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Week 8 unit 2. Monday October 21 st JB #10 Should public schools prepare students not only for college and career, but also for active citizenship? Explain your response.
Monday October 21stJB #10 Should public schools prepare students not only for college and career, but also for active citizenship? Explain your response.. • Today I will learn these objectives: 1) about my book 2) record what I read 3) how to narrow a topic for research 4) video instruction on using information 5) find information for my research topic • I can : • Do SSR for 10 minutes and then record my reading response • Copy the next set of Vocab words and record my guesses • Take notes and ask questions about forming a Proposition notes on the next slides • Take notes as I watch a Video on how to find info to synthesize into a thesis: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vK6_U4SCZSc • Start gathering information and finding resources as I make a working bibliography • Can find a book on my topic by Friday! • Record a screenshot as per directions for any web based sources and format it with the source in correct MLA format pasted below it and the general topic above it – see handout
http://www.globalissues.org/ • Before you leave for the lab do Take away #?:
How to research • Select a subject • Brainstorm • Limit • Identify constraints • Knowledge • Interest • Sources • Time • Space (length) • Research and percolate with a proposition • Thesis • Argumentative (generally expository – an idea about a sub. And the argue to prove it) • organizational • Note…your ethos will be established by the thoroughness of your research i.e. the ethos of your notecards!
Vocabulary list 4 for Week 10 Quiz: • copious • Because I tend to understand my math problems at school but get confused when I am at home trying to do my homework; I try to take copious notes and write down everything my teacher says. • deviation • Because our vocabulary quizzes were eaten by the copy machine, our quiz was postponed by one day, and so our whole class enjoyed the deviation from our regular schedule. • effect • Studying all those hours had the effectof raising my grade by 8%. • languid • After the three and a half hour ACT, I was toolanguidand mentally drained to go out to lunch with my friends—I went home and took a nap instead. • morose • When it is dark and gloomy outside, I have to make a concerted effort to be cheerful since my nature is to be brooding and morosewhen such dank weather conditions exist.
Forming a proposition for synthesis research • For your three “should” questions offer 2 ways to frame them – e.g. “Why has college tuition risen so rapidly in recent years?” And “How can tuition be reduced?” “What are the effects of rising tuition costs?” • Then exchange your topics with another person and SSD – 1) choose one of the 3 topics and pose a question to the author 2) write an answer to it if possible , now switch and find another person, they will select one of your two remaining topics and pose a question, then do it with someone else for the last topic • Review what you have and free write about a topic • Go to the library and begin looking for sources – keep track of sources! • Homework – think about reasons for your problem – cluster them – have causes and solutions branch off them
How to narrow a proposition • Select one topic – rising gasoline prices • State it as a question – should, what, why, how, etc what causes fluctuations in gasoline prices? • Now take it into an assertion gasoline prices fluctuate for several reasons • Now I need to research – what reasons…what may cause, why the fluctuation, who, where, when, how, etc… • There is no thesis yet – it is a proposition
Funsies… • http://www.act.org/qotd/ • What do you get when you cross a duck with a rooster? • Woken up at the quack of dawn • What did the hamburger name its daughter? • Patty • Why can’t your nose be 12 inches long? • Because then it would be a foot.
Tuesday October 22ndJB #11Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing? • Today I will learn these objectives: 1) answer the journal 2) that I am gathering info 3) what an effective piece has in it per the Carnegie piece 4) evaluate my own ideas pose questions to guide my research 5) what info is available for synthesis • I can • Determine that my purpose is to gather info and read it – I should not have an argument yet. I am reading and gathering. • Protocol the Carnegie piece with my reading group and then share with the class • Look at my branched ideas – on the main ideas and pose the following questions • What? when? Where? Who? How? Why? Would? Could? Should? • Go to the Lab to gather answers to these questions and find sources
Funsies… • How do you spell candy with only 2 letters? • C and Y • Where can you go to learn a lot about spiders? • Websites • Why is a math book more unhappy than other textbooks? • Because it has problems.
Wednesday October 23rdJB #12 What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world? • Today I will learn these objectives: 1) reflect and respond to the journal 2) read and respond reflectively on my independent reading 3) work on organizing my information 4) collaborate and share ideas on research 5) formulate a cluster and outline of work • I can • SSR for 10 minutes and record my responses • Be sure my sources are scholarly and not just popular! • Select 3 or more questions from yesterday’s branches that have answers, and formulate the questions and answers as statements • Use these statements to guide my research – they will later form the basis of my thesis • Brainstorm ideas and share with my writing group to get and give more ideas • Cluster/outline my research so far due tomorrow
Funsies… • What is a fingernail’s least favorite basketball team? • The Clippers • What do you call a buffalo that live 200 years? • A bison-tennial • What word did the farmer exclaim at the incredible harvest of his corn crop? • A-maize-ing!
Thursday October 24thJB #13 Which is worse, failing or never trying? • Today I will learn these objectives 1) of how to do the different formats for citing sources 2) sharing my research ideas and sharing my thoughts about my peers’ cluster of ideas 3) how to do a works cited page • I can • Reference formats by looking at handouts for MLA and APA style select one • Submit my copy of my outline/cluster after sharing with my writing group – make a copy for me at the library and one for Mr. Norton • Do the works cited/references practice #1
Funsies… • Why don’t we fall off the earth and go shooting through space? Isn’t there some law? • What did we do before that law was passed? • Do you know where the Declaration of Independence was signed? • At the bottom • Why is working as a human canonball the worst job in the world? • Because every time you do the job you have to get fired.
Friday October 25thJB#14 FWF • Today I will learn these objectives: 1) read and record a thoughtful response as per a prompt 2) determine how well I did with the works cited practice 3) of how to enter the conversation regarding the nature of my research topic 4) do the assigned MC practice 5) of being reminded to be prepared for the vocab quiz on Monday • I can • Review Vocab practice on the next slide • SSR and record a meaningful response by choosing one of the handout choices • Hand in works cited practice after checking with my partner • Work on Synthesizing ideas • Understand what it means to Enter the conversation – it is my goal! • Find the connections among my sources and discover my own ideas! Develop a stance on the topic! • Start formulating a thesis – my stance and my reasons for it! • Do MC #2 due Monday • Have my vocab due Monday too
cognizant moot narcissistic corroborate imply infer taciturn taut curtail frivolous affect effect innocuous scintillating temerity