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A Tapestry of Great Potential Report to Church Council July 8, 2009. St. Paul’s United Methodist Church. Mission, Vision, and Values. At St. Paul’s we claim that God employs the church to call others into the Kingdom, to nurture them toward Christian maturity, and to send them
A Tapestry of Great PotentialReport to Church Council July 8, 2009 St. Paul’s United Methodist Church
Mission, Vision, and Values At St. Paul’s we claim that God employs the church to call others into the Kingdom, to nurture them toward Christian maturity, and to send them into the world to witness to the Gospel in word and deed. St. Paul’s is called to a welcoming and inclusive community in Christ, equipping and empower persons to serve as Christ’s hands, feet, and heart in the world. At St. Paul’s we value: personal and corporate prayer…worship and the celebration of God’s presence in our daily lives…outreach and service in the world…servant leadership…fostering each persons spiritual gifts, passion, and calling from God…community, hospitality, and healing… relevance and the discovery of God’s will for the congregation in a changing world…
Six Strategic Directions • Dynamic Program Development for Ministry and Mission • Shaping and Sustaining the Wesley Foundation • Shaping and Sustaining the Preschool • Spiritual Leadership and Administration • Providing for the Long Term Viability of the Congregation • Identifying and Creating Networks for Ministry and Mission
STRATEGIC DIRECTION I:Developing and Implementing a Comprehensive and Dynamic Program Plan Relevant to the Life, Contexts, and Ministries of St. Paul’s United Methodist Church
A. Membership Cultivation & Development “Christ constitutes the church as His body by the power of the Holy Spirit.” 1 Corinthians 12:13.27
Membership Cultivation & Development Projects • Dr. Patricia Brown, the author of SpiritGifts, consulted at St. Paul’s on June 28th and 29th, 2009. • Spiritual Gifts process: gaining further refinement and coaching orientation was held. • A listing of local members who are not maintaining their vows to July Church Council for action. • Launched, with the Nominations and Lay Empowerment Committee, a new strategy for fulfilling the lay leadership positions of St. Paul’s.
2nd Quarter Membership Report 5 Infants, 2 Children, 2 Youth Baptisms 11 Participants in Membership Class + 17 New Members +16 Confirmands +1 Restored to Membership -6 Withdrew Membership -2 Member [and 3 Non-Member] Deaths Total Membership as of 3/31/09 = 1469 Total Membership as of 6/30/09 = 1495
B. Christian Education “Do not be conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2 Christian Education is the transformation process of personal faith development, spiritual growth, and corporate growth – as the individual and the Body of Christ grow in stature and Christian Maturation.
Christian EducationPraxis Model St. Paul’s United Methodist Church has adopted a Praxis Model for Christian Education, to include: • Knowledge/Cognitive Learning (Knowing) • Christian/Spiritual Formation (Being) • Deployment/Praxis (Doing)
CHRISTIAN EDUCATION PRAXIS MODEL Knowledge/ Cognitive Learning (Knowing) Christian/ Spiritual Formation (Being) Deployment/Praxis (Doing)
Components of the Praxis Model: • Knowledge/Cognitive Learning (Knowing)Basic elements of what every Mature Christian should know. Basic beliefs of the UMC. These elements will be for all ages at age appropriate levels of study • Christian/Spiritual Formation (Being)Spiritual disciplines; small group learning and nurture; spiritual gifts discovery and coaching for assimilation into the community and beyond; care-giving and nurture; membership and retention cultivation; contemplative study and meditation; etc. • Deployment/Praxis (Doing)Being Christ’s hands, feet, and heart in the world (locally, regionally, nationally, and globally); the practice of “doing” ministry; spreading the Gospel message; answering a call to vocational study; etc.
CLASS NAME CHILDREN PER CLASS NUMBER ATTENDING ** Children on Christian Education Class List by Age/Grade Vs. Those Attending ** This is the number of different children who have attended one week or more during the period 9-08 through 4-09. # Indicates growth in class since 8-08 when the class list was printed ^ Many families with infants bring their child to worship with them.
Children’s Average Weekly Sunday School AttendanceFirst and Second Quarter Comparison
Annual Men’s Retreat May 16-17, 2009 St. Joseph Institute and Retreat Center “The Life and Teachings of St. Paul” Led by Tom Houk Attended by 13 men of St. Paul’s
Annual Women’s Retreat Fourteen women enjoyed the beauty of St. Joseph's Institute, Port Matilda, as they shared their faith walk. Inward, outward, and upward journeying were the centerpieces for this event. Fun, art, yoga, exercise, and spa treatments were also beneficial to many who attended. Christian fellowship was a "hallmark" of the weekend, as always. It was a huge success with participants clamoring for more. Retreat theme for 2010: "Total Forgiveness" Theme for 2009: Spiritual Direction for our lives. (ex. Stillness, Shabbat, St. Tegla's Well, and Prayer) Spiritual Director for the weekend: The Rev. Pat Gable
Vacation Bible School 2009 +/-130 children age 3 years through 5th grade +/- 30 Adult Small Group Leaders (travel with children to each station) 80 Adult station leaders and behind the scene workers The main theme of Studio Go! is service. The elementary groups made snacks for the Alpha Fire Dept. and State College Police Dept., dog treats for the SCPA, cards for VBS volunteers, bags for residents of a local assisted living facility and pillowcases for members of several units of the Armed Services servicing in Iraq and Afghanistan. This year we are able to share our staging pieces with Trout Run UMC and Trinity Lutheran Church June 21-25 Studio Go!Amy Wilson and Heidi Knutelsky, Coordinators
Christian Family Life Picnic A HUGE thanks to Julie and Jim Simon for heading the All-Church Picnic committee. 90 people attended the picnic on June 14th at Spring Creek Park. Thanks also to the Bodenschatz Family, Dustin and Isaac Brackbill, Wendy and Joe Davidson and Kelli Wilson for their help with this event. Everyone had a wonderful time being surrounded by the beauty of God’s work and in fellowship with each other. The food was super too!
C. Congregational Based Health Ministries “Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching, preaching, and healing every infirmity. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd.” Matthew 9:35-36
Health Ministry Projects • Counseling & Referral Services • CentreVision ~ Ordinary People – Extraordinary Hope • Prayer and Healing Academy • Community Agency Networking Habitat for Humanity, Housing Transitions, CVIM, Centre County Drug and Alcohol
Stephen’s Ministry STEPHEN’S LEADERS CONNIE COUSINS NICOLE MORGAN DONNA SNYDER LIZ ALBERT August 2nd – August 8th Stephen Leaders will attend training in Pittsburgh STEPHEN’S MINISTERS B.J. RHODES LYN HARMON TORI VON LEER SUE JUSTICE BOODIE MITCHELL GUY MCDONALD LINDA KIESLING KELLY SHAFFER JILL PLAFCAN KIM HELSEL September 20th – Stephen Minister’s training begins November 21st – Stephen Minister’s training ends (Certification requires 50 hours of training) A Cost Effective Ministry 10 Stephen Ministers x 1 Hour of caring each week x 52 weeks in a year 520 hours of caregiving each year
Social Justice Grant Research: Agency Visits • Housing Transitions Inc. • CentrePeace • Faith Center • Bridge of Hope • Habitat for Humanity
D. Worship, Preaching, and The Arts “I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul makes its boast in the Lord; let the afflicted hear and be glad. O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together.” Psalm 34:1-3
Worship Committee Projects • Worship Planning Team • Worship Focus Group • Baptism Guidelines • Wedding Guidelines • Academy for Sacred Music
Weekly Worship Attendance Average First Quarter Attendance: 611 Average Second Quarter Attendance: 698 6 Month Average: 655
2009 Easter Marketing Campaign TELEVISION ABC Family CNN TLC RADIO WZWW – FM WBUS – FM WQWK – FM WMAJ – FM WMAJ – AM WRSC - AM NEWSPAPER CDT – 4 Saturdays $7,902 worth of Advertising for $4,351
2009 Easter Marketing Campaign Results • Easter Sunday: • 55 more visitors compared to 2008 • During the 3 weeks of the Campaign: • Overall Attendance Increased by 259 people • We had 267 registered visitors compared to 211 in 2008 In May, the Communications Team applied for and received a Matching Grant for a Christmas Marketing Campaign through United Methodist Communications
E. Youth Ministries “Then I said, Ah Lord God! Behold, I do not know how to speak for I am only a youth. But the Lord said to me, ‘Do not say I am only a youth, for to all to whom I send you, you shall go, and whatever I command you, you shall speak, for I am with you, says the Lord.’” Jeremiah 1:6-8
Youth Mission Trip to Mountain T.O.P. Mountain T.O.P. Tennessee Outreach ProjectAltamont, TNJune 20-28, 2009 29 Youth8 Adults Approximately 70 families served in the nation’s poorest country
F. Mission, Outreach, & the Pursuit of Justice “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20
Projects • Grant Procedure/Grants to Agencies • Missionary Support • Mission Interpretation • Scholarships • Volunteerism/Coordination • Networking with Worship Team & Education • Fundraising • Collaboration – Needs Assessment Group Nicaragua 2009
STRATEGIC DIRECTION II:Shaping, Integrating, Expanding, and Sustaining Campus Ministries at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church A. The Wesley Student Fellowship “Let no one despise your youth, but set the believers an example in speech and conduct, in love, in faith, in purity…attend to the public reading of scripture, to preaching, to teaching.” I Timothy 4:12-13
B. Other Campus Ministries and Program Development Campus Ministry Panel Abba Java House Planning Welcome Events Wesley Student Fellowship W.E.P.T. (Wesley’s Exceptional Praise Team) Staff Kappa Phi
STRATEGIC DIRECTION III:Shaping, Integrating, and Sustaining the Future of the St. Paul’s Christian Preschool – A Ministry to Children and Their Families St. Paul’s Christian Preschool “Let the children come to me, do not hinder them, for of these is the Kingdom of God.” Jesus of Nazareth
St. Paul’s Christian Preschool Keystone STARS Progress • Officially a STAR 3 facility • Plan to achieve STAR 4 level within the next several months (the highest level) • Scored 6.08 out of 7 on the Environment Rating Scale Evaluation(need a 5.25 to qualify for STAR 4) • Need to complete additional hours of professional development and several items of paperwork to reach STAR 4 level
St. Paul’s Christian Preschool Pre-K Counts Program • “Pre K Counts is an initiative created by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and private foundations to build and strengthen pre-kindergarten partnerships in communities so that each community can create a self-sustaining system for providing high quality early learning experiences to children in all settings.” (http://www.prekcounts.org/) • Have been accepted to Pre-K Counts Program • Waiting for budget approval from State of Pennsylvania
St. Paul’s Christian Preschool Enrichment Programs • Music-every Tuesday for Toddlers and Preschoolers for 20-30 minutes • Chapel- Wednesday or Thursday each week (will be every Wednesday beginningAugust 2009) • Library-currently planning with Nancy Spannuth • -once per week for Preschoolers • -to be held in St.Paul’s UMC library • -will be in place by fall 2009
STRATEGIC DIRECTION IV: Linking Spirituality and Ministry in Organizing and Deploying the People of St. Paul’s United Methodist Church to fulfill its Mission, Vision, and Values Locally and Across the World “So those who received Peter’s word were baptized, and there were added that day about three thousand souls. And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayers.” Acts 2:41-42
Projects • Leadership Development • Archives and History: Past-Perfect Software • Principals – Coordination and Networking • Staff Parish Committee: Staffing Plan • Marketing and Public Relations • Research and Development: Demographics
STRATEGIC DIRECTION V:Developing and Implementing Plans, Policies, and Practices that Provide for the Long Term Viability of the Congregation “Bring the full tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house; and thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you an over-flowing blessing.” Malachi 3:10
Finance Committee Projects • Consultants • Policies, Procedures and Protocols • Audit Preparations • Staffing Plan: Finance Department • 2010 Budget Preparation • Consecration Sunday: The Vine and the Branches – October 18th to November 22nd
Board of Trustees • Unrestricted Bequest Distribution • Emergency Response Plan • Security Assessment (ADT) • Parsonage Inspections/Improvements • Investment Committee • Faith Forward +1 Campaign • Needs Assessment Group
Faith Forward + 1 Faith Forward + 1 is a new financial campaign to eliminate St. Paul’s debt of $811,000. The campaign is specifically designed to complete the commitments of St. Paul’s to: • Eliminate the debt of $412,000 on the newly renovated Christian Education Center • Eliminate the remaining debt of $399,000 on the College Mart Building #4. 120 commitments and gifts have been received to date, totaling $319,004.
Faith Forward + 1 39% of the Way There!!!
STRATEGIC DIRECTION VI:Identifying and Creating Connectional, Ecumenical, and Community Networks in Fulfillment of the Mission, Vision, and Values of St. Paul’s United Methodist Church “In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be lifted up, and every mountain and hill be made low; the uneven ground shall become level, and the rough places a plain. And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.” Isaiah 40:3-5
Projects • CentreVision: A Continuum of Opportunity • Senior Pastors Coalition: State College • Ecumenical Clergy Dialogue • Downtown Improvement District • Centre County Community Foundation • Suicide Prevention Coalition • Discovery Space: State College Borough • Mission Central: Mechanicsburg, PA • M.O.P.S.: Mothers of Preschoolers