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Searching for Information: advanced & using Endnote Web to manage references Sport & Exercise Science Year 2: Autumn 2012 Peter Bradley: Subject Librarian for Health, UoBath Images provided by Microsoft Clipart. By the end of this session, we’ll cover:. Changes to PubMed & Catalogue
Searching for Information:advanced& using Endnote Web to manage references Sport & Exercise Science Year 2: Autumn 2012 Peter Bradley: Subject Librarian for Health, UoBath Images provided by Microsoft Clipart
By the end of this session, we’ll cover: • Changes to PubMed & Catalogue (can now perform a broader topic search using Catalogue) • Cochrane Library (briefly) • Saving results from Web of K to Endnote Web • Hands-on practice But first, a few questions…
Which of the following do you search? • Web of Knowledge • PubMed • Both the above • Neither
If you do use Web of K: which of these features have you used to find additional results? • Times Cited • Related Records • Both of these • Neither of these
In a general Web of K key word search: which drop-down menu option must be selected for each search field used? • Topic • Title
Which of the following do you normally use to manage your references? • Endnote Web • Endnote • Neither
Searching: don’t forget to identify multiple sub-themes, think of alternative terms & enter each sub-theme in a separate search field physical activity OR physical education OR exercise OR sport* others? Self-determination OR intrinsic motivation OR self-regulation others? obesity OR overweight? OR weight? others? AND AND
Many results: although in order of “relevance”, those that are most relevant to your specific assignment may not appear within the first page or so…You can also use filters to refine results & click description for more info
Select results of interest for ‘My Collection’:click on star next to relevant result
My Collection (need to be signed in):can also send selected results to you Endnote Web & email
PubMed: - try searching with & without asterisks & speech marks- note also advanced option for multiple-field searching
Results: can save/email via ‘send to Save file in summary text format for Endnote WebClick on a result for more information
Sometimes there are direct links to the full-text online:Links may appear as publisher logos Can also search for article title in Library Catalogue e.g. printed format
If use advanced search: put brackets around themed sets of search terms(note this time, I’m trying search without speech marks and asterisks this time)
Cochrane Library: systematic reviews • Systematic reviews aim to evaluate a range of results from different trials by employing a standardised measure that takes different methodologies & group sizes into account • All systematic reviews available in full • To save records:use Export options
Cochrane Library:try advanced search where you can limit to systematic reviews
Endnote Web or Endnote: what are they? which is better? Both enable you to: • Collect & organise references from multiple sources (inc. Web of K) in the Journal of Sports Sciences reference style (as well as other styles) • ‘Cite as you write’ i.e. import in-text citations & full references from Endnote/Web into your assignments (Microsoft Word). • Endnote Web:Free access: keep references for duration of studies at Bath Uni+ one year Generally seen as more suitable for undergraduates • Endnote: Access on-campus via university network Can keep your references in perpetuity if purchase own copy c£50-60: Could transfer Endnote Web references to Endnote at a later date
Web of Knowledge: Recent changes & saving results to Endnote Web-can log onto ‘My Endnote Web’ before searches
Web of Knowledge & saving results to Endnote Web: Sign in/register to use Endnote Web Note you can add additional search fields& ensure ‘topic’ selected for all fields
Advanced truncation in Web of Knowledge: truncating withinphrases – not just at end of a phrase “physical*activ*” finds: “physicallyactive” “physical activity” “physical activities”“intrinsic*motiv*” finds?Note in PubMed: unable to simultaneously use phrase marks & truncation - frequently better not to use them at all because can mean you miss useful results
Results sorted by relevance below (default: by date)Abstract opens upbeneath resultDon’t forget to follow-up ‘Times Cited’ links
A full WoK record: can link to the article’s references via ‘Cited References’ & '‘Related Records’ are other articles sharing same references
Save records of interest to Endnote WebSelect/tick results & click ‘plus’ sign at the end
Saving records: then click number that appears next to sign +
Save & email results as HTML formate.g. save to laptop, USB..Emailing results: click on Envelope icon – a useful back-upEndnote Web: useful if saving references from multiple databases
Endnote Web opens: can opt to organise references into different groups e.g. for different assignments
Click on a result if you wish to edit it:e.g. can opt to add comments about an article in the notes field
Collect tab: can also browse for saved files of references e.g. where you’ve saved results from PubMed & other databases which,unlike WebOK, don’t enable direct export of results - results then imported to your ‘My References’ page
Can check that all necessary bibliographic styles are available to you via Format tab – if not, click Select Favourites & ‘copy’ style from full list into ‘My Favourites’ – should then appear in Word
Cite & Write in Microsoft Word:Cite & reference while you write your assignment 1. Click on the Endnote Web tab: If no tab:try another machine & contact BUCS w.ID number of PC If using own laptop/PC & no tab: download tab installer from within Endnote Web (via Options)
3. Click application tab: then select Endnote Web, enter your password, ok
4. Example: you’ve written some text that you need to cite – click Find Citations
6. Both citation & reference now appear in your assignment - click on bibliography arrow to re-format
Reference re-formatted: all references will appear in a list at the endCheck references just before submit assignment in case you need to manually amend details: best to save a copy and make final amendments without connecting to Endnote Web
Develop your Information Skills: help with finding & evaluating information:note help with Endnote & Endnote Web:
Any questions?I’m here to help… Peter Bradley:Your Subject Librarian P.G.Bradley@bath.ac.uk Office on Level 5 Other Librarians are also happy to help http://www.bath.ac.uk/library/