The Gonzalez Family • Mr. Gonzalez is a 78-year-old male who lost his wife eight months ago. He cared for his wife of 60 years after suffering from several illnesses that kept her at home in a hospital bed for approximately eight years. Mr. Gonzalez remains in the home at this time with his mentally challenged daughter, granddaughter and grandson. He has for many years been suffering with the sole responsibility of taking care of his ill wife and the supervision of his daughter and grandchildren. • The family survives on Medicare and Medicaid, and until recently was at a loss in dealing with the deteriorated and unsafe house. Mr. Gonzalez now has a legal guardian and a team of social service providers comprised of representatives from various Miami-Dade County and private providers who are assisting the family. Mr. Gonzalez has only asked that his family remain together. • In order to assist the Gonzalez family in repairing their home and rebuilding their lives, Mayor Carlos Alvarez and his office have joined forces with Miami-Dade County Commissioner Rebeca Sosa and her staff, along with several agencies including GMR Enterprises, Inc., Habitat for Humanity of Greater Miami, the Center for Independent Living, and Ray Castellanos of Authentic Construction. • Won’t you please help the Gonzalez Family to rebuild their lives by contributing to this community rebuild project? Checks may be made payable to the attention of Habitat for Humanity of Greater Miami, and building materials may be donated. For additional information, please contact Ray Castellanos at (305) 529-2221, or at (305) 607-6053. • Thank you for helping rebuild the home and the lives of this special family.