature Evangelists are assigned to designated territories. They are to become a part of the community and provide continued service and ministry to the area.
GENERAL PROVISIONS Products to be Sold • Literature Evangelists are gospel workers for the SDA Church. • Therefore they should sell only denominationally approved literature or items as distributed through the HHES/ABC outlets.
GENERAL PROVISIONS Missionary Activities The prime objective of the Literature Ministry is to contact souls for Christ. The following methods are avenues by which LE's can present the gospel. • Sale of health and gospel literature • Free literature distribution • Enrollments in Bible Correspondence Courses • Personal Bible studies • Inviting interested persons to church & evangelistic meetings • By personally sharing the gospel • Praying with prospects
GENERAL PROVISIONS Reporting System • One important aspect of the LE work is reporting. This is done for important purposes, such as retirement, status requirements and others. • LE's are required to submit report monthly (weekly in some places), reflecting the following. (Show example) • Number of Hours • Number of Weeks Working • Number of Homes Visited (Exhibit) • Amount of Sales • Missionary Activities
GENERAL PROVISIONS • Even when the LE is unable to work due to illness, he should send his report stating the number of hours for credit. • These reports are compiled in the Con/Mission and Union Reporting System
LE CATEGORIES AND REQUIREMENTS Every beginning of each year (January 1), LE's are reclassified to different classes/categories based on the previous year's performance and policy requirements.
LE CATEGORIES & REQUIREMENTS All LE's who worked less than the number of hours or weekly reports required by the Division policy for full-time Literature Evangelists are reclassified as … Part-Time …regardless of their sales performance. (Example) Authorized Part-time
LE CATEGORIES & REQUIREMENTS An Intern LE is one who is in training, developing skills in literature evangelism through personal witness and distribution of health and gospel literature. Requirements are: Full-Time (Intern)
LE CATEGORIES & REQUIREMENTS Full-Time (Intern) Requirements are: • Submit a completed application to the Conference/Mission Publishing Committee for approval. • Submit a medical certification or report with the application. • An SDA member in good and regular standing. • Has no financial obligations which exceed the earning ability of the Literature Evangelist. • Approved by the Con/Mission Publishing Committee in order to start working
LE CATEGORIES & REQUIREMENTS Full-Time (Initial License) • Successful completion of LMS training courses during internship • Demonstrated skill in personal witnessing and Christian salesmanship • Worked a minimum of ___ hours and have submitted ___ weekly reports during three consecutive months as an Intern
LE CATEGORIES & REQUIREMENTS Understand the publishing policies and be willing to abide by them • Reach the sales minimum requirements as set by the Union, according to formula stipulated in the Division Policy. • Example Formula : Full-Time (Initial License)
LE CATEGORIES & REQUIREMENTS Full-Time (Renewed License) • When a Licensed Literature Evangelist has not qualified for Credentials after one year, the Con/Mission may grant a renewal of License when the following requirements are met: • Worked a minimum of ____ hours and submitted at least ____ weekly reports during the previous year • Shall have worked within the department policies • Reached the minimum sales requirement as set by the Union, according to formula stipulated in the Division Policy. Example Formula:
LE CATEGORIES & REQUIREMENTS The Con/Mission Committee shall grant Literature Evangelists credentials upon fulfillment of the following requirements during the previous 12 months: • Worked a minimum of ______ hours and submitted at least ______ weekly reports. • Shall have followed the Publishing Ministries Department policies. • Reached the minimum sales requirements as set by the Union, according to the formula stipulated by the Division policy. Example Formula: (Show Example) Full-Time (Credentialed)
LE QUALIFICATION AND REQUIREMENTS – SUMMARY Example Formula LE CATEGORY REQUIREMENTS Full-time LEs PeriodReports HourSales (minimum) 1. Initial License 3 mths 12 42 WF x 45% x 3 2. Renew. License 12 mths 40 144 WF x 45% x 12 3. Credentialed 12 mths 44 1680 WF x 75% x 12
LE CATEGORIES & REQUIREMENTS Renewal of Status When a Licensed or Credentialed Literature Evangelist fails to qualify in sales requirements after one year for the status of either, • Renewed License • Credential • Renewed Credential He/she shall be reclassified as full-time Literature Evangelist Intern and may again qualify for new license in any three consecutive months. (Example)
LE CATEGORIES & REQUIREMENTS Renewal of Status When a Licensed or Credentialed Literature Evangelist fails to qualify in the number of hours worked and weekly reports submitted after one year; he/she shall be reclassified as . . . Part-time Literature Evangelist and may again qualify for new license in any three consecutive months. (Example)
BENEFITS OF LITERATURE EVANGELISTS Literature Evangelists serve the Church through a wide range of missionary activities as they spread the message through the printed page and other direct soul-winning activities. To assist the Literature Evangelist, the following benefits are made available: Full-Time
BENEFITS OF LITERATURE EVANGELISTS As outlined in the Division or Union Publishing Ministries Department Policy. (Example to be explained in details by the instructor.) Full-Time (Intern)
BENEFITS OF LITERATURE EVANGELISTS In addition to the LE Intern's benefits, the Licensed Literature Evangelist may receive benefits as outlined in the Division or Union Publishing Ministries Department Policy. (Example to be explained in details by the instructor.) Full-Time (Licensed)
BENEFITS OF LITERATURE EVANGELISTS In addition to benefits received by Intern and Licensed Literature Evangelists, the Credentialed LEs may receive benefits, when currently qualifying, as outlined in the Division or Union Publishing Ministries Department Policy. (Example to be explained in details by the instructor.) Full-Time (Credentialed)
BENEFITS OF LITERATURE EVANGELISTS Full-Time (Interns) • Transportation and moving expense for resident Literature Evangelists who, with their families, are authorized a move to a new territory. • In the transfer of Literature Evangelists from one mission to another, the expenses shall be paid by the mission initiating the call and not from the Literature Evangelist Benefit Fund. • Travel expenses, including per diem for travel time, may be paid when approved to receive training at a LMS center.
BENEFITS OF LITERATURE EVANGELISTS Full-Time (Licensed) • In addition to the Intern's benefits, the Licensed Literature Evangelist shall receive the following benefits: • Transportation, food and lodging while attending annual LE conventions and LMS training • Transportation and moving expenses for moves requested by the local Con/Mission Publishing Committee
BENEFITS OF LITERATURE EVANGELISTS • Emergency assistance may be granted in cases of hardship which are beyond the control of the LE, such as accident, extended illness, temporary disability, large losses, etc. • Other benefits as may be approved by the Union Full-Time (Licensed)
BENEFITS OF LITERATURE EVANGELISTS Full-Time (Credentialed) In addition to benefits received by Intern and Licensed Literature Evangelists, the following benefits may be granted to Credentialed LE's when currently qualifying: • Benefit Allowance based on retail sales • 1 to 9 years of service - 5 - 6% • 10 years up - 6 - 7% • Other benefits as decided by the Union, such as medical allowance, educational allowance and constituency allowance.
The Literature Evangelist and His Ministry (SUMMARY) • General Provisions • Classes of LEs • Designated Territories • Products to be Sold • Missionary Activities • Reporting System • LE Identification and Requirements • Authorized Part-Time • Full-Time Literature Evangelists • LE Benefits • Interns • Licensed • Credentialed
HOME HEALTH EDUCATION SERVICE Under the provisions of the Division Policy, Literature Evangelists, Church members and other Church workers have to transact business with the HHES/ABC in cash basis only. So . . .LEs are encouraged to establish a healthy financial base in their work by managing their finances very carefully. HHES Transactions
HOME HEALTH EDUCATION SERVICE • LEs are encouraged to build up their own capital for books so as to have enough literature supplies all the time for their work. • LEs are encouraged to avoid debts. LE's without debts and who are financially stable can work happily without worries of debts to pay up. They are most likely to succeed and will stay in the work. HHES Transactions
HOME HEALTH EDUCATION SERVICE Under the Division Policy, the Full-time Literature Evangelists get ____% for his commission based on the retail price of subscription books and magazines. Part-Time LE's receive ____% commission Literature Evangelist Commission
BUSINESS AND RELIGIOUS VIEWPOINT • Viewed from the world's concept, Literature Evangelism is business. We are engaged in printing, publishing and selling business. But, it is the business of the Lord. • The Publishing work is God's business “under His special supervision”. The ultimate goal of the Publishing Ministry is to prepare souls for God's kingdom. • The business aspect of our work is just the means for the ultimate objective of God's Church - Soul-Winning. The Lord’s Business
BUSINESS AND RELIGIOUS VIEWPOINT We urge all our Literature Ministry workers (LE's, Leaders, Publishing House Workers) to conduct this work from a religious standpoint. Missionary work must be the prevailing motive. Honesty and Integrity must be practised in all transactions and in the conduct of the Lord's work as a whole. As a saying goes: “Honesty is the best policy.” The Lord’s Business
LE DEVELOPMENT The work of the Literature Evangelist is, no doubt, in touch with the business world and, therefore, requires professional growth. HOW? Professional Growth
LE DEVELOPMENT Professional Growth The smart LE will learn that he is surrounded with tremendous opportunities for improvements. The books and magazines he sells are rich resources of knowledge. • The Holy Bible • Spirit of Prophecy Books • Good Educational Books • Magazines and News Papers