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Explore the complexities of development through the lens of complexity theories and perspectives. Learn how interactions, non-linear dynamics, and self-organization impact development outcomes. Discover the significance of inclusive policies, diverse perspectives, and real-time learning in achieving sustainable development goals.
Complexity perspectives on development Claudia Maldonado Trujillo Center forResearch and Teaching in Economics
Complexity theor(ies) “Contextual and embodied view of scientific knowledge.” Morçöl Artificial intelligence Punctuatedequilibria Non-linear studies Post-positivistapproaches Ecologicaltheories Agent- basedmodeling Network analysis Dynamicsystems Chaos theory Cognitivescience Adaptivesystemstheory
Basic Tenets I. Systems interact with their environment: boundaries II. Components are interdependent: interactions III.Non-linearity and indeterminacy:minor changes can affect the system;grand schemes may not and viceversa. uncertainty
Basic Tenets IV. Complex systems are self-organizing (e.g. Bottom up, loose networks, etc.) V. Perspectives included shape system through interactions. VI. Directioned development(s)/trajectories are elusive.
What does it mean for development policy? • Appropiation, adaptation and contingency. (diverseperspectiveskey, smallchanges can be revolutionary) • Focusoninteractions, notjustfactors. (Widerlens, finervision (e.g. contextsubtleties). • Boundariesmatter: whoand whatisconsidered in/ who and whatisleftbehind. • Processisoutcome. Sustainability as systemresiliency.
Complexity and inclusion: elective affinity? • Multilevel, multistakeholdergovernancemodelin flux. • Developmentissociallyconstrued, whogets a saymatters! • Multipleperspectives & focusonreal-time learningtomeetgoals. • Feedbacks are multidimensional: strongyet flexible monitoringiscrucial. (eg. ITC)
Any ideas? • Principledaction (equityand inclusion) vs. roadmaps. • Proto-Rawlsianstandardstoassessdevelopmentprogress (gender-sensitve and equity-basedparametersforevauation) • Dispersionmeasures vs. averagestomakeequityweight in, look forunderlyingfactors of structuralinequality. • Mixedmethods and disciplines, mixedactors, mixedindicators, mixedeverything. • Mobilize and transfer context-basedsharedknowledge.
Good, bad & ugly • Unprecedented outreach behind SDGs. • Development networks: pivotal players for shift towards inclusion and equity (yes, all of you!) • Inclusive politics, technology & methodology can help but according to complexity theory, meeting targets is an “open question”, the plasticity of social systems is both a challenge and an opportunity.
The challenge • Politics of boundaryexpansion and inclusion of diverseperspectives. • Ask difficultquestions: who are weleavingbehind/what are wemissing? • Look forpolicyambiguity and unanticipatedoutcomes/developments/interactions. • Combine softmeasureswithstandardindicators. • Acceptuncertainty and indeterminacy.
Thank you! twitter: @cmaldona2 @clear_la