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Supplement Figures

Supplement Figures. Supplement Figure 1. Liver weight. ( kg). Spleen Weight. Clearance (mL/h). ( kg).

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Supplement Figures

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  1. Supplement Figures

  2. Supplement Figure 1 Liver weight (kg) Spleen Weight Clearance (mL/h) (kg) Supplement Figure 1. Comparison of S-CKD602, Doxil, and SPI-077 clearance [from left to right] in mice, rats, dogs, and humans by allometric scaling of A) liver weight, B) spleen weight, C) kidney weight, and D) liver blood flow. Human data is included in allometric graphs to demonstrate the general behavior of liposomes across all species, however human data was not included in the regression which was used to predict behavior of liposomal PK in humans from preclinical species. (kg) (mL/min) Physiologic Scaling Parameter

  3. Supplement Figure 2 (mL/min) (kg) (mL/min) (kg) (kg) Physiologic Scaling Parameter (kg) Physiologic Scaling Parameter Supplement Figure 2. Comparison of S-CKD602, Doxil, and SPI-077 clearance [from left to right] in mice, rats, dogs, and humans by allometric scaling using the Maximum Lifespan Potential Method (MLP) for A) body weight, B) spleen weight, C) liver weight, D) kidney weight, E) liver blood flow, F) spleen blood flow, and G) total monocyte count.

  4. Supplement Figure 3 S-CKD602 Doxil Concentration/(Dose/W) SPI-077 Time/W0.25 Supplement Figure 3. Dedrick Time Equivalent Models of S-CKD602, Doxil, and SPI-077 in mice, rats, dogs, and humans.

  5. Supplement Figure 4 S-CKD602 Doxil Concentration/(Dose/Wc) SPI-077 Time/Wc-b Supplement Figure 4. Complex Dedrick Plots of S-CKD602, Doxil, andSPI-077 in mice, rats, dogs, and humans.

  6. Supplement Figure 5 S-CKD602 Doxil Concentration/(Dose/W) SPI-077 Time/W1-b Supplement Figure 5. Elementary Dedrick Plots of S-CKD602,Doxil, and SPI-077 in mice, rats, dogs, and humans.

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