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Very Large Scale Integration II - VLSI II Verilog HDL Basics Hayri U ğur UYANIK ITU VLSI Laborator ies Istanbul Technical University. Outline. Verilog Simulation Setup Language Fundamentals Design Entities Concurrent Statements Data Types and Objects Operators Conditional Constructs
Very Large Scale Integration II - VLSI II Verilog HDL Basics Hayri Uğur UYANIK ITU VLSI Laboratories Istanbul Technical University
Outline • Verilog Simulation Setup • Language Fundamentals • Design Entities • Concurrent Statements • Data Types and Objects • Operators • Conditional Constructs • Other • Simulation Fundamentals
Language Fundamentals • Design Entities • Concurrent Statements • Data Types and Objects • Operators • Conditional Constructs • Other • Simulation Fundamentals
Design Entities • Only “module” design entity module MODULE1(input1, input_bus, output1, output_bus, inout1); input input1; input [<size-1>:0] input_bus; output output1; output [<size-1>:0] output_bus; inout inout1; SUBMODULE1 U1(submodule1_input1, submodule1_output1); …. endmodule
Concurrent Statements • Statements executed in parallel always @(<sensitivity list>) begin <some combinational or sequential operations>; end assign <combinational operations>;
Data Types and Objects • Logic Values: 0 1 X Z • Numbers: width'radix value • Binary: 8'b10001011 • Octal: 8'o213 • Hexadecimal: 8'h8B • Decimal: 8'd139 • No radix = Decimal 139 • wire, reg: Physical • wire: output of assign block • reg: output of always or initial (test purpose) block • parameter: Somewhat Physical • integer: Mostly Test Purpose
Operators • Bus Operators • Arithmetic Operators • Bitwise Operators • Reduction Operators • Logical Operators
Bus Operators • A = 8'b10001011
Arithmetic Operators • A = 8'b10001011 = 139
Bitwise Operators • A = 8'b10001011
Reduction Operators • A = 8'b10001011
Logical Operators • A = 8'b10001011
if – else if(<Logical Statement1>) begin <Some Operations>; end else if(<Logical Statement2>) begin <Some Operations>; end else begin <Some Operations>; end case case (<Select>) <Value1> : begin <Operations>; end <Value2> : begin <Operations>; end … default: begin <Operations>; end endcase Conditional Constructs
Other • Comments // /* ….. */ • End of statement <Statement>; • Assignments • Blocking (Assignment in order) = • Non-blocking (Assignment in parallel) <= • Timing `timescale <unit>/<precision>
Simulation Fundamentals • Delays # <Number of Units> • Loops repeat, while, for, forever • Simulation Sequence initial begin <Simulation Sequence>; end • System Tasks • File I/O ($fopen, $fwrite, $fscanf.. etc) • Read Memory From File ($readmemb, $readmemh) • Stop Simulation ($stop) • Quit Simulation ($finish)
Loops • Repeat initial begin repeat (30) begin @(posedge CLK); #1 DATA_IN = $random; end end
Loops • While initial begin while (EMPTY==1'b0) begin @(posedge CLK); #1 read_fifo = 1'b1; end end
Loops • For intitial for (i=0; i<15; i=i+1) DATA[i] = 1'b0; end
Loops • Forever initial forever begin CLK = 1'b0; #5 CLK = 1'b1; #5; end
Code Examples module Full_Adder8(A, B, Sum, Carry_Out); input [7:0] A, B; output [7:0] Sum; output Carry_Out; assign {Carry_Out,Sum} = A + B; endmodule
Code Examples module Full_Adder8(A, B, Sum, Carry_Out); input [7:0] A, B; output [7:0] Sum; output Carry_Out; reg [7:0] Sum; reg Carry_Out; always@(A or B) begin {Carry_Out,Sum} = A + B; end endmodule
Code Examples module Full_Adder8_Clock(CLK,A, B, Sum, Carry_Out); input [7:0] A, B; input CLK; output [7:0] Sum; output Carry_Out; reg [7:0] Sum; reg Carry_Out; always@(posedge CLK) begin {Carry_Out,Sum} <= A + B; end endmodule
Code Examples module Test_Full_Adder8_Clock; reg CLK; reg [7:0] A, B; wire [7:0] Sum; wire Carry_Out; Full_Adder8_Clock U1(CLK,A, B, Sum, Carry_Out); initial begin CLK = 0; A = 30; B = 40; #8 A = 20; //8th time unit B = 10; #10 A = 100; B = 100; //18th time unit #10 $finish; end always #5 CLK = ~CLK; endmodule
Code Examples module Shift_Reg_4_Good(CLK, RSTB, D, Q); input CLK, RSTB; input D; output [3:0] Q; reg [3:0] Q; always@(posedge CLK or negedge RSTB) begin if(!RSTB) begin Q <= 4'b0000; end else begin Q[0] <= D; Q[1] <= Q[0]; Q[2] <= Q[1]; Q[3] <= Q[2]; end end endmodule
Code Examples module Shift_Reg_4_Ugly(CLK, RSTB, D, Q); input CLK, RSTB; input D; output [3:0] Q; reg [3:0] Q; always@(posedge CLK or negedge RSTB) begin if(!RSTB) begin Q = 4'b0000; end else begin Q[3] = Q[2]; Q[2] = Q[1]; Q[1] = Q[0]; Q[0] = D; end end endmodule
References • Smith D. J., 1996. HDL Chip Design • Xilinx Help