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Back to the Beginning The Brain, the Nervous System, and Self-Regulation Dr. Stuart Shanker

In this informative resource, Dr. Stuart Shanker explores a child's capacity to learn and the possibility of altering their stopping-point. Discover the steps for self-regulation, the myth of laziness, releasing the "limbic brake," reframing the bell curve, and more. Gain insights into reducing cognitive stress, enhancing learning, and supporting children. Check out additional books and resources by Dr. Shanker on self-regulation.

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Back to the Beginning The Brain, the Nervous System, and Self-Regulation Dr. Stuart Shanker

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Back to the Beginning The Brain, the Nervous System, and Self-Regulation Dr. Stuart Shanker

  2. A Child’s Ability to Learn • Is a child’s “capacity to learn” determined in advance? • Is it possible to significantly alter a child’s “stopping-point”?

  3. Self-Reg Step 1

  4. Self-Reg Step 2 • Identify what it is about the problem that makes it so stressful

  5. Self-Reg Step 3

  6. Self-Reg Step 4

  7. Self-Reg Step 5

  8. Responding to “Output Failure”

  9. The Myth of Laziness

  10. When a Child “Goes Limbic”

  11. Pushing a Child

  12. Becoming Lazy

  13. Releasing the “Limbic Brake”

  14. Reframing the Bell Curve

  15. Hippocampus and Learning

  16. Attractors

  17. IQ is an Attractor

  18. Pygmalion Effect (Rosenthal) • Problem is not that child is unwilling to make the sort of effort that we see others make: it is that he has already worked too hard, and the prospect of doing so again is what is beyond his capacity • For this child, it is “safer” to avoid a challenge than to try to meet it and fail • Because of determinist bias, we unconsciously convey to the child that yes, this is beyond his limits

  19. Seeing the Attractor through Self-Reg Lens

  20. Reducing the Cognitive Stress • Scaffolding • New technologies and programs are surfacing that target constrictions in a child’s roots of cognition • Porges Safe Sound Protocol • Working memory exercises • Executive function coaching

  21. How Smart is THIS Child?

  22. Books by Dr. Stuart Shanker

  23. www.self-reg.ca G Contact Info • www.self-reg.ca • General Inquiries - info@self-reg.ca • Twitter - @Self_Reg @Self_Reg www.self-reg.ca

  24. Free Online Resources www.self-reg.ca Viewpoints and Blogs Infographics Self-Reg Graphics

  25. Three webinar-based 6 part mini-courses The Self-Reg Framework 101 The Shanker Method 101 Radar TMC Offerings To support your initiative or capacity building Reduce stress, restore energy and learn about Self-Reg for 30 day. Classroom, school-wide and mentoring options available. 2016 Webinar series: • The Epidemic of Epidemics • Cog Corner • The Reflective Parent www.self-reg.ca

  26. Our Foundations Program is a four-course designed and delivered by Dr. Stuart Shanker, which leads to a certification in Shanker-Self Reg. TMC Offerings To support your initiative or capacity building Self-Reg Portal Plus is our online community for people interested in exploring Shanker Self-Reg. The Self-Reg Parent Portal is a moderated online community for parents interested in exploring The Shanker Method. www.self-reg.ca

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