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Silvia Crescimbeni Programme Manager, EC Delegation Cairo Silvia Crescimbeni Programme Manager, EU Delegation Cairo EU Initiatives in support to Higher Education 7 th National Tempus Day Cairo University, January 18 th , 2010 European Union Delegation of the European Union to Egypt
Silvia Crescimbeni Programme Manager, EC Delegation Cairo Silvia Crescimbeni Programme Manager, EU Delegation Cairo EU Initiatives in support to Higher Education 7th National Tempus DayCairo University, January 18th, 2010 European Union Delegation of the European Union to Egypt
Silvia Crescimbeni Programme Manager, EC Delegation Cairo European Union Delegation of the European Union to Egypt … not only Tempus .. • Erasmus Mundus II (2009 – 2013), particularly Action 1 and Action 2 – former Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window • Jean Monnet Programme • Study in Europe Website
Silvia Crescimbeni Programme Manager, EC Delegation Cairo • ERASMUS MUNDUS II OBJECTIVES AND CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Enhanced Quality and Development of Higher Education Institutions Students and Academic Staff Mobility BOLOGNA Erasmus Mundus Programme Promote intercultural understanding Improved career prospects of students Inter – University Cooperation
Silvia Crescimbeni Programme Manager, EC Delegation Cairo • ERASMUS MUNDUS II The ERASMUS MUNDUS II is open to higher education institutions and organisations active in the field of higher education and research as well as to students, doctoral candidates, teachers, researchers and university staff (academic and/or administrative) from any part of the world. Action 1 Joint Master and Doctoral Programmes implemented by EU and non EU universities scholarships for non EU and EU students for the entire duration of the joint study programme • Action 2 • Partnershipprojects • Scholarships for EU and non EU students- at all highereducationlevels • in a variety of disciplines • for variable mobilityduration Action 3 Attractiveness Projects: - Studies and - Information activities of EM National structures
Silvia Crescimbeni Programme Manager, EC Delegation Cairo • ERASMUS MUNDUS II EM Call for Proposals 2010 • One programme, three actions = one Call • Deadline 30 April 2010 - Selection July 2010 • Key documents: • 1. Programme Guide • 2. Guidelines for Applicants (Action 2) • 3. Call for Proposals
Silvia Crescimbeni Programme Manager, EC Delegation Cairo • ERASMUS MUNDUS II Action 1: EMMC/EMJD main features • An EM Masters Course or Joint Doctoral Programme must: • be coordinated by a European HEI, with min 2 EU partners: additional partners may be from EU or third countries • be based on consortium agreement signed by the governing bodies of the partner HEIs (signed before signature of specific grant agreement) • include a mandatory mobility component • be fully developed at the time of the application and ready to run for 5 consecutive editions as from 2011/12 • provide for the use of at least two European languages spoken in the countries where is carried out • attract and recruit top class students / doctoral candidates / scholars • support third-country candidates in obtaining their visas and residence permits • provide insurance coverage
Silvia Crescimbeni Programme Manager, EC Delegation Cairo • ERASMUS MUNDUS II Erasmus Mundus Master Courses (EMMC – Action 1A) • The EMMC must last between 1 (60 ECTS) and 2 academic years (120 ECTS) • All partners must be able to act as host institution and deliver part of the curriculum • min. 20 ECTS (for one year EMMCs) or 30 ECTS (for longer EMMCs) for EU HEIs • min. 15 ECTS for third country HEIs • Financial support for: • the management of the joint programme (flat rate amount - EUR 30,000 for EMMCs, EUR 50,000 for EMJDs) • a fixed number of individual scholarships / fellowships • Successful proposals: Award Criteria • A1: Academic quality – course content (30%) • A2: Course integration (25%) • A3: Course management, visibility and sustainability (20%) • A4: Students’ services and facilities (15%) • A5: Quality assurance and evaluation (10%)
Silvia Crescimbeni Programme Manager, EC Delegation Cairo • ERASMUS MUNDUS II Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorates (EMJD – Action 1B) • Finalization of EMJD within a maximum duration of 4 years: fellowships for max 3 years • Training / research for a minimum total of 6 months in at least two of the consortium countries • Clear definition and justification of the thematic area(s) covered by the EMJD • Recruitment of doctoral candidates under an employment contract • Successful proposals award criteria: • Academic and research quality (25%) • Partnershipexperience and composition (25%) • European integration and functioning of the programme (20%) • Provisions for candidates awarded an EMJD fellowship (15%) • Management, sustainability and quality assurance (15%)
Silvia Crescimbeni Programme Manager, EC Delegation Cairo • ERASMUS MUNDUS II Action 2 – Strand 1: former Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window • Partnerships • Large partnerships between higher education institutions in EU and third countries in a specific region • Definition of priorities according to the needs of third countries involved • Mobility • Scholarships of varying length (3 months to 3 years) • Bachelor, master, doctorate and post-doctorate students and HE staff (training, teaching, research activities) • Mobility not linked to specific programmes • Special attention paid to socio-economically disadvantaged groups and populations in a vulnerable situation
Silvia Crescimbeni Programme Manager, EC Delegation Cairo • ERASMUS MUNDUS II Action 2 – Strand 1: main features • South Mediterranean, Eastern Europe & Russia: € 33 Million, 1165 mobility schemes. Number of projects to be selected involving Egypt : 1 (as for all other lots, excluding Russia, which has 3) • Composition of the Partnership (max. length 48 months) • At least 5 European HEIs from at least 3 EU countries • At least 1 HEI from each country of the Lot • Individual mobility for: Undergrad, Masters, PhD, Post-Doctorate and Staff • 3 target groups • Target Group 1: students/staff from partners institutions • Target Group 2: other nationals from third countries • Target Group 3: national of third countries in lot in vulnerable situation • Successful proposals award criteria • 1: Relevance (25%) • 2: Quality (65% total), of which: (i) Partnership composition and cooperation mechanisms (20%); (ii) Organisation & implementation of mobility (25%); (iii) Student/staff facilities and follow-up (20%) • 3: Sustainability (10%)
Silvia Crescimbeni Programme Manager, EC Delegation Cairo • ERASMUS MUNDUS II Scholarships Schemes (Actions 1 & 2) Scholarships for partner countries lined to joint programmes (Actions 1 A & 1B) • Full-study scholarships at master level: 2-year scholarships • Full-study scholarships at doctoral level: max 3-year scholarships • Short-term scholarships for academics at master level: normally 3 months to teach or do research in EU • Short-term scholarships for EU academics at master level: normally 3 months to teach or do research in non-EU countries Scholarships linked to partnerships (Action 2) • Scholarships for on-EU and EU nationals of varying length (3 months to 3years) • Scholarships for bachelor, master, doctorate and post-doctorate students and HE staff (training, teaching, research) • Mobility not linked to specific programmes (all programmes on offer in partnerships can be followed) • Special attention paid to socio-economically disadvantaged groups and populations in a vulnerable situation
Silvia Crescimbeni Programme Manager, EC Delegation Cairo • ERASMUS MUNDUS II Action 3: Promotion of European higher education • Projects aim to enhance the attractiveness of EU higher education worldwide. Activities concern promotion, accessibility, quality assurance, credit recognition, mutual recognition of qualifications, curriculum development and mobility. • Who can participate? • Higher . Education Institutions (HEI) and research centres from EU and non-EU countries • Any other organisations active in the field of higher education from EU and non-EU countries • Other Informations • http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus_mundus/index_en.htm • Higher Education Institutions, research centres and other organisations active in the field of higher education should submit proposals in accordance with the programme guide and calls. • Students and academics should apply directly to the selected universities, consortia and partnerships
Silvia Crescimbeni Programme Manager, EC Delegation Cairo 2) JEAN MONNET PROGRAMME • The Programme is designed to increase knowledge and awareness about European integration by promoting teaching, research and debate on EU matters. The Jean Monnet is an internationally-recognized quality label. By participating, universities increase prestige and recognition and benefit from academic networking activities that take place in the Jean Monnet community. • The programme beneficiaries include higher education institutions and/or associations of professors and researchers specialising in European integration. Within the ongoing call for proposals, higher education institutions can apply for support of sub-actions, such as: • Jean Monnet European Modules: short courses on European integration • Jean Monnet Chairs: teaching posts with a specialisation in European integration studies • “Ad personam” Jean Monnet Chairs: awards reserved for (i) distinguished professors with high-level international teaching and publication record and/or (ii) professors with a distinguished background as former high-level practitioners in the field of European integration • Deadline for submission of proposals: 12 February 2010 (postal stamp) • For further information on the 2010 Jean Monnet call, see: • http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/llp/funding/2010/call_jean_monnet_action_ka1_2010_en.php
Silvia Crescimbeni Programme Manager, EC Delegation Cairo 3) STUDY IN EUROPE WEBSITE A new portal that aims to answer the questions of students interested in following a course of higher education in Europe www.study-in-europe.org Main Features • Provides information on 32 countries (27 EU Member States + Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey) • Also available in Arabic • Same format for each country = easily comparable information on: 1) degree structure and length of study for each country 2) how to apply, scholarships, visas, etc. for each country 3) living and studying in each country
Silvia Crescimbeni Programme Manager, EC Delegation Cairo European Union Delegation of the European Commission to Egypt The Study in Europe website A new portal that aims to answer the questions of students interested in following a course of higher education in Europe www.study-in-europe.org
Silvia Crescimbeni Programme Manager, EC Delegation Cairo European Union Delegation of the European Commission to Egypt
Silvia Crescimbeni Programme Manager, EC Delegation Cairo European Union Delegation of the European Union to Egypt Further information Erasmus Mundus http://ec.europa.eu/erasmus-mundus Jean Monnet http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/llp/jean_monnet/jean_monnet_en.php National Tempus Office www.tempus-egypt.com 96 Ahmed Orabi st., Mohandiseen, Giza, Cairo Tel.: +20. 2. 3345 7296 – E-mail: nto@tempus-egypt.com Delegation of the European Union to Egypt http://www.eu-delegation.org.eg 37 Gameat El Dowal El Arabiya St., El Fouad Office Building . 11th Floor, Mohandiseen, Cairo Tel.: + 20. 2. 3749 46 80 – E-mail:delegation-egypt@ec.europa.eu EU Member State Embassies in Egypt http://www.eu-delegation.org.eg/en/contacts/index.htm
Silvia Crescimbeni Programme Manager, EC Delegation Cairo European Union Delegation of the European Union to Egypt Thank You! Shukran! ﺸﻜﺮﺃ