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Missouri Higher Education Issues and Initiatives. 2013. Implementation of HB1042 http://house.mo.gov/billtracking/bills121/sumpdf/HB1042T.pdf.
Implementation of HB1042http://house.mo.gov/billtracking/bills121/sumpdf/HB1042T.pdf • Reverse Transfer – requires CBHE to establish policy that allows a student who transfers from a community college to a four-year institution to “transfer back” completed credits to earn an associate degree • Course Transfer Library – requires all 2-year and 4-year institutions to create by July 2014 a statewide core transfer library of at least 25 lower division courses that will transfer among all public institutions
HB1042 - continued • Developmental education: CBHE must require all 2 year and 4 year public institutions • to replicate best practices in remediation (as identified by CBHE) – draft document • to reduce ineffective methods of preparing or retaining students or which delay students from enrollment in college-level courses
HB1042 continued • CBHE Annual Report to Governor and General Assembly must now include campus-level data on student persistence and progress toward implementing revised remediation, transfer and retention practices.
Remedial Education • “Best Practices” Document • Must use multiple measures for placement • Statewide “cut” score for standardized assessments • Program review • Alignment with K-12 – HS must assess prior to 10th grade • Gen ed course should align with student’s academic program of study
Performance Funding • Student Success and Progress (Year one to Year two retention) • Increased Degree Attainment (Six-year graduation rate) • Quality of Student Learning (General Education assessment – ETS Proficiency Profile) • Financial Responsibility and Efficiency (Percent spent on core mission)
Performance Funding - 5. MWSU Institutional Measure The number of students who participated in research, projects or creative activities that have resulted in a peer-reviewed publication, presentation, performance, exhibit or external award.
Performance Funding • Funding received if • Current three-year average improves over the institution’s previous 3-yr rolling average OR • Current three-year average is at or above the level of “sustained excellence” (66th percentile of peers) • MWSU Peer group includes open admission, public institutions with Carnegie classification of baccalaureate or higher • FY14 MWSU met the target on 4 measures – did not meet graduation target
Recruitment and Student Persistence • Always important; increased significance to the institution • Consultant, Dick Eastop here in Sept • Committee has developed draft recommendations to address student persistence; need faculty input and participation • Student engagement
Program Review • Missouri Coordinating Board for Mo Higher Education review of “low-performing” programs • Undergraduate programs with a three-year average of less than 10 graduates per year • Graduate programs with a three-year average of less than 5 graduates per year • Remedial education
Teacher Education • CBASE will be replaced with a new test for admission into teacher education • PRAXIS will be replaced with several tests to be administered at points in the curriculum. Licensure requires passing all tests • Overall GPA of 2.75 now required for licensure; 3.0 GPS in content area & 3.0 GPA in professional education sequence • Advisement will be critical during transition
Western Governors University • Competency-based; not credit hour based • Students pay a flat rate for six months of study (about $3,000) • Self-paced; students demonstrate mastery of competencies • Students get assistance from student mentors or course mentors • As of June 2013 there were over 39,000 total students; 450 students from MO • Strongly supported by Arne Duncan, US Dept of Ed and MO Governor Nixon
Faculty Involvement • We need faculty help • Ad hoc committees