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New Media Usage Tracker - 2013. Follow Up Study. New Media Usage. Methodological info. Ad hoc CATI survey Data collected on representative sample for population of Serbian citizens aged 12 and more Target population size is 6,369,691 Sample size is 1224
New Media Usage Tracker - 2013 Follow Up Study New Media Usage
Methodological info • Ad hoc CATI survey • Data collected on representative sample for population of Serbian citizens aged 12 and more • Target population size is 6,369,691 • Sample size is 1224 • Sampling frame is based on the data of Telephone (book) database, Census from 2011, vital statistics and the migrations data, as well as ISM estimates of population and households for 2010 • Sample type is 2-staged stratified combined probability sample • Automatic control of procedure, interactive control of consistency and logical control of collected data is performed in 100% of cases • Post stratification is performed regarding: gender, age, type of settlement, geo-economical region and education • Data collection is performed in November 2013
Context Civic activism/engagement/participation is any individual and collective actions designed to identify and address issues of public concern (APA, 2002). Includes a wide variety of actions, from minimally involving (so called soft activism) to highly involving (hard activism) (Brunsting & Postmes, 2002), with extremes such as: expressing an opinion, persuading others vs. participating in demonstrations, performances or sabotages. Includes a wide variety of issues: environmental, human rights, animal rights, politics, heath care… The rise of the Internet in recent decades substantially expands the forms of potential civic participation. The Internet offers the opportunity for users to share their opinions, form virtual groups and pressure the authorities without sharing physical space or direct interpersonal contact. Online and offline actions are conducted in different social environments: online activism lacks face to face interaction. Early theories stated that it reduces social/nonverbal cues and therefore is less socially influential, and more individualistic environment (Kiesler, Siegel, & McGuire, 1984). However, new empirical evidence suggests just the opposite: social identity can be salient despite the fact that group members are physically isolated. Internet is sometimes ideal environment to express group membership while individuality might be pushed to the background (Lea & Spears, 1991; Haslam, 2001). Online and offline actions require different sets of skills and, more importantly, different amount of effort: it is much easier to join a virtual than a real group, to sign an electronic than a real petition, to join a virtual than a real event.
Interest in political and social events in Serbia? To what extent are you interested in following political and social events in Serbia? Base: Total target population
Main source of information Which medium do you follow the most to collect information in general? Base: Total target population 2013
How often do you…? – Digital natives (12-29) Base: People 12-29 years old (26% of total population) - 2010 Base: People 12-29 years old (26% of total population) – 2011 Base: People 12-29 years old (26% of total population) – 2012 Base: People 12-29 years old (24% of total population) - 2013 To start with, how often do you follow certain media. How often do you...
Purpose of using internet Multiple answers; Base: Internet users wave-2013(61% of target population) For which of the following purposes do you use Internet?
When browsing Internet? Base: Internet users (52% of target population) - 2010 (54% of target population) – 2011 (56% of target population) - 2012 Talking about your typical working day and your habits related to use of Internet, please tell me at which of the following time intervals do you usually browse Internet? By this we do not mean receiving and sending mail or exchange of messages via internet.
Social networks – Have a profile In which social networks do you have open profile? Base: Total Internet Users , 52% of target population - 2010 56% of target population – 2011 59% of target population - 2012 2,554,893 2,656,000 2,342,000 2,112,178 2013
Facebook – Active Networker Base: Those who have open profile in some social networks (32% of target population) - 2010 (34% of target population) - 2011 (42% of target population) - 2012 (42% of target population) - 2013 In which social networks are you active, i.e. which social networks do you visit at least 3-4 times a week? • 66% of all Internet users have a profile on Facebook – • that is 40% of total Serbian population aged 12+ • that is 2,554,000 people(2,656,000 in 2012) – slightly decrease. • More than 90% of all FB users in Serbia are active. 2.33M 2.38M
Twitter – Active Networker In which social networks are you active, i.e. which social networks do you visit at least 3-4 times a week? Base: Those who have open profile in some social networks (32% of target population) - 2010 (34% of target population) - 2011 (42% of target population) - 2012 (42% of target population) - 2013 • 10% of all Internet users have a profile on Twitter • that is 6% of total Serbian population aged 12+ • that is about 425,000 people(465,000 in 2011). • 47% of all Twitter accounts in Serbia are active. 217K 231K
Incidence of Smart Phone Usage Base: Base: Those who have mobile phone (80% of target population) - 2010 (85% of target population) – 2011 (87% of target population) – 2012 (87% of target population) - 2013 Do you have Smart phone? 23% of total population have smart phone 2013
Activism • AMOUNT OF ACTIVISM • People in Serbia are active. 77.5% stated that they have been active (online or offline) in the past year in at least one form of activity. • ONLINE/ OFFLINE • People in Serbia are more active offline (in “real world”) then online (on internet) • ISSUES FOR ACTIVISM • People are most active in the area of ecology and animal and humanitarian issues, while politics seems to be the least appealing for them to activate. • LEVEL OF ENGAGEMENT • Most common form of activism is open expression of opinion, while the least practiced form is signing a petition, and volunteering • BARRIERS FOR ACTIVISM exists and are still high (personal interest of majority of people, development of personal responsibility for individual life, feeling that there is no real influence on the important issues in the society, no time)
Have you participated in following activities in past year Base: Total target population
Live vs online activities in past year Base: Total target population
Demographic structure Live vs On-line activists Sex Age Education Region Type of settlement
Have you participated in following activities in past year - Ecology (Live) Base: Total target population
Have you participated in following activities in past year - Ecology (ONLINE) Base: Those who use internet (61% of target population)
Have you participated in following activities in past year - Human Rights (Live) Base: Total target population
Have you participated in following activities in past year - Human Rights (Online) Base: Those who use internet (61% of target population)
Have you participated in following activities in past year - Humanitarian Issues (Live) Base: Total target population
Have you participated in following activities in past year - Humanitarian Issues (Online) Base: Those who use internet (61% of target population)
Have you participated in following activities in past year - Politics (Live) Base: Total target population
Have you participated in following activities in past year - Politics (Online) Base: Those who use internet (61% of target population)
Have you participated in following activities in past year - Problems in community (Live) Base: Total target population
Have you participated in following activities in past year - Problems in community (Online) Base: Those who use internet (61% of target population)
Have you participated in following activities in past year - Self - interest (Live) Base: Total target population
Have you participated in following activities in past year - Self - interest (Online) Base: Those who use internet (61% of target population)
Have you participated in following activities in past year - Animal rights (Live) Base: Total target population
Have you participated in following activities in past year - Animal rights (Online) Base: Those who use internet (61% of target population)
How much do you agree with the following statements Base: Total target population