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Tennessee 4-H Portfolio

This survey presents the findings of the Tennessee 4-H Portfolio Agent Survey, including agent opinions on the effectiveness and ease of completing the portfolio, training received, and suggestions for improvement.

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Tennessee 4-H Portfolio

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  1. Tennessee 4-H Portfolio Agent Survey Results from “The Tennessee 4-H Portfolio: A Project Experience Survey”

  2. True or False? The portfolio is a good representation of what my 4-H’ers have learned throughout their 4-H careers. I think the portfolio is a good way to help my 4-H’ers prepare for their futures. If one of my 4-H’ers told me that they had to put their 4-H portfolio together all over again, I would definitely encourage them to do so. I clearly understand the objective of completing a 4-H portfolio. TRUE FALSE % of Agent’s Responding; N = 41

  3. True or False? General Portfolio Questions I think the portfolio is a good way to help my 4-H’ers prepare for their futures. If one of my 4-H’ers told me that they had to put their 4-H portfolio together all over again, I would definitely encourage them to do so. I believe the 4-H portfolio is a valuable part of the Tennessee 4-H program.. FALSE TRUE % of Agent’s Responding; N = 41

  4. How much training do you receive on how to complete the Tennessee 4-H portfolio? # of Agent’s Responding; N = 41

  5. How much help do you give your 4-H’ers in completing their portfolio? % of Agent’s Responding; N = 41

  6. How easy or difficult is each section of the 4-H portfolio to complete when working with your 4-H’ers? Section A Section B Section C Main Project Plans/Records 4-H Narrative (Level 1) Resume (Level II) Pictures Leadership Plans/Records Citizenship Plans/Records % of Agent’s Responding; N = 40

  7. How much do you like or dislike each section of the 4-H portfolio when working with your 4-H’ers? Section A Section B Section C Main Project Plans/Records 4-H Narrative (Level 1) Resume (Level II) Pictures Leadership Plans/Records Citizenship Plans/Records % of Agent’s Responding; N = 39

  8. How much do you think your 4-H’ers learn from completing each section of the portfolio? Section A Section B Section C Main Project Plans/Records 4-H Narrative (Level 1) Resume (Level II) Pictures Leadership Plans/Records Citizenship Plans/Records % of Agent’s Responding; N = 37

  9. Room for Improvement - Learning What suggestions do you have for increasing learning from the 4-H portfolio experience for your 4-H’ers? • Make recoding of information something the youth actually more want to do as opposed to doing because agent or adult volunteer instruct them to. • Change formatting so we can utilize it as a learning experience. • Teach 4-H’ers how to set smart goals. • Its not learning its a review of the past year • Simplify it, so more will try doing one. • More emphasis on cost. More of a business plan approach. Including budgets • Better training for new agents (+1) • None (+1) • I don’t believe learning occurs immediately after completing a portfolio. I think it might be a long term effect. • Examples of each section and suggestions • Include other projects they have interest and work in • We need to find a way to get more kids to do them. If they don’t do them, they can’t learn from the experience. What we have no has worked for years … but unfortuantely it doesn not seem to be working now. • Give us more training on how to make the portfolio experience more fun! • Just learning the pricess of a portfolio is learning; learning how to do the interview is learning; if people are wanting to learning to be a quiz or an easy process I think they are missing the point

  10. Room for Improvement - Learning What suggestions do you have for increasing learning from the 4-H portfolio experience for your 4-H’ers? • More training so that is everyone is on the same page. • Make them elaborate more on what they have done. • Take out the project plans. You find that most of the youth what til they are turning in the books to even do them. They take time and youth fill they are already providing the information in sections ABC • The forms online are not interactive and not able to be saved. This is a real program and discouragement for 4-H’ers. • Make it interactive, asking critical thinking questions about their experiences (assisted reflection if you will) • I think having a set of project records similar to the older project record books that required 4-H’ers to document certain levels of information for each project. So the main project section would be very project specific • It would be nice to have a program youth can put documents into just for their portfolio. This program would be linked to their portfolios some how. • Feel we need stronger project areas and suggested activities in each area. A list of core competency would also help. I have suggested setting up elearning or social media opportunties orchestrated by the state specialist for all students in that particular project area. • Include sections related as other for projects not related to main project but also important to their comprehensive 4-H work • Understanding importance of record-keep • Make it more use friendly • Update the process but make it still record keeping

  11. Room for Improvement - Learning What suggestions do you have for increasing learning from the 4-H portfolio experience for your 4-H’ers? • Make it more interactive and real world focus (resume etc…) • I think having a set of project records similar to the older project record books that required 4-H’ers to document certain levels of information for each project. So the main project section would be very project specific • Include sections related as other for projects not related to main project but also important to their comprehensive 4-H work • Understanding importance of record-keep • Make it more use friendly • Make it more interactive and real world focus (resume etc…) • Update the process but make it still record keeping

  12. Room for Improvement - Easier What could be done to make the portfolio easier for your 4-H’ers? • Less content per page (+1 ). • Have an online option (+11). Clearer and more concise descriptions. • There needs to be a building block to it. The portfolio as it is is very intimidating for Senior high but especially Junior High. • limit documentation • SCHOOL YEAR BASIS!!!!! (+1) • Using parts of the livestock record app. • have agents that understand portfolios • More record keeping sheets • Have an app (+2); but still have a way for agents/parents to see and sign. Or a way to print • Previous winning examples (+3) • More streamlined format • Go back to project books • The portfolio needs to be the same for everyone – exactly the same steps and process for each kid. • Smaller group trainings for agents would make it easier for those that don’t know how to complete • more user friendly documents for data entry (+5). • Size and scope is a bit difficult (+1). What they have done and a reflection on how it impacts ther project would be nice. • Take out Plans (+2) and make record only a number of pages. Those forms are not helpful at all. • list of competencies to give ideas for completion

  13. Room for Improvement - Easier What could be done to make the portfolio easier for your 4-H’ers? • I think knowing that some types of information was required for each project. “Such as a expense sheet for livestock projects w/ receipts as records) make links for digital records for projects like photography, computers & tech, etc. • Clearer expectations/examples for each section (rubric) (+1). • Make the portfolio forms project specific • Break down in to smaller sections that could be done throughout the year. Most time now we end up trying to complete a year’s worth of records in a short time. • electronic/online access (+7) • Include program assistant in trainings • N/A • Make it more appealing to 4-H’ers • easier so we do t gave to help them do much • training (+2) and a software program to use • Clearer instructions an “quality” vs. “quantity” when it comes to judging process • Clearer, simple process (+1) • Give us a blanket of how a portfolio should look at the state level. • Its pretty straight forward; • (1) The size and scope is difficult for them (and us) to understand; (2) Make it more use-friendly

  14. Room for Improvement - Easier What could be done to make the portfolio easier for you? • Provide curriculum to encourage project work. • Clearer guidelines and examples that apply to each project so agents can have an idea of what types of things can and can’t go in the sections and so agents know where to put certain types of activities. (+3) • easier to explain on their level of comprehension • get rid of the Thinking Ahead/Looking Back • Have fewer sections with more clearly defined instructions/directions/guidelines. • There needs to be less fluff. • training/ for teens by areas in times that fit to their schedules. Right now most is geared toward agents/parents and during the day. • same as above • I just need more time to work one on one or in small groups to help them get started. • A decision tree!! I would like a key/decision tree to ehlp me know what section an event/experience should go in. ONLINE EXAMPLES, I feel like the blind leading the blind. • have a document that helps with what can be put in each category. You wont be able to get everything on the list but general information. • I think having very specific details and what is required of a portfolio. It does not need to be a competition of the best creative author, but contest of project merit

  15. Room for Improvement – More Fun! What could be done to make the portfolio a more fun experience for your 4-H’ers? • When members can work in groups makes more fun, however now if working indifferent projects it can be difficult to assist multiple members at one time. • give them a reason to want to fill it out. • Break it down into smaller sections. • Maybe have a regional training workshop for 4-H’ers • Not sure how to make recording keeping fun just necessary • make it online (+6) and simplify • allowing them to start in the 4th grade • shorten application (+2) • Easier process. 1 year-2 years of project work at most. • They don’t mind … they just procrastinate. • Ideas and examples if fun activities in each project (+2) • Compiling a portfolio is not real fun, and I don’t know how to make it fun. The fun comes in the form of a reward where it be Academic Conference, Roundup or an award at Project Fair. I supposed a more fun approach would be moving toward a scrapbook entry, which may just appeal to girls. • simplification (+1) • Base it off of a school year, not a calendar year. • make it a game • Make it interactive. • The fun comes from the reward of attending Roundup; the focus should be on the kids finding fun ways to complete activities that go into the portfolio

  16. Room for Improvement – More Fun! What could be done to make the portfolio a more fun experience for your 4-H’ers? • a workshop • Make it easier to do in group settings • Use ABC to provide the report without reporting things over in so many different forms • Emphasize the project records more so than the forms. • Needs to be less confusing. Frustration is not FUN. • Allow for videos/media items to be put into the portfolio. For example, do an interview about themselves as their narrative or a way to utilize their social media (advertsing skills). • More real project experiences • Online submission such as an app. Soemthing they can enter as they do an activity and them it goes where it belongs.

  17. For Consideration What do you think is the main reason other 4-H’ers do not complete a 4-H portfolio? • Incentive. Other than 4-H Roundup reduced fee, scholarship opportunities and project recognition no other meaningful incentives are currently in place. For many the current incentives may seem unobtainable due to being mostly on state level so it is hard to get them to begin. • 4-Hers tell me that they do not like filling out all the paperwork. They are aware that they have an opportunity to go to Roundup and win scholarships. They still resist filling them out. • Time (+12) • They are so involved in other activities. (+2) • Lack of support from agent • Complicated and time-consuming. • The amount of time it takes to complete one and they don’t have enough activities/stuff to put in all the sections (+1) • They don’t understand what it is or why it is important. • Little emphasis on them • It is a lot of work (+2) • Too long – overwhelming (+3) • Wait until last minute – app for phone would solve that problem • Lack of interest • The format in which it is presented is antiquated and the instructions are confusing/vague to a lot of 4-H’ers. • Requiring so many years of forms discourages new competitors. • Doesn’t do enough in project to put together portfolio • Record keeping is not appealing to youth

  18. For Consideration What do you think is the main reason other 4-H’ers do not complete a 4-H portfolio? • Too hard and labir intensive, don’t know where to start and don’t get any help from parents or agents; don’t see a benefit • It’s a lot of work and to be successful requires help from parents (and agents). With kids involved in honors classes and extra-curricular activities, many choose to not participate in 4-H and are less likely to complete a portfolio. • I’ve had more than one kid tell me they could get a job and earn a lot of money in the time it took to put together a winning portfolio (+1) • They want instant activities – not keep up with their records • Agents are not properly trained to help youth if they want to do one. • Not informed about the opportunities • Initially, it is intimidating; would like it to be more “user friendly” (+2) • No committed to a project area • No parental support • Very little reward for keeping records • They don’t participate in a lot of 4-H activities; they don’t want to take the time to complete the portfolio, or maybe they have no desire to attend 4-H Roundup • They do not know what it means to complete project work.

  19. Demographics # of Agent’s Responding; N = 36

  20. Demographics # of Agent’s Responding; N = 37

  21. Demographics # of Agent’s Responding; N = 37

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