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Regional Knowledge Network on Systemic Approaches to Water Resources Management R-KNOW

Regional Knowledge Network on Systemic Approaches to Water Resources Management R-KNOW. Location: Amman, Jordan Date 17/04/2014. Approach Methodology. Project progress: From granting till now. Methodology What the IUCN & AWO did for now?. Stakeholders & Project Selections. R-KNOW

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Regional Knowledge Network on Systemic Approaches to Water Resources Management R-KNOW

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  1. Regional Knowledge Network on Systemic Approaches to Water Resources Management R-KNOW Location: Amman, Jordan Date 17/04/2014

  2. Approach Methodology

  3. Project progress: Fromgranting till now

  4. MethodologyWhat the IUCN & AWO did for now?

  5. Stakeholders & Project Selections

  6. R-KNOW Key Findings • Main key Findings • STK identification • STK categorising • STK matrix • STK needs • STK related projects

  7. STK identification

  8. With regards to water governance and the 4 thematic areas there are 10s of active stakeholders in Jordan R-KNOW Key Findings: Stakeholder identification NCARE MEMR MOH MWI MOA MOPIC JRF JVA MOE IUCN JOHUD HCST

  9. R-KNOW Key Findings: Stakeholder identification: sample

  10. STK categorizing

  11. R-KNOW Key Findings: Stakeholder categorizing 1 • The preliminary investigation found 10s of Jordanian organizations that influence water Governance in Jordan • These stakeholders may vary in their typology, field of action, function, interest, experiences, objectives & goals, and other major issues however they integrate each other to achieve water governance. • Two methods of categorization has been chosen: 1.Based on their typology 2- Based on their function of field of action

  12. R-KNOW Key Findings: Stakeholder categorizing 2 Categorizing stakeholder (organizations) based on their TYPE & (FUNCTION) Based on their function 1- Policy and planning 2- Implementation & steering sector 3- Standardizations, certification & monitoring 4- Community development & empowerment 5- Awareness, extension and technology transfer 6- Academia organizations; Research & development 7- Donors Based on their type 1. governmental 2. non-governmental 3. Private sector

  13. R-KNOW Key Findings: Stakeholder categorizing 2

  14. R-KNOW Key Findings: Stakeholder categorizing 2 The water governance relevant stakeholder based on their (function)

  15. Stakeholder matrix

  16. Sum Up … template Summary of what we use in our reports

  17. The next slides illustrates some examples for our findings

  18. From the above table, NCAREis an example for the organizations responsible for the awareness, extension and technology transfer activities In the next slide the template we use to illustrate the information about NCARE and its water governance relevant projects ….

  19. Stakeholder matrix …

  20. The same thing done for the other stakeholders (MOA, MWI, IUCN, AWO, etc) under the title progress PLEASE, have a look to the distributed documents (See Annexes) Annex 2; Annex 3; Annex 4

  21. Stakeholder needs

  22. The IUCN/AWO investigations for the related stakeholders reveal that these needs are among the most important needs

  23. Stakeholder related • projects

  24. The list of these projects is too long and we still in progress to finalize it all

  25. Where We Are Now !!!OUR PROGRESSmore than 70% is done Are we done with data collection? Since data collection is a continuous time consuming process, still we are in progress and it is expected to finish the data collection no later than 2 months from now DONE >>> Till now we are done with the following: MOA; NCARE; NCRD; IUCN; JOHUD; GIZ; etc IN PROGRESS >>> The data collection for the other organizations are still in progress …

  26. Lessons learned/Recommendations Lessons learned from what has been done Hereunder, some learnt lessons that we found during the data collection, stakeholder analysis, etc

  27. Lessons learned/Recommendations Lessons learned from what has been done Hereunder, some learnt lessons that we found during the data collection, stakeholder analysis, etc

  28. Recommendations for RKNOW next phase Based on a comprehensive investigation done by IUCN ROWA we recommend to adopt the following approaches for RKNOW next phase (pilot selection criteria):

  29. Recommendations for RKNOW next phase Based on what has been done at EMPOWERS project, it is recommended to adopt the 7 pillars of water governance in the evaluation and selection criteria: 1- Integration; 2- Vulnerability; 3- Harmonization; 4- Building capacities; 5- Accessible information; 6- Developed solution; 7- Awareness EMPOWERS Approach • Integration: The integrated participation of all stakeholders and end-users at all levels • Vulnerability: Special efforts are made to include vulnerable groups. • Harmonization: The efforts of all actors (government, partners in development, civil society) should be harmonized • Building capacities: Capacities of stakeholders should be developed at different levels to enable them to participate in water resources planning and management. • Accessible information: Water information should be considered a public good; and access to information be enabled for all citizens. • Developed solution: Locally appropriate solutions and tools should be developed. • Awareness: Awareness must be developed for informed participation in water governance.

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