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21 世紀 Smart 閱讀策略. Genre Reading & Writing. 文體閱讀和寫作. Genre Reading & Writing. 閱讀-皮毛式/大拜拜式. 「很多學校的書多了,借閱率提升了。但是學校目前辦的還是大拜拜式的閱讀節活動,吸引孩子,衝借閱量。在沉澱下來,好好欣賞、理解一本書上的時間依然不足。」暢銷童書作家、南投育樂國小教師王文華認為,推動閱讀多年,在量的部分有提升,質的部分卻遇到瓶頸 。 從閱讀到思考的時代 2013-10 親子天下雜誌 50 期. 貓頭鷹親子教育協會. 張雅惠 TOEIC 滿分 -- 閱聽 教練
21世紀Smart 閱讀策略 Genre Reading & Writing
文體閱讀和寫作 Genre Reading & Writing
閱讀-皮毛式/大拜拜式 「很多學校的書多了,借閱率提升了。但是學校目前辦的還是大拜拜式的閱讀節活動,吸引孩子,衝借閱量。在沉澱下來,好好欣賞、理解一本書上的時間依然不足。」暢銷童書作家、南投育樂國小教師王文華認為,推動閱讀多年,在量的部分有提升,質的部分卻遇到瓶頸。 從閱讀到思考的時代 2013-10 親子天下雜誌50期
貓頭鷹親子教育協會 張雅惠 TOEIC 滿分--閱聽教練 BBC/CNN 導讀
書系的脈絡。。。 19. 為教師開辦兒童、青少年文學研習:幫助老師對書系的脈絡、如何選書有基本認識,以及如何將閱讀策略在導讀中「無形的」用出來。 http://topic.parenting.com.tw/issue/readingforpleasure/page01-3.html
PISA 文體的閱讀教學 http://web.tiec.tp.edu.tw/otiec/teacherland/catalog/upload_file/17200.pdf 香港教師天地雙月刊
Genre Study Genre Study One of the most effective ways to use the relationship between reading and writing to foster literacy development is by immersing children in a specific genre. http://www.k12reader.com/the-relationship-between-reading-and-writing/
Study together Parents and teachers should identify a genre that is essential to a grade level’s curriculum or is of particular interest to a child or group of children. They should then study this genre with the child(ren) from the reading and writing perspectives.
Think Aloud 示範 Once upon a time, long, long ago, there were many large and small kraals on the veldt in South Africa.(white paper) "I wonder what a kraal is. I bet it is home or a village. But what is a veldt? It must be a type of landform."(green papers) In one of the kraals lived a mother and father and their little son/(white paper) "Okay, a kraal is definitely a home or a village."(green paper)
Reading Comprehension Activities • One day, the mother became very ill. Her skin become the color of dust, and despite everyone's efforts, she soon died.(white paper) • "Why would the author say her skin became the color of dust? That must mean she slowly died and looked very grey or yellowish."(green papers)
Web source • http://www.primary-education-oasis.com/free-reading-comprehension-activities.html
Jump into Genre Genre Based Reading Common Core ELA Standards http://www.bookman.com.tw/BookSearch.aspx?Keyword=fun%20reading Where to find the books --
Six Word Stories http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/teacher-sammy/article?mid=-2&next=1232&l=f&fid=37
Don’t correct your child’s spelling • http://www.education.com/magazine/article/The_Dos_and_Donts_Invented/ • Don’t correct your child’s spelling. Children should feel like successful, independent writers. If children feel like they can’t write without perfect spelling, they will not think of themselves as writers. Children also may develop a tendency to rely on grown-ups to tell them if their spelling is “right.” Instead of focusing on correct spelling, encourage your first grader to write phonetically. If first graders are representing all the sounds they hear in words, they will be able to read their own writing. That’s what we want from young writers-- standard spelling will come later.
Text-based Discussion • http://www.parenting.com.tw/article/article.action?id=5052610&page=5 Teachers play a vital role in an efferent discussion. The goal of an efferent discussion is to allow participants opportunity throughout the discussion to extract information from the text, making and supporting viable points using text evidence. This requires that text remain the primary influence upon the discussion
Efferent discussion • 理解文本——阅读之源 • 《义务教育语文课程标准》在第三学段阅读教学的要求中指出,要“理解词语在语言环境中的恰当意义,辨别词语的感情色彩”,“要联系上下文和自己的积累,推想课文中有关词的意思,体会其表达效果”。抓好词句教学是阅读教学的根本,也是加强学生对语言文字感受能力的途径之一。在教学中应注意让学生在掌握词语确切含义的基础体验感受,提高语言感知的能力。
扣緊文本,還原閱讀教學 http://www.xzbu.com/9/view-3649416.htm