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TRIO CAREER EXPLORATION: HIGHLINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE. Therese Credle Seattle University Student Development Administration Fall 2012. Agenda. Institutional Demographics Best Practices & Recommendations of Career Services at Highline Community College TRIO Career Exploration Internship
TRIO CAREER EXPLORATION: HIGHLINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Therese Credle Seattle University Student Development Administration Fall 2012
Agenda Institutional Demographics Best Practices & Recommendations of Career Services at Highline Community College TRIO Career Exploration Internship Reflections of Professional Development
Highline Community College Student Demographics: • Institutional Mission: • “To deliver innovative education and training opportunities to foster your personal and professional success in our multicultural world and global economy. We help you build a better future” (Highline Community College, About Us, 2012). • Mission of Counseling Center: • “The primary mission of the Counseling Center is to help students reach their academic goals through educational, career, and personal counseling” (Highline Community College, Counseling Center, 2012). 17,912 students total 58 % female, 42 % male 69% student of color http://communications.highline.edu/facts.php#students
Best Practices: Highline Community College 1. Engagement of students in active learning - Three Career Course Offerings regarding career exploration 2. Educational partnerships that advance student learning - Offering of career exploration courses - Connecting with student support programs: *TRIO career exploration resources for TRIO students 3. Builds supportive and inclusive communities - Offering online resources for multicultural students and special populations Blimling and Whitt (1999)
Recommendations: Highline Community College 1. Growth in Setting and Communicating High Expectations for Learning: • Having a concrete departmental mission statement for career services • Having more of a presence on campus and online that provides current career opportunities for students 2. Using Systematic Inquiry to Improve Performance: • Understanding student population and career interests • Being intentional in programming career events tailored to the needs of their student population Blimling and Whitt (1999)
TRIO Internship Staff Internship Site Supervisor: -Alexandra Manuel Director of Student Support and Retention Services *SDA Alumni TRIO Staff : - Program Assistant- Financial Aid Advisor - Academic Advisor/Program Manager - Academic Coach - Advisor & Retention Coordinator - Veterans Program Manager
What is TRIO? “TRIO is a federally funded program that provides low-income, first generation college students and students with disabilities valuable support and services” in: • academic preparedness • transfer readiness • financial literacy • community engagement • career exploration http://trio.highline.edu/whatistrio.php
Internship Work Plan Objectives Creation of a career exploration survey Creation of the TRIO career exploration toolkit Development of the TRIO career exploration web portal Connecting career development theory during career advising appointments
TRIO Career Exploration Survey • Questions of Significance: 1. What are your current career goals? - 57% career related, 42% education related 2. In what ways were career services helpful to you? - 42% educational planning 3. What are some reasons you may feel hesitant to attend classes or programs for career services? - Themes included: affordability, time consumption, academic course load, medical reasons
TRIO Career Exploration Toolkit 1. Career Discernment: - The ability to form a well rounded perspectiveaboutcareer direction as it relates to students’ interests, skills, and values. 2. Career Readiness: - Theinvestigationandpreparationof career interests. 3. Career Development: - The process of building and expanding professional network.
Development of TRIO Career Exploration Website • My research from various colleges provided insight on the importance of developing an online career exploration website for students. • The TRIO Career Exploration Website promotes accessible career resources for TRIO students. • TRIO Career Exploration Website
TRIO Career Exploration Advising • Transfer Preparedness • Assistance with College Applications • Assistance with Personal Statements • Major Preparation • The River Activity • The student at present • The student’s future goal(s) • Barriers keeping the student from goal(s) • Tasks needed to be accomplished in order to attain goal
Connection to Theory • Narrative Career Counseling: • Brott, Cochran, Young, & Collin: 1990’s • Counselors look to identify a pattern in the client’s life, form a sense of the client’s identity, and assess goals for the future • Emphasizes subjectivity and meaning-making with • emotion as a core part of the process WHAT’S YOUR STORY?
Connection to Theory • Person-Environment fit theory: John Holland (1970) • The Holland Code: RIASEC
Internship Conclusion TRIO students can benefit from career exploration by: 1. Gaining understanding of how education parallels with their career interests 2. Developing positive self-efficacy and outcome expectations during career exploration.
Reflections of My Professional Development Gained professional experience in adapting student services to specific environments and cultures Integrated career development theory during career advising appointments Increased my professional network by conducting informational interviews with professional staff
THANK YOU “Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon? Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” - Mary Oliver
Resources Blimling, G.S., & Whitt, E.J. (Eds.) 1999). Good practice in student affairs: Principles to foster student learning. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Highline Community College (2012). About Us. Retrieved from: http://catalog.highline.edu/content.php?catoid=2&navoid=32 Highline Community College (2012). Career Resource Center. Retrieved from: http://counseling.highline.edu/careerresource.php Highline Community College (2012). Counseling Center. Retrieved from: http://counseling.highline.edu/ Swanson, J. & Fouad, N. (2010). Career theory and practice: learning through case studies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.