SS22 Industrial Age Test Review March 2014
1) Read each fact from the PPT.2) Write down YOUR VERSION of the fact in sentence or question form.3) You will have 1.5 minutes per slide.4) This will be on my web page if you need more time.5) Study your facts/questions6) Turn in your work on test day.
1. The economic system that distributes wealth according to an individual’s need is socialism.
4. The steam engine had a huge impact on the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.
5. James Watt made the steam engine a workable tool to power machines.
6. Robert Fulton took the steam engine and refined it to power a boat.
7. Immigration from Europe to the United States increased during the Industrial Age.
8. In a capitalistic society, people get paid more who produce more.
9. Communism is sometimes called a command economy because the government commands how and what is produced.
10. Karl Marx developed communism and taught others through his book, The Communist Manifesto.
11. More people were living a middle class lifestyle than before during the Industrial Age.
12. Adam Smith developed capitalism and taught others through his book, The Wealth of Nations.
15. An entrepreneur is a person who starts and runs a business.
16. Something built only to be useful is utilitarian. (No frills)
18. Unions were formed to help workers who faced unsafe conditions on the job.
19. The Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz represents the factory workers of the Industrial Age.
20. The Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz represents the Midwestern Farmers of the Industrial Age.
21. The Munchkins in The Wizard of Oz represent the labor unions of the Industrial Age.
22. The Wicked Witch of the West in The Wizard of Oz represents the Railroad Owners of the Industrial Age.
Following are facts about just a few of the Industrial Centers of the Industrial Age. Please review your map assignment to learn all the possible test questions.
29. London is an industrial center in Great Britain. (Also called the United Kingdom)
The remaining questions on the test will be review.Some will be from Exploration.Some will be from Science & EnlightenmentSome will be from World Revolutions