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Name of Church: Date:

Name of Church: Date:. Introduction. Facilitators Facilitator 1 Facilitator 2 What is Future Focus?. Ground Rules. Respect each other Active listening Only one person in a group speaks at any one time Everybody has an opportunity to contribute   Switch off mobile phones .

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Name of Church: Date:

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Name of Church: Date:

  2. Introduction • Facilitators • Facilitator 1 • Facilitator 2 • What is Future Focus?

  3. Ground Rules • Respect each other • Active listening • Only one person in a group speaks at any one time • Everybody has an opportunity to contribute   • Switch off mobile phones

  4. Programme • Opening Devotions • Introduction • Timeline • Mapping • Healthy Church Check • Key points from Preparatory Questionnaire • Writing the next chapter • Closing comments • Closing prayer

  5. Timeline Who are we?

  6. Timeline Example

  7. Mapping Where are we?

  8. Mapping Example

  9. Health Check How are we?

  10. Health Check: Individual Score Sheet

  11. Health Check: Example of Completed Individual Scores

  12. Health Check: Example of Completed Group Scores

  13. 1. Integrity • Jesus at the core • He is the beginning, middle and end of our story • We remember our Church’s experience covers thousands of years • What we say is consistent with what we do

  14. 2. Body and Soul • We strive for a lasting face to face encounter with God • We involve the whole person and the whole people of God • The quality of our worship and devotion are vital • The whole of life is our concern

  15. Open House • We welcome all with open doors and open arms • We go out to find the uninvited • We make our home among need • We listen and we speak

  16. 4. Growth • We are trainees learning skills • We are followers on the road • Seeds have to be nurtured before they will bear fruit • God adds to our number

  17. 5. Local • The global good news needs to be spoken in a local accent • We choose to be real rather than virtual • We value every locality

  18. 6. Love and Care • Our Community will only be satisfied with Christ-like relationships • We put our hands to work

  19. Health Check: Total Scores

  20. Writing the next chapter The story we want to be part of

  21. Writing the Next Chapter Our Story so far: Where are we now? • What has been our most significant development in the past two years? • In what way has this helped us to become a healthier church? • Imagine a newcomer to the congregation. What helps or hinders him/her from engaging with this aspect of the church’s life?

  22. Writing the Next Chapter The Story we want to be part of: •  By the end of 2014, building on our strengths in ………….., we would like to see … • By the end of 2014, we would like to be known as the church who … c) Agree on the top three most important dreams/hopes to be fulfilled by 2014 and rank them

  23. Writing the Next Chapter • Prioritise • Action Plan

  24. What happens next? • Facilitators sort, collate and compile findings. • Report delivered to the Session. • … and then it’s up to you….

  25. Name of Church: Date:

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