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How we made US$250,000 in our first 12 months on line

How we made US$250,000 in our first 12 months on line. Andrew and Daryl Grant. Who would like to learn a system that can make you thousands of dollars while you sleep?. In the next 90 minutes we’ll show you the exact system we used to make US$250,000 in our first 12 months online.

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How we made US$250,000 in our first 12 months on line

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How we made US$250,000 in our first 12 months on line Andrew and Daryl Grant

  2. Who would like to learn a system that can make you thousands of dollars while you sleep?

  3. In the next 90 minutes we’ll show you the exact system we used to make US$250,000 in our first 12 months online

  4. This system takes us only about an hour a day to maintain.

  5. The exciting news is it’s primarily PASSIVE INCOME

  6. Passive income means we’re not exchanging dollars for hours

  7. We’d tried lots of ways to make passive income: Property Foreign exchange trading Share trading

  8. Questions? Notes?

  9. Here’s what we achieved financially in our first 12 months online…

  10. Most days we wake up to find an extra US$500 or so in the bank…

  11. In the first 2 weeks of this year (while most people were still on holidays) we made US$7970

  12. and the lifestyle’s OK too…

  13. We also get to spend more time with the kids…

  14. Here’s the first thing we did differently...

  15. We overcame the overwhelm by applying 80/20 decision-making tools to decide where to start

  16. For example: www.practical-report-writing.com www.skin-cancer-advice.com www.inspirational-kids-stories.com www.adoption-advice.com We sell information products (ebooks) on line

  17. Identify a potential market niche Test the niche to see if it will be profitable Develop the product Write the sales letter Build the website, with a process to collect the money Monitor and fine tune The basic steps are…

  18. You want a niche with enough traffic, hungry crowd, low advertising costs You don’t have to know anything about the product (in fact it’s often better if you don’t) Look for traffic volume usingwww.pixelfast.com/overture or www.keyworddiscovery.com/search.html Search on Google for competition using a Google search, or Competition Spy Step 1 – Identify a market niche

  19. Research the topic using pixelfast…

  20. Or research the topic using keyworddiscovery…

  21. Check for competition using a Google search…

  22. Or check for competition using Competition Spy…

  23. Step 2 – Test for profitability Put up a survey site Advertise it using Google Adwords (use Keyword Finder and Keyword List Maker to identify more profitable key words) Run it for three days Measure the response rate and advertising cost Look at what the customers are saying they want

  24. Survey site example…

  25. Gets 500 or more visitors a day Costs no more than 10c a click for your Google Ads Gets at least 5% of visitors to your site to leave feedback A great survey site is one which…

  26. Step 3 – Develop the product Product must be downloadable – it can be text, audio, video, software, or a mix Come up with a “twist”, egour baby sleep product Either: Do it yourself, or Get someone else to do it for you usingwww.rentacoder.com

  27. Either: Write it yourself Write it yourself using software (eg Killer Web Copywriter, Burpies by Brett) Get someone else to write it (eg Pete Godfrey) Step 4 – Write the sales letter

  28. Keep it to a basic one page sales letter with a great headline Decide on the graphics Sign up to Clickbank (www.clickbank.com) for payments Include Google code to measure the conversion rate Step 5 – Build the website

  29. www.skin-cancer-advice.com

  30. www.inspirational-kids-stories.com

  31. www.practical-report-writing.com

  32. Split-test the sales letter: Conversion rate (aim for 1% or more) Monitor the Google ad campaign: Number of clicks (aim for 500 clicks per day) Click through rate Cost per click (aim for 10c per click) Step 6 – Measure and fine-tune

  33. To begin with, we aim for 500 clicks a day, 10c per click, 1% close rate, $30 product. This gives 5 sales a day ($150 a day income) at a cost of $50. Gross monthly income = $4,500 per site. Once this is in place, build up volume and close rate, and reduce costs. How much does each site make?

  34. 1,500 clicks a day, 10c per click, 1.1% close rate, US$35 product. This gives you 16.5 sales a day. US$578 a day income at a cost of US$150. Gross monthly income = US$17,325. Note: Results will vary based on individual circumstances such as the niche and your marketing ability. These figures are for demonstration purposes only. With some fine tuning, here’s what this site could make…

  35. Once your ebook site is making money, you can apply more advanced strategies

  36. Sell back end products (CDs, DVDs) Put a “forced continuity” (subscription) program in place Deliver high end coaching Sell other people’s products (via JV or affiliate programs) Sell your ebook site … etc, etc, etc … Examples of Advanced Strategies

  37. Statistically, only 10% of you will go away and apply the information you’ve seen here. Will you be part of the 10%? Or part of the 90%? What is the critical thing that makes the difference? What’s next for YOU?

  38. emotional mental physical The secret to success…

  39. Here’s the second thing we did differently...

  40. We identified and eliminated ourSUBCONSCIOUS blockages to success

  41. Beliefs that were holding us back: Earning money requires hard work - if it’s too easy I feel guilty Really good opportunities are scarce I need to take things stepwise and build up knowledge and experience Passive income is hard to generate Direct mail stuff is “shonky” This American stuff won’t work in Australia My self-worth comes from consulting achievements Our blockages to success with passive income

  42. Before we could be successful with passive income we had to eliminate these blockages at a subconscious level

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