Signal sequence 1 1a 1b 1c1 1c2 1d 1e group 1f 22aIgI 2b 2c autoinhibition IgI 3 4 4a 4b 4c-e Acidic box
4f 4g-group 4h 4i 5 5a 5b IgII (ligand binding) (ligand binding) IgII 6 6a 6b 6c IgIII 6d IgIII 6e 6f 7 group
7 a1 7a2 7a3 Transmembrane 7b juxtamembrane 7c group 7d 7e Kinase1 7f 8 SH2 ATP binding/phosphoryl transfer
Kinase 1 9 9a kinase insert 9b 10 Kinase 2 10a 11 Mg2+, activation loop ++ 12 13 Kinase 213a14 15 15a group 15b, c 15d tail region + + + tail region
Supplement 1Alignment of all used FGFRs and their intron positions superimposed to the protein sequence and domain annotation The domains (compare also Fig. 1) are indicated above the alignment by blue lines and introns by magenta boxes. Introns are numbered arbitrarily starting with the first intron (= in the Hydra FGFR). Accession numbers are given in Supplement 2, Table1. Abbreviations used for the different species: (Ta) Trichoplaxadhaerens; (Hv) Hydra vulgaris; (Nv) Nematostellavectensis; (Hs) Homo sapiens; (Ci) Ciona intestinalis ¸ (Sp) Strongylocentrotus purpuratus; (Sk) Saccoglossus kowalevskii. (Lg) Lottia gigantea; (Cc) Capitella capitata; (Ce) C. elegans;(Tc) Tribolium castaneum; (Dm) Drosophila melanogaster