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Understanding the Anatomy of the Respiratory System

Explore the upper and lower respiratory system, nasal cavity, sinuses, larynx, and lungs in this comprehensive lab exercise. Learn about the functions and structures of the respiratory system components.

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Understanding the Anatomy of the Respiratory System

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  1. Lab Exercise 24 Anatomy of the Respiratory System Portland Community College BI 233

  2. Introduction Provides oxygen to the cells of the body and removes carbon dioxide

  3. Upper & Lower Respiratory System • Upper Respiratory System • Nose • Nasal cavity • Paranasal sinuses • Pharynx

  4. Respiratory system • Lower Respiratory System • Larynx • Trachea • Bronchi • Lungs

  5. Nasal bones • Frontal and nasalbones form the nasal bridge and processes of the maxillae make up the lateral walls. • Nasal septum divides the nasal cavity into right and left halves formed by vomer and perpendicular plate of the ethmoid

  6. Uvula • During swallowing, the soft palate elevates and the uvula closes off the internal nares, preventing food or fluids from entering the nasal cavity.

  7. Nasal Cavity

  8. Nasal Cavity Superior Middle & Inferior Turbinates or Chonchae Opening of Auditory Tube External Nares

  9. Nasal Cavity • The nasal epithelium covering the conchae serves to cleanse, warm and humidify the air • Nasal conchae increase the surface areas for the mucus epithelium • The olfactory epithelium in the upper medial part of the nasal cavity is involved in the sense of smell. • The nasal cavity serves as a resonating chamber as well as an avenue for escaping air.

  10. Nasal Turbinates or Conchae • Ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium with goblet cells pushes trapped dust toward the back of the throat to be swallowed. .

  11. Sinuses All the sinuses are continuous with the nasal cavity are lined by mucous membrane. Mucous secretions drain into the nasal cavities.

  12. Pharynx • Connects the nasal and oral cavities to the larynx and esophagus • Anatomically divided into 3 sections: • Nasopharynx • Oropharynx • Laryngopharynx

  13. Pharynx

  14. Tonsils Pharyngeal Tonsils(Adenoids) PalatineTonsils LingualTonsils

  15. Tonsils Pharyngeal tonsils • Tonsils: lymphoid tissue. Palatine tonsils

  16. Larynx: aka Voice Box • Made of 9 pieces of cartilage, the most important are: • Thyroid cartilage (Adam’s Apple) • Thyrohyoid membrane • Cricoid Cartilage • Cricothyroid ligament • Epiglottis

  17. Larynx Hyoid Bone Thyrohyoid Membrane Epiglottis Thyrohyoid ligament Thyroid Cartilage Cricothyroid Ligament Cricoid Cartilage Tracheal Cartilage

  18. Inside the Larynx • Vestibular Folds: • Also called false vocal cords, ventricular band of larynx, ventricular folds, and upper folds • Vocal Cords, or vocal folds • Lower, “true” vocal cords • Attach to the arytenoid cartilages by the vocal ligaments (internal) • Glottis: The vocal cords and the space (rima glottidis) between them.

  19. Inside the Larynx

  20. Inside the Larynx Corniculate cartilage Cuneiform cartilage Rima Glottis True Vocal Cords Glottis Epiglottis Tongue

  21. Glottis: True cords plus openingRima Glottis: The opening

  22. Airways Larynx Trachea Right Mainstem Bronchi Left Mainstem Bronchi The carina is the last cartilage which separates the entrances to the left and right primary bronchi Secondary Bronchi Carina Secondary Bronchi

  23. Bronchi • The carina of the last tracheal cartilage marks the end of the trachea and the beginning of the right and left bronchi • Left main stem bronchus • Right main stem bronchus • Bronchi subdivide into secondary bronchi, each supplying a lobe of the lungs

  24. Respiratory Tree

  25. Branching of Bronchial Tree Trachea Primary Bronchi Secondary Bronchi Tertiary Bronchi Bronchioles Terminal/Respiratory Bronchioles

  26. Lungs • Apex: the part under the clavicle • Base: the part touching the diaphragm • Costal Surface: the part touching the ribs • Hilus: indentation containing pulmonary and systemic blood vessels • Left Lung has 2 lobes and a cardiac notch • Left upper lobe • Left lower lobe • Right Lung has 3 lobes • Right upper lobe, middle lobe, lower lobe

  27. Apex Lungs LUL RUL Oblique fissure Hilus Horizontal fissure Cardiac notch Oblique fissure LLL RML RLL Base

  28. Lungs: Medial View

  29. Lung Lobes

  30. Pleura • Pleura is the double-layered sac of serous membrane • Parietal Pleura is the outer layer and is attached to the thoracic walls • Visceral Pleura is the inner layer covering the lung tissue • The layers are only touching, they are not fused together • The potential space is called the pleural cavity • There is serous fluid between the layers which allows them to slide against each other during breathing

  31. Pleural cavity is in between the two layers

  32. Mediastinum • The area between the lungs. • Posterior to the sternum • Anterior to the vertebrae • Contains the heart, great vessels, esophagus and thymus

  33. Trachea Histology • Composed of three layers • Mucosa: made up of goblet cells and ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium • Submucosa: connective tissue deep to the mucosa • Adventitia: outermost layer, has C-shaped rings of hyaline cartilage

  34. Trachea

  35. Trachea Histology

  36. Trachea Histology

  37. Seromucous Glands (Trachea)

  38. Trachea Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium Submucosa with seromucous glands Hyaline Cartilage

  39. Bronchi Bronchioles • Tissue walls of bronchi mimic that of the trachea • As conducting tubes become smaller, structural changes occur and eventually they become bronchioles • Cartilage support structures change • Bronchioles differ from bronchi in that they lack cartilage • Epithelium types change • Amount of smooth muscle increases

  40. Bronchi Histology

  41. Bronchiole Histology Simple columnar epithelium Notice the lack of cartilage

  42. Bronchioles Respiratory Bronchioles • Respiratory Bronchioles : Continued branching leads to the area where gas exchange occurs by simple diffusion

  43. Respiratory BronchiolesAlveolar Ducts Alveolar sacs

  44. Alveolar sacs Alveoli • Alveolar sacs look like clusters of grapes • The “individual grapes” are Alveoli

  45. Alveoli Histology

  46. Type II Pneumocytes are cuboidal and produce surfactant Type 1 Pneumocytes are flattened for gas exchange

  47. Respiratory Membrane • The area where gas exchange between air and blood occurs • It is the fused alveolar and capillary walls (3 layers) • Squamous type 1 alveolar epithelium • Fused basal laminae • Squamous endothelial cells in pulmonary capillaries

  48. Respiratory Membrane

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